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With the disappearance of black demonic energy, the countless powerhouses in the land of black pond are all in solitude. Immediately, with the sound of a path of surprise, the silhouette of the hiding and sky covering the earth is as fierce as a locust. Raging away in the land of the black pond.

This black pond, formerly known as the absolute restricted area, quickly became popular.

Under such looting, soon, someone saw the divine light coming from the center of the black pond.

“Really strong fluctuations, that must be a strange treasure!”

“Haha, as expected, there is really a Rare Item in this black pond restricted area!”

“Jack, that’s mine, don’t try to get your finger on it!”

When seeing the bright divide light, the eyes of countless powerhouses were full of crazy greed, and the speed under their feet became faster.

“Shua! Hey!”

With the sound of a path of wind breaking, it was soon that the powerhouse with several giants came to the center of the land of black pond.

At this time, they were able to see clearly. The divine light that they originally considered to be a treasure was actually emitted from a silhouette.

On top of this silhouette, there is an extremely mighty armor, just the rays of light, and it is known that this armor is not ordinary.

At this time, that silhouette didn’t seem to be aware of his situation, he just stood there quietly, his eyes never opened.

“When did this guy come in?”

“What about Yibao? Is this the armor on him?”

“Even if this armor is not a strange treasure due to this movement, it is absolutely extraordinary.”

“Will this guy …”

When they saw the silhouette wearing the mighty armor, everyone had an unbelievable appearance of greed. However, they were not stupid people, and they knew that they could get such armors. I am afraid they are not a general generation. At present, there are many powerhouses, and no one wants to take the lead.

For a time, the giants who hurriedly came to a halt, without a single hand, they spread apart from each other, and surrounded the glittering silhouette of the divine light with a tacit understanding.

“Shua! Hey!”

And under such hesitation, the sound of the wind breaking continued to resound, a path of silhouette, like a locust, flew from all directions.

When seeing many giant-level powerhouses standing there, those silhouettes were full of strange colors, and they fell in a short distance. Then, a path of fiery eyes was staring closely. That silhouette at the center.

Over time, more and more powerhouses came together. In this area, looking around, it was full of black people.

Countless powerhouses are all around, a line of sight is a silhouette staring at the center.

“What are you waiting for, the treasure that leads to the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon must be the armor!”

“This guy must have been lucky to break into this place.”

“Don’t wait, do it!”

With the gathering of countless powerhouses, soon there was a path of uproar. Apparently, many powerhouses could not hold back the greed in their hearts.


Soon, a sacred intermediate powerhouse rushed up, and a majestic True Origin unrolled bolt of white silk slammed against the back strikes of that silhouette.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of countless powerhouses were a little stunned, but they found that that silhouette didn’t seem to notice anything.


With a loud noise, the magnificent True Origin unrolled bolt of white silk fell directly on the back of that silhouette.

However, it is surprising that this attack did not even tremble that silhouette. As the violent True Origin dissipated, the mighty armor appeared again in the sight of everyone.

Above that armor, the divine light circulated, leaving no trace at all.


Looking at that pair of armors, countless powerhouses could not help holding breath cold air.

What is the terrifying defense power, even the powerhouse of the Holy Intermediate has failed to leave a trace on it?

“This guy seems to have lost his mind …”

In addition to shocking the armor’s horrible defense, more powerhouses were filled with a rush of joy, because that silhouette did not fight back, it is likely that he simply did not realize his dangerous situation at this time.

Even if the defense of this pair of armors is strong, if they do everything, that guy will definitely not survive.

And as long as they are killed, they can compete for this armor, maybe they are lucky and can get it!

“Let’s do it together!”

Soon, a giant glance glanced around, shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing this, more than a dozen giant-level powerhouses standing around, are silently nodded.

As long as this person in front of you is killed, they are the most promising contenders to get that pair of angels!


With the outbreak of the breath of more than ten giants, the True Origin between this Heaven and Earth suddenly boiled, the coercion of one after another terrifying flooded this Between Heaven and Earth, making some cultivation base low Powerhouses are feeling a bit breathless.

The powerhouses that were closer to each other have stepped back a little bit because they knew that when the giant-level powerhouse took the shot, the aftermath would be extremely horrible. Once they were involved, they could not survive without confidence.

With the boiling of Heaven and Earth True Origin and a path of horrific Magical Powers condensing out, these giants also seem to be aware of the armored horror defense. Under such a joint effort, there is no intention to keep anything. It was all a powerful blow.


With the sound of a roaring sound, a silver sword shining through the giant sword took the lead in piercing the space, slashing down in anger at the silhouette below.

“bang! bang!”

Almost at the same time, a path of the formed Magical Powers whistled out, covering the sky and covering the sun, blasting down towards the silhouette in the center.

That way, it seems that the latter is going to be mashed into meat.

Before the temptation of the god Jia, these giants seemed to simply care less about their face!

The horrifying mighty power surged in the sky, and under the gaze of countless lights, that silhouette finally seemed to be aware, his eyes trembled slightly, and then slowly opened.


When the eyes opened, Qin Yichen’s complexion suddenly sank. He almost thought he had broken into the Sovereign level race. In all directions, there was a path of extremely terrifying Magical Powers strikes. .

“Well, that guy is awake!”

“Hmph, it’s too late at this time!”

“Hehe, this kind of god armor is not something anyone can touch!”

And the movement of Qin Yichen was also noticed by many sharp-eyed people, and an exclamation sound suddenly sounded. However, in the eyes of those powerhouses, it was more of a cold look.

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