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Ai Yige, this name shocked the 10000 ethnic continents 10000 years ago.

Even before Chiyan’s Imperial Family became famous, he already stood on the 10000-thousand continent’s most Peak existence!

In the years of 10000 years, Ruler on the 10000 ethnic continent has changed batch after batch. After all, even if it is as strong as top powerhouse, it is impossible to Eternal Undying.

Like Human Race, it ’s lifeless. In order to continue his life, he did n’t know how many spiritual pills and marvelous medicines he took to prolong life. Finally, he insisted on the emergence of Qin Yichen by relying on the reassurance of Human Race.

Lion He Fan, they obviously did not expect that once 10000 years ago, they were standing on the top of the 10000 ethnic continent, and they are still alive!

Although the elves are extremely low-key, their long-lived secrets have made countless races powerful. Fortunately, they have never been hidden, and have never participated in the affairs between the major forces of the 10000 continent. It also has a very powerful background, so very few people dare to hit their thoughts in normally.

“Ai Elderly Generation, the aristocracy has never intervened in the things among the 10000, and your behavior is a bit inappropriate?”

After guessing the identity of the King of the Court, the three faces of the Lion He Fan also added a touch of awe, but they still didn’t mean to sell the latter face, but said it was coldy.

Ai Yige is indeed strong, but in these years, their Three Great Emperors-level races are also talented, and many of them have a presence comparable to the former Ai Yige.

Moreover, the king’s intervention also broke the ancestral motto of the elves’ tribe.

“I did not at all want to intervene, but the old man got the order. This is also involuntarily. I also hope that some of the old man’s faces can let this kid off.”

The king shook the head, lightly saying.

Qin Yichen is the biological father of Xiao Linger, who is a night elf, even higher than their royal elves. Xiao Linger opens his mouth, and even he cannot sit idly by.


Hearing this, the faces of the three Lion He Fans all changed slightly.

At the beginning, Ai Yige stood on the most peak existence of the 10000 ethnic continent. Although the atmosphere of the latter did not all reach the existence of the legendary Heaven Realm top powerhouse, but under these 10000 years, his strength must be Even more horrible.

With this existence, there are still people who can force him to do things? !!

“Order Ai Yige, is it really a god race? But this kid is obviously Human Race!”

Lion He Fan and the others brows tightly knit, their faces changed, apparently they were also guessing what kind of existence could command Ai Yige.

However, they will only think of the four god-like races of Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, but they never thought that that person would be a little girl.

“Calling you Senior, I wait for respect for your previous behavior, but since we have shot, this person must die!”

After a little groaning, the 3 people looked at each other, and finally, Lion He Fan took a deep breath, slowly said.

Although Ai Yige is powerful, the Three Great Emperors class dominated by the 10000 ethnic mainland is not to be trifled with!

Seeing what they looked like, Qin Yichen could not help but a helplessness appeared on his face, and even the king of the cabinet appeared in person. They didn’t even want to step back.

It seems that these three guys will not give up.

“What if I forced him away?”

Seeing their response, even the Court King, at this time, there was a trace of impatience in his heart, and a slightly somber voice sounded slowly.


With the fall of his voice, in this between Heaven and Earth, there is a kind of green rays of light flickering, these green luster is full of majestic vitality, but when you feel those fluctuations On the other hand, the faces of the three people in the Lion He Fan could not help but change slightly.

They can all feel how horrible waves are contained in those green rays of light.

If those green rays of light erupt, even if their three people join forces, I am afraid they will be extremely embarrassed.

The existence of this powerhouse that once made countless powerhouses of the 10000-thousand continent awe-inspiring is just a show of power, and it is a sense of powerlessness for the three people of Deshi Hefan.

Although they are all top powerhouses, there is no doubt that there is a huge gap compared with the existence of the king of cabinet.

If the latter wants to forcibly take Qin Yichen away, they have absolutely no ability to stop.

Under this horrible might, Lion He Fan’s complexion changed for a while. Looking at the 10000 ethnic continents, where is this person who dares to threaten him so much this time?

“Ai Senior, please ask for your own race. Don’t be impatient!”

In the end, after a little hesitation, Lion He Fan still stood oneself out, facing Cup one fist in the other hand.

“Junior of the Lion Lion Imperial Family, are you threatening me?”

Hearing this, Rao is the king’s temper, and he can’t help but eyebrows slightly frowned, with a touch of dissatisfaction in his tone.


As his voice fell, those faintly discernible green rays of light suddenly burst into a bright luster. At this moment, the terror of the kind that pervaded between Heaven and Earth suddenly increased.

The golden space around the lion He Fan was almost suppressed for only a moment, but it was only the size of the hunted zhang. Outside, the green rays of light circulated, as if the King ’s thoughts would move, Devour it in general.

However, what made King Dege somewhat surprised was that under his coercion, Lion He Fan had a look of fear in his eyes, but his face did not mean to be soft.

Obviously, the pride of the Star Lion Imperial Family does not allow Lion He Fan to bow his head, even in the face of a self-knowing person!

“Senior, I didn’t threaten you, no matter who you are, if you want to take this junior today, you must make plans to welcome the anger of my Star Lion Imperial Family!”

It seemed to feel that the king of the court would not strike him, the lion He Fan’s waist board could not help straightening, an uninhibited voice, also resounded in between Heaven and Earth.

Seeing the appearance of Lion He Fan, even the red storm and Jing Xu could not help flashing a different color in his eyes.

Although the strength of Shi Hefan is almost the same as them, behind the latter is the most magnificent power of the 10000 ethnic continent. The bottom line is indeed harder than them!

In the face of Ai Yige, they still maintain such a demeanor, and they can’t do it.

“hmph! ”

However, they were surprised by the red storm. In the face of the threat of Lion He Fan, the king was coldly snorted. It was slapped away at the latter.

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