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The natural phenomenon of the black pond forbidden land, in a very short time, like a storm, spread on the 10000 ethnic continents.

As soon as the news came out, it was undoubtedly attracting countless lucky people. Since the land of black pond can be called a restricted area, there must be a huge secret in it.

Maybe this is where the big shot will fall. If you are lucky, maybe you can get some chance in it, and it will fly into the sky.

During this time, the popularity of the Black Pond city has reached an extremely scary level.

“Some of these guys, are they all coming for 10000 gods?”

When I came to the city of black pond, I glanced at the terrifying flow of people, and Qin Yichen’s face couldn’t help but show a shocking color.

“It seems that the spirit vein here is almost consumed.”

After a while, Qin Yichen’s gaze was projected to the place of the black pond, looking at the sky obscured by black gas, and he couldn’t help sighing.

The Luban Master knew that 10000 Taoism armors were contaminated with countless demonic energy, so he deliberately found several spirit veins to wash, but he certainly didn’t expect, this demonic energy is so stubborn and terrifying.

Like the spirit vein of Prison Dragon Slope, if it wasn’t for coincidence that Qin Yichen was forced there, I am afraid those demonic energy will burst out completely, when the time comes, and the area is 1000 miles away, I am afraid it will fall For a purgatory.

And now, the same is true of the black pond in front of him, even the demonic energy here is more terrifying.

However, it is ridiculous that in the area of ​​Black Pond, there are countless powerhouses who thought that the treasure was born and rushed away not far from 1000 miles.

If you let them know that once these demonic energy erupts, this black pond city will be the first to fall. I don’t know if there will be a powerhouse dare to stay here.

However, Qin Yichen also knows that on the 10000-nation continent, opportunities are always accompanied by huge dangers. Although it is scary here, the 10000-nation continent has never lacked adventurers.

“It seems impossible to take that thing silently.”

Looking at the countless silhouettes, Qin Yichen sighed in his heart. After a little hesitation, the silhouette quietly swept across the side of the black pond and entered the black Swamp Land.

Although screams continue to circulate in this black swamp, this still has not stopped the greed in the hearts of countless powerhouses. At all times, powerhouses have broken into it with a lucky heart.

Of course, compared with the beginning, there are still many fewer people entering. Obviously, most of the powerhouses are called back to their senses by the screams of infiltration.

Although Qin Yichen’s entry caused some strange eyes, no one paid too much attention to it. More people just regarded him as someone who was going to die that’s all.

Qin Yichen didn’t care about other people’s eyes. His body flashed into a ghost image, and he quickly entered the black swamp.

At this time, the land of the black pond was shrouded in dark clouds, and the monstrous black gas was constantly surging, as if even the air would be corroded by it.

When he first entered it, Qin Yichen discovered that the black marsh was constantly filled with black air. However, under his control, his body seemed to have an invisible barrier around him. No matter how turbulent the black gas is, it cannot erode.

Along the way, Qin Yichen saw several powerhouses with his own eyes, because he could not resist the erosion of black gas, and watched himself screamed by those black gas. The sound of screams screamed incessantly.

Among them, there are some powerful powerhouses who rely on their own cultivation base and want to resist, but find that not only they have no effect, but they have made those black gas stronger with the help of True Origin.


Looking at those screaming powerhouses, Qin Yichen could only shook the head, sighed, and his shape suddenly accelerated.

As long as he solves the roots of these black gas, the black pond restricted area will naturally disappear, but these powerhouses that break into them because of greed must pay the price for their recklessness.

As he moved forward, Qin Yichen’s sight became dark. In it, even the light could not shine in, and the screaming sounds around it gradually disappeared, replaced by a kind of dead silence. There are very few powerhouses here.


During this journey, for more than a quarter of an hour, Qin Yichen suddenly felt a trembling in the swamp below, as if something was about to spray out.

“Sure enough, it is a part of 10000 Taoism …”

Feeling the trembling like breathing, Qin Yichen was refreshed, without any pause under his feet, but instead rushed towards the deepest part of the darkness more quickly.

With this progress, the dark energy of demonic energy is becoming more and more intense. Even if Qin Yichen uses 3 colors of energy, it is a bit difficult to resist it.

However, as if he had anticipated this for a long time, simply didn’t have any worries, and with his heart moving, the hammer of the master appeared in his hands.

From the smashing sledgehammer, there is a bright rays of light emanating, no matter how turbulent the black demonic energy is, it cannot penetrate into this light.

For a long time, in the darkness, a light finally appeared in his sight.

“That is……”

Looking at the shining light, Qin Yichen pupil suddenly shrunk, and his body flickered a few times before he fell beside it.

In front of it, there is a huge Formation. Above the Formation, a crystalline mask hangs down, but at this time, there are already many places on the mask that have been corroded by black gas.

Through that mask, Qin Yichen can clearly see that in the center of the Formation, a peculiarly shaped helmet is placed. The texture is all over it, apparently from the same person as those 10000 god armor parts on his body. hand!

“The helmet of the 10000 Goddess ?!”

With just a glance, Qin Yichen recognized it, and he amazed in his heart, with ecstasy in his eyes.

With 10000 pieces of Taoism armor, he has obtained armguards, leggings, and armor, only this helmet!

After taking a deep breath, Qin Yichen picked up the giant hammer in his hand and smashed it into the mask fiercely. This mask has been eroded by the black gas. If he did n’t blast it, he simply could n’t get it This helmet.

“Hmm! Hmm!”

With the loud sound of a path of, the mask was also shaking constantly, and the dark clouds on the sky were all surging up.

The changes here were soon noticed by the countless powerhouses in the Black Pond area. Immediately, the countless powerhouses that were waiting for their patience were rushing wildly into the black swamp.

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