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“hong long! ”

Qin Yichen’s eyes stared at the terrifying True Origin that was raging down, and then punched out, this fist, without any fancy, some, just pure extreme amount of wild violence.

At this instant, the three colors of energy whistled out, and with the increase of 3 Taoism armors, it became more terrifying.


With a punch, space broke, and the whole Heaven and Earth seemed to tremble at this moment.

Three colors of energy surged in the sky. Qin Yichen’s long-awaited punch, Wei Neng reached a level that he could not even predict.

The three-color energy is enough to make him scream under the top powerhouse, and under the terrifying increase of 3 Taojia, it is even enough to pose a threat to the top powerhouse!

Seeing Qin Yichen’s sudden and violent attack, even if he was a violent attack, his complexion could not help but change sharply at this time, with a deep surge of wonder in his eyes.

With Qin Yichen’s punch, the space shattered into thin cracks, looking like shattered glass.

In a short moment, the shocking simple ordinary punch was fiercely’s blast and the huge scarlet unrolled bolt of white silk.


The two collided as if a meteorite hit the ground. At that instant, Heaven and Earth seemed to be stagnant, and then the sound of a terrifying sound exploded, causing both ears to ache.

The scarlet energy and the 3 colors of rays of light swelled wildly at that point of impact, billowing waves, swept away between Heaven and Earth, and the entire Heaven and Earth was lifted up Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Far away, countless powerhouses are full of astonished expression, and they are staring at the contact point tightly, even if the rays of light are dazzling, they have never moved away.

This kind of confrontation can be described as heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

Countless people are even more concerned about the fact that the monsters at the giant level can really be tough with top powerhouse?

And under the gaze of countless lights, at a certain moment, two kinds of bright rays of light suddenly exploded, and the shock wave of terrifying was diffused, and then, everyone’s pump suddenly shrank, and only a silhouette wolverine shot back, Finally, a gully of 2 zhang or so was rubbed out on the ground before it stopped.

Between Heaven and Earth, the violent waves are still frantically raging. It took a long time for the sky to calm down, and the bright rays of light eventually dissipated slowly.

As the dust dispersed, everyone saw that at the place where the two collided, a huge pothole appeared on the ground, and a huge crack in the path of it continued to spread out.


Looking at the bottomless pit and the surrounding messy scenes, countless powerhouses could not help but be sucked in a cold breath.

If they were around the center of the explosion, they would probably be destroyed so skeleton doesn’t exist.

“This guy can be called a demon, really deserves his name!”

“Unfortunately, he is still too arrogant, is he the top powerhouse?

“Still failed?”

Soon, everyone’s attention shifted to the end of the 1000-foot trench.

Although the Red Storm offensive was hard-wired, everyone saw that Qin Yichen still fell into the absolute downwind.

At the end of that huge gully, a faint rays of light emerged, and then everyone saw that a silhouette slowly floated up, and finally fell gently on a huge rock.

When this silhouette appeared, the film Between Heaven and Earth suddenly sounded like a chilling sound.

That silhouette, it is exactly Qin Yichen!

At this time, the corner of his mouth seemed to have another dazzling blood stain, but there was no scar on his body armor.

The blow he just made, although he fell into the downwind, he still succeeded!

Qin Yichen’s face was indifferent, and he looked up slightly, and there was no fear in the eyes of the looking towards Chi Fengsheng.

“This guy!”

Looking at the slender silhouette, even the red storm, feels a little tricky.

This guy is clearly only a giant level, and there is still a long way to go from the Peak giant. However, Red Storm students can feel that the latter’s 3-color energy is extremely overbearing and terrifying, even his power of Grand Dao did not achieve the effect of crushing.

top The reason why the powerhouse can easily crush the super fierce under the Xeon is because of the horror of power of Grand Dao, but now he is surprised to find that his power of Grand Dao has failed Suppressing this junior, how can this not make him frightened?

What’s more, Red Storm’s headache is that under the two attacks just now, although he has the absolute upper hand, the bright armor of the latter is obviously not a thing, even if he is twice Bang Fei, he did not seem to have suffered much trauma.

“This junior …”

Cold glow flashed in the eyes of the red storm student, and I ca n’t wait to shatter Qin Yichen’s 10000 sections with his eyes.

“Dignified top powerhouse, is it just this kind of strength? It seems that you are a member of the Imperial Family.

However, under the cannibalistic eyes of the red storm, Qin Yichen’s mouth turned a touch of radian, a sound full of irony, which suddenly resounded between Heaven and Earth.

Hearing this, countless powerhouses have changed dramatically.


Sure enough, when Qin Yichen tone barely fell, the face of the red storm was suddenly sinking, and a horrible wave suddenly swept out of his body, but it was just a moment to envelope this Heaven and Earth among them.

Under this terrifying coercion, countless powerhouses who were still watching the battle were pale.

If the Red Storm is furious, then such mighty power will probably destroy everything between Heaven and Earth. Under this coercion, they ca n’t even move, and no one thinks they can escape. This piece of range.

“Red outbreaks, haven’t you been addicted to wine for decades, haven’t you even taken a junior for so long?”

And just as the red storm was about to run away, a sound of laughter suddenly sounded, and immediately, golden rays of light surged, and a majestic silhouette suddenly emerged.

“Star Lion Imperial Family, Lion He Fan!”

When I saw that silhouette, countless powerhouses changed their faces, they all felt it. The fluctuations in that silhouette were also a top powerhouse, and some insightful people even exclaimed.

“Hehe, this junior’s lip is so hard, it’s nothing more than that armor that’s all.”

And before everyone came back to his senses from that shock, a sound of indifference suddenly sounded. On the other side of the sky, the space ripped apart, and a man in a white robe stepped out slowly.

“Jingyun Imperial Family, Jingxu!”

When I saw this silhouette, countless powerhouse faces were filled with a kind of numbness that appeared because of shock.

These three presences will cause a sensation no matter where they appear, and at this time, these three top powerhouses from the Sovereign level races appeared here at the same time!

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