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“Where to run!”

With the outbreak of a sneer, the space around Qin Yichen was suddenly distorted, and around it, a space prison appeared out of thin air!


Looking at the frozen space in front, Qin Yichen was furiously shouted, and his feet were stunned. Rays of light shook on the 10000 god armors. Immediately, his punch blasted out and fiercely blasted on the wall of the invisible space.


As soon as the two came into contact, a terrible wave suddenly broke out, and the ripples of power swept away. Wherever they passed, the surrounding trees and buildings burst into powder.


Under the fierce blow of Qin Yichen, the space prison that was enough to easily trap the Peak giant was broken and opened directly, and Qin Yichen’s silhouette flashed out of it.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the red storm also flashed a look of surprise, obviously it was not expected that Qin Yichen had such a powerful explosive power.

However, in his face, there was still nothing to worry about, because at that moment, the huge palm had been chased up, with a horrible wave, suppressing the latter.


Feeling the horror waves coming from behind, Qin Yichen furiously shouted, his body twisted, and three consecutive punches came out.


Almost for a moment, the three horrifying powers directly tore open the space and raged away towards the huge palm at the rear.

“Light of fire!”

Looking at the three strengths that were shaking from the front, the red storm had a slightly cold eyes, apparently annoyed that Qin Yichen dared to fight back.


With a coldly shouted sound, the speed of the huge palm suddenly soared, and the horrible wave made Heaven and Earth tremble.

Then, the huge palm was in a gesture of crushing everything, fiercely pressed away against the three vigors.


At the moment of contact, this piece of Heaven and Earth shuddered, and the loud sound of hong long long swelled like a thunderbolt.

“hmph! ”

Rays of light During the storm, the red storm’s eyes suddenly froze, and the three strengths that were painstakingly supported under the giant palm suddenly burst apart and turned into nothingness.

When those three vigor were exploded, Qin Yichen’s complexion also changed slightly, and a grave expression appeared on his face.

The top powerhouse’s random attack was so scary!


After shattering the three vigors, Red Storm didn’t stop there. Instead, the cold glow in his eyes became more intense. With the sound of coldly snorted, the huge palm suddenly screamed, and he immediately screamed. It was angrily at Qin Yichen.

That momentum, even the Peak Giant, will be directly blasted into a ball of meat.

That giant palm is extremely fast, and as it moves, Qin Yichen feels that his retreat is blocked again. At this time, if he wants to break those space prisons, he will definitely be bombarded by this palm.


At this time, Qin Yichen was unavoidable. Immediately, a sudden step under his feet, a ripple of terrifying power suddenly spread.

“The magic power!”

Qin Yichen’s heart was furiously shouted, and True Origin surged up. On top of his arm’s 10000 God Armor Arms, there was a mysterious grain surge.

Under such fluctuations, Qin Yichen clearly felt how powerful the power on his arm had been increased, as if he could be punched out with one punch, this day can be broken by him!

Under Qin Yichen’s control, True Origin’s rapid superposition, 9-Layer’s magical power almost condenses in one breath, and finally, he stepped on it with a punch.


Under this fist, the space in front of Qin Yichen was torn and opened directly, and a dazzling golden fist print passed through in an instant, and it turned out to be a dark Space Crack trace, fiercely banged in that huge On the palm.

The violent wind raged and opened, and finally, in countless horrified eyes, the fist print turned out to tear the huge palm from it.

In the air, when I saw the fist prints that torn the palms, the appearance of the red storm was also changed. It was obviously shocking Qin Yichen’s offensive, and it was so powerful.

However, this shock only lasted for a moment, and he just saw it out. This is the power of Qin Yichen.

“A good pair of armors. Want to come here is your confidence to fight against this one? Today, I have to take your life and this armor!”

The red storm was coldly smiled. From his body, there was a sudden and violent surge of waves. Scarlet’s rays of light enveloped this Heaven and Earth almost instantly.

“Junior, it is your blessing to die in the hands of this Majesty’s!”

Under the monstrous scarlet rays of light, the silhouette of the red storm is like a God, and its majestic posture makes countless powerhouses kneel down religiously.

Looking at the air field that enveloped this Heaven and Earth almost instantly, Qin Yichen’s complexion could not help but slightly condense. From the latter’s body, he also noticed an extremely dangerous wave.

To tell the truth, Red Storm not at all thought that to deal with Qin Yichen, he also had to use his real strength, because he claimed that he could use his real means, only the powerhouse of the same level.

However, he apparently did not expect that it was just a giant-level Qin Yichen, but he was able to break his random attack, although it was most likely that the latter used the out of the ordinary god armor, but this Nor is it intolerable for red storms.

Therefore, he was compelled to use his true strength as a top powerhouse!

With the exuberance of the red storm, the entire film Between Heaven and Earth is filled with a kind of violent and hot waves, his eyes stared coldly at Qin Yichen, and he didn’t say a few more nonsense. With an arm for a while, simple ordinary punch slammed in anger at Qin Yichen.


With the action of the red storm, this True Origin between Heaven and Earth was rioted at this time, almost the True Origin of half of the sky, under this fist, whistling out, like a whole tooth The Dance Dragon’s Flood Dragon is generally, with terrifying power, raging down at Qin Yichen.

Scarlet’s rays of light swept the sky, that momentum, simply was unavoidable, Qin Yichen took a deep breath, and True Origin among Dantian whistled out, and was mobilized by all of them.


With the rumours of this aura, a slight tremor appeared in the space around Qin Yichen. It looked as if even space could not bear his horrible power and would collapse.

Feeling the powerful force that filled the inside of the body, Qin Yichen’s eyes gradually became cold and severe.

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