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With a muffled sound, the silhouette of that Peak giant cormorant was blown away like a shell, and in the air, blood spewed out of its mouth.

The silhouette of that Peak giant cormorant was blown away as far as several hundred zhang, and finally a long mark was rubbed on the ground before it stopped slowly.

that giant cock was struggling to stand up, but failed to do so. The breath on him was slumped to the extreme. Obviously, under the blow just now, he was hit hard!

“bang! bang!”

However, many powerhouses haven’t waited for the response. That silhouette appeared next to the two Peak giants. With the sound of a path of giant sounds, the two Peak giants were blown away with almost the same attitude.

“What a terrifying explosion!”

Looking at this scene, the countless powerhouses in the distance are all sucked in a cold breath, and in their eyes are full of a strong shocking color.

Those are all Peak giants, but under this silhouette, they are like sandbags, simply being bombarded without any resistance.

“Don’t keep your hands, kill this guy first!”

Looking at the two Peak giants who lost their battle strength in just a few breaths, the other powers also became extremely dignified. With the sound of a drink, the rest The powerful people all had violent fluctuations, and the next moment, a path of majestic waves came together, and finally locked Qin Yichen, a Peak giant who just blasted off.

At this time, those powerful people will never dare to have the slightest contempt, they know that this silhouette wearing a armor is at least qualified to hit the top 100 list. If they do not spare no effort, they are likely to Rejected by each and everyone, when the time comes, they simply don’t have any hope of getting that pair of angels!

“hong long! ”

With the aura of a path of majestic breath, the clouds on the sky are shattered. A path of Magical Powers with horrific power is condensed out in just a few breaths of time. Their goal is to lock Qin Yichen directly.

With the shroud of those horrible Magical Powers, at this instant, the earth was shaking madly, and that scene was like the end of the world.

Looking at this scene, the countless faces of countless powerhouses have suddenly changed, and the silhouettes have suddenly retreated, for fear of being affected.

Under the lock of Magical Powers, the ghost seemed to know that he couldn’t dodge, and his figure finally stopped.

“This level of attack …”

Looking at the screaming Magical Powers, Qin Yichen’s eyes froze slightly, but there was still no fear on his face, and even a contemptuous sneer on the corner of his mouth.


The next moment, Qin Yichen’s foot stepped on, and his body swept up in countless shocking eyes, whistling away at the Magical Powers that exudes the power of terror.

Looking at this scene, countless powerhouses are involuntarily held breath cold air, but between Heaven and Earth is not at all too much ridicule, because everyone knows how powerful the strength shown in that silhouette just now is terrifying.

“bring about one’s own destruction !”

However, the remaining powers, when they saw Qin Yichen’s action, their eyes were a little froze, and there was a cold killing intent flashing in their eyes.


After that, those powerful people were all clenched the teeth, the majestic True Origin whistled out, and the Magical Powers on the sky suddenly accelerated their speed, suppressing the silhouette that came from the storm, such an attitude, like It is not intended to give him the slightest chance to regret it.

“bang! bang!”

In countless shocking eyes, the silhouette of the blinking divine light was finally shaken together with those Magical Powers exuding terror waves. With a path of huge roar, the whole Heaven and Earth was shaking at this time.

The violent storm raged like a tornado. Numerous powerhouses shivered coldly under these aftershocks. Some powerhouses that were closer to each other did not even respond, but were killed by those violent storms.

“What’s the ending ?!”

Looking at the sky filled with various True Origins, the countless eyes of countless powerhouses were staring at it without any sign of moving away.

“Hmph, arrogant, thinking that with a defensive and powerful armor, can you be peerless in the whole world?”

But those powerful people, at this time, a sneer appeared on their faces, and a path of coldly snorted sounded even more.

In the previous attacks, most of them attacked and dropped away from the armor. They thought that they could shock the people in Death God. At the same time, they could also see how the defense of this armor was.

But at this time, they clearly saw that the guy turned up against their Magical Powers!

Even the super-heroes on the top 100 list are definitely not so reckless, right?

In their opinion, this guy must have got such a heavenly defying angel armor, too excited, too arrogant!

However, when everyone was still staring at the sky, no one noticed that a silhouette had appeared like a ghost, quietly appearing behind a mighty sneer.


With a loud sound, a dazzling blood mist burst like a firework.


Feeling the side movement, the smiles on those powerful faces suddenly solidified, and in their eyes, there was a touch of panic.

“Shua! Hey!”

However, at this time, Qin Yichen finally did not have any reservations, and exerted his own speed and explosive power.

Before the 10000 Taoism armors were perfected, he defeated the top 100 superman in the top 10000, obtained 1 Taoism armor helmet parts, and after perfecting them, his strength skyrocketed. In the meantime, these aloof and remote Peak powers in Normally are just like ordinary people who have no power over chickens and are easily crushed by them!

“bang! bang!”

As the ghostly silhouette continued to flash, a mass of blood mist burst apart, but it was just a few breaths of effort, and there were 4 5 powerful bodies falling here.

“This guy is a demon!”

Seeing the same level of power, such an unbearable body, the remaining powers finally had a fear in their hearts. With a sharp exclaiming sound, immediately, they stared at countless horrified eyes. Below, those remaining powers turned away without regard to their faces, facing 4 places.

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