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“It’s all up to the adults. If I knew the wing fire mercenary group to know the lord and give me some courage, I wouldn’t dare to believe the rumors to get in trouble. In the future, I will definitely find an opportunity to repay the wing fire mercenary group . “

Tiger Chi was nodded quickly, and then looked towards Yi Shui Huan, very friendly.

Seeing the smile of the tiger idiot, Yi Shuihuan quickly arched his hand, because he knew clearly that with the strength of the tiger idiot, trying to kill them was just a minute of interest. If not in Qin Yichen’s face , Their entire wing fire mercenary group can’t escape the bloodstain. Where can the latter talk to them so politely?

Nowadays, despite the power of Qin Yichen, they still dare not neglect the tiger idiot.

Seeing this, Qin Yichen is also lightly nodded. It seems that this tiger idiot is really a human being. It was only a matter of thought to use his strength to kill the tiger idiot, but the latter was involved behind him. In this area, he didn’t want to make a masterful slaughter. Now that the latter can retreat from difficulties, it is the ending he wants to see.

“Let’s go, that’s all for today.”

Qin Yichen waved his hands, lightly saying.

“Many thanks Lord show mercy.”

Hearing this, a moment of surprise flashed in the eyes of the tiger idiot. Immediately, he didn’t dare to stop anymore. After bowing to Qin Yichen for a salute, he waved and took the Many of the War Tiger mercenary group Powerhouses are retreating quickly.

Looking at the War Tiger mercenary group that receded like a tide, Yi Yun’s eyes fell on Qin Yichen’s body again.

The latter raised his hand and cast his feet to make the holy senior tiger idiot bow and kneel. This kind of prestige is really too big for this boy.

At this time, he also clearly realized how important it is to have strong strength in this world.

“Today’s matter has been resolved. I still have something to do before leaving.”

Qin Yichen held a cup one fist in the other hand at Yi Shui Huan and the others, lightly said with a smile.

“grown ups……”

Hearing this, Yi Yun’s eyes flickered, it seemed a little bit reluctant.

“Make yourself stronger so that you can defend the people on the side of body protection, you know?”

Qin Yichen chuckled, pats Yi Yun’s shoulder, and a ray of 3 colors of energy quietly injected into the latter within the body.

In this regard, Yi Yun simply didn’t notice it, but Qin Yichen didn’t know it, and his own willful behavior was a godsend to this boy.

“Sir, can you rest for a while …”

As Qin Yichen was about to leave, Yi Shuihuan on the side hesitated a little, but finally it was brace oneself opened the mouth and said.


Hearing this, Qin Yichen froze slightly.

“Sir, please take a step to speak.”

Although Qin Yichen didn’t show anything, Yi Shuihuan still kept a respectful attitude, bowed and saluted, said.


The search of the War Tiger mercenary group made the atmosphere in the mercenary group very dignified. However, with the retreat of the tiger idiot, the resident in this area suddenly resumed the former kind of liveliness.

Moreover, everyone’s face has a touch of pride.

Their mercenary group has such a strong backer!

Although they all know that such a character cannot stay in the wing fire mercenary group for a long time, but after this incident, absolutely no one in this area dares to come to their trouble with an eye open.

Wing fire mercenary group station, in the chamber.

“Thanks to the presence of adults, we have been able to survive our mercenary group.”

Qin Yichen sat above the top because of the enthusiasm of Yi Shuihuan. Below him, Yishui Huan was grateful to thank him.

“I just think that’s all with that Little Brat. The head of the wing need not be so polite.”

For Wing Shui Huan’s flattery, Qin Yichen also didd’t know whether to cry or laugh. He also quite understood the excitement of avoiding a catastrophe, so he did not show any impatience.

“Sir, in fact, it’s because I’m too selfish …”

It seems to know that Qin Yichen doesn’t like his own attitude, and Yi Shuihuan soon ceased to be grateful, but sighed.


Hearing this, Qin Yichen frowned slightly.

In fact, he had some doubts in his mind. The wing fire mercenary group would certainly not ask for trouble to provoke the War Tiger mercenary group, and the tiger idiot personally led people to come. Is there something that should attract them?

“Actually, what they do is this thing …”

After a little hesitation, Yishui laughed wryly, then stood up, walked to Qin Yichen, his palms printed on the rear wall of the chamber.


With the injection of True Origin, the floor in the center of the chamber suddenly sunken, and immediately a crystal jade box appeared in it.

“this is……”

Qin Yichen’s expression suddenly changed when he saw the thing in the crystal jade box, and in those unshakable eyes, there was a touch of ecstasy.

In the jade box, a small hammer was placed. The shape of the hammer was very strange, but Qin Yichen knew at a glance that the small axe was the reduced version of the giant hammer he got!

Except for the Luban survivors, this type of hammer looks beyond the 10000 ethnic continents, and absolutely no other ethnic forces can imitate it!

Moreover, above the hammer, there is some lingering black gas. This kind of black gas is no stranger to Qin Yichen. Even if it is isolated by the jade box, he can feel the black surrounding the small hammer. Qi is exactly the same as the black gas he saw when he got 10000 Taojia components.

This small hammer is definitely the relic of Luban Master!

“It is rumored that this thing is the key to unlocking some treasures, but adults can also see that the black gas on that thing is endlessly poisonous. According to legend, there is a giant powerhouse that is eroded by this black gas. It turned into a dead bone … “

Yi Shuihuan pointed to the jade box, said with a bitter smile.


However, on the occasion of its tone barely fell, Qin Yichen’s mind moved slightly, exhaling a breath. Suddenly, the jade box trembled suddenly. In the next instant, the small hammer turned directly into the jade box. Out, with a touch of black rays of light, blasted away at Qin Yichen.

“Adults are careful!”

Seeing this scene, Yi Shuihuan’s complexion greatly changed. Before getting this thing, he saw with his own eyes that several holy powerhouses had been eroded by the terrifying black gas because of competing for it, and finally the body dies. and Dao disappears.

However, soon, the reminder of Yishuihuan stopped abruptly, because the hammer was already held in the hand by Qin Yichen, and what made him even more alarmed was that the black gas was like a demon. Already lingering, wrapped around Qin Yichen’s arm, and spread at an amazing speed against his entire body.

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