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The changes in the Mist Gate were not concealed under the deliberate cover of the Water Gate. Even the many forces under the Water Mist Imperial Family were unclear.

In the Great Evil Palace, Wu Xiao also briefed the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor on the matter.

When it was learned that Wuxiao was so dangerous, the complexion of the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor and many top powerhouses changed.

“Mist Xiao, the trouble of you within the body, is it really Nightmare Clan’s hands?”

In addition to heart palpitations, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor couldn’t help asking. The eyes of many top powerhouses are also closely watching the mist.

However, under their attention, Wu Xiao was eventually nodded, and after faintly muttered to oneself, he continued: “Now the high-level gates of Water Gate should have become the puppets of Nightmare Clan.”


Hearing this, Lei Yao Old Ancestor and the others’ complexions are all fiercely condensed, in their eyes there is a touch of shock.

In the battle over Ray Divine City, they also had a fight with the nightmare of the Nightmare Clan …

Blood Ye Yu and the terrifying battle strength shown by the army he led made them fresh.

Had it not been for the appearance of Xiao Linger and King of the Court, I am afraid that the Thunder Monster Alliance and Ray Divine City would be captured in that battle.

After the war, the King also reminded the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor to let him be careful of Nightmare Clan’s revenge.

However, because Qin Yichen was in an urgent situation, they finally shot at the Imperial Family.

Now think about it, if they attacked the imperial imperial city in a big way, if the bloody family and the water mist Imperial Family were to attack them, the consequences would be unbearable.

“It seems that the arrival of Lion He Fan is not all bad.”

Lei Yao Old Ancestor took a deep breath, thought to himself.

It seems that he still underestimated Nightmare Clan. After the king’s reminder, he sent people to keep an eye on the movements of the bloody clan, but I am afraid that no one knows that the Dignified Water Mist Imperial Family may have become Nightmare Clan!

With Nightmare Clan’s character of retribution, they will never miss such a good opportunity for revenge. The reason why they did not move, I am afraid, is also related to their coming.

Behind the 3 existences of the Lion He Fan, there are the 10000 most powerful Sovereign level races on the 3 continent. Although they are too lazy to participate in the battle between the Thunder Monster Alliance and the Great Evil Imperial Family, if they find Nightmare Clan, The trail will certainly not let them rag here!

Legion, the infernal purgatory of the outer demon, made the 10000-thousand continent drenched. As the Three Great Emperors class of the 10000-thousand continent, they would never watch the outer devil make trouble.

“Before, I had played against Nightmare Clan’s uncle …”

At halftone, the old Lei Yao Ancestor quietly wiped a cold sweat, said with some palpitations.

“I know, I also listened to that one, so I came here to look for you cheekily.”

Wu Xiao laughed bitterly, said.

“The king of cabinets asked you to come, but what plans do you have?”

Lei Yao asked Old Ancestor slightly nodded.

Hearing this, the faces of the powerhouses in the great hall are also positive. They all know that although the Thunder Monster Alliance now looks like a scenery, there is actually a dark current surging behind this bright scenery. There are 2 Nightmare around it. Clan’s 傀儡 glare like a tiger watching his prey, if Nightmare Clan and the Water Mist Imperial Family suddenly join forces, they will probably be completely unprepared.

“We can’t sit back and wait for their actions. When your situation settles down, you can help me and clear out the Nightmare Clan puppets of my family.”

“Although my 30-year-old Mist Gate has fallen into a very embarrassing state, there is still a force in my hands. With your help, I can completely reclaim Water Mist City.”

The mist screamed coldly in a fatly muttered to oneself, and after a moment, he opened the mouth and said: “when the time comes, you and I stand together, and even if Nightmare Clan retaliates, at least we don’t have to worry about suffering from the enemy.”


Hearing this, many top powerhouses have not refused, but they have a complex color on their faces.

The Water Mist Imperial Family is not like the Great Evil Imperial Family. After suppressing the Mist Gate, the power of the Water Gate has greatly increased, and no one knows whether this will be the nest of Nightmare Clan. If you want to help the Mist Xiao, they are bound to have a hard fight.

The face of Thunder Demon Old Ancestor also has a touch of hesitation. The Alliance of Thunder and Demon has just won the victory, and they can share the fruits of victory in the future. It is another expedition. I am afraid that many of his forces will be dissatisfied.

After a long time of groaning, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor just slowly lifted the head and asked, “Is this what the Court King meant?”

The fog howl is lightly nodded, which means the default.

When he was young, he made friends with a royal elf from Spirit Race. After sending Qin Yichen away, he went to Spirit Spirit for help.

After all, the Elves first tried to defeat Nightmare Clan. Only they knew the means of Nightmare Clan best.

In the end, although the elves did not agree to be born, they still informed the king of the Human Race, who also let Wu Xiao come to Lei Qijin.

“If it means the king of the court, then naturally I will not refuse.”

Rays of light flickered in the eyes of Lei Yao Old Ancestor. Finally, he took a deep breath and slowly responded.

Hearing this, Wu Xiao’s eyes flashed with surprise at first. Originally, he thought his old friend would be very embarrassed. However, looking at him, it seemed that he wanted to solve this hidden danger.

“By the way, you’ve been entangled with blood for 30 years. How did you wake up later?”

After paused, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor asked again suddenly.

“Thanks to a little friend, otherwise, I’m afraid I can’t get rid of it …”

Thinking of this, Wu Xiao’s eyes still could not help but a tinge of palpitations appeared, he sighed softly, said.

“Little friend? Could it be Qin Yichen?”

Hearing this, Lei Yao Old Ancestor’s eyes froze slightly and asked.

“En? Do you know him?”

When I saw the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor, I even guessed Qin Yichen directly. There was also an unexpected expression on Wu Xiao’s face. This matter, except for him and Wushan Elder, was simply unknown. The Thunder Monster Old Ancestor was sure at the time. Sitting here, how could he know?

“It’s more than just knowing. Since Qin little friend has taken the help of you, I will certainly do my best.”

Lei Yao Old Ancestor laughed heartily, it seems that Qin Yichen was not doing nothing when he disappeared for a few months. In unconsciously, he turned out to be able to save the Wuxiao.

The powerhouses in the great hall, the original complexion on their faces, was also swept away at this time. It seems that when they heard the name Qin Yichen, they were firm in their positions.

“You seem to this little friend …”

Seeing their attitude, Wu Xiao’s brow could not help lightly frowned, in his heart, there was a sense of uneasiness.

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