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At this time, on the 10000-thousand-continent continent, as long as the informed forces knew it, the Three Great Emperors class, led by the Star Lion Imperial Family, was using all intelligence to search for Qin Yichen’s tracks.

If they let them know that they appeared in the Water Mist Imperial Family, then Lion He Fan and other top powerhouses will probably come here immediately.

Although Qin Yichen is confident, in the face of top powerhouse, he dare not say that he can compete with it, even if he tried his best to escape from the latter, it is not bad.

“What is your little friend’s plan for next?”

It seems that Guin Yichen’s situation was also guessed. Wu Xiao looked at him and asked immediately.

“Since the sect master has been restored, I should go now.”

There was a slight smile in Qin Yichen’s mouth, and he said freely.

He came to the Water Mist Imperial Family to find out why Shui Jinglong held such a strong hostility towards him, and even wanted to Murder a person with a borrowed knife. Now, he already knows the reason why Shui Jinglong snared himself. .

In addition, Wuxiao recovered, and he did not need to take the initiative to find trouble, Shui Jinglong probably could not separate his mind to deal with himself.

Seeing Qin Yichen’s appearance, Wushan’s eyes could not help but a look of admiration.

Eyed by the Three Great Emperors class, it is still so at ease. The entire 10000 ethnic continent, except for the evil in front of it, is hard to find the second person.

“I’ll send you out of here.”

After the mist smashed to muttered to oneself, it was also opened the mouth and said.

“It’s working.”

Qin Yichen nodded, he knew that now that the water gate powerhouse had been found, there must be someone staring at this area outside.

Although Qin Yichen is not afraid as long as the top powerhouse does not shoot, but if his identity is confirmed, the Water Mist Imperial Family will surely tell the Lion Lion Imperial Family the news immediately.

When the time comes, I am afraid that this leisurely travel time will come to an end.


On the edge of the Water Mist Imperial Family, a towering mountain range spreads into the clouds. This is a humble Second Rate Influence territory.

In that mountain forest, from time to time, a beast of roaring beasts came out, making people dare not break into it easily.

At a certain moment, the sky on the mountain range suddenly twisted, and an indescribable coercion slowly swept across this heaven and earth.

Under this coercion, there was the mountain range from the roar of the beast from time to time. At this time, they were all in a dead silence. Those powerful holy demonic beasts bowed to the ground in panic, afraid to There are a few tricks.


With the advent of that coercion, the distorted space suddenly torn apart, in which two figures emerged, and there seemed to be a special kind of barrier around them, leaving the strength of the surrounding Space can’t affect them so much.

Those 2 people are really Wu Xiao and Qin Yichen!

“Qin little friend, take care!”

Wu Xiao’s eyes glanced around slowly before he retracted slowly, and then he smiled at Qin Yichen and said nodded.


Qin Yichen didn’t say much. When he moved, he ran out of the Space Crack, fell into jungle, and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing Qin Yichen’s so secretive concealment, Wu Xiao chuckled and laughed. Immediately, he shook the head, the Space Crack gradually closed, and his silhouette disappeared.

Qin Yichen is not surprised that Wu Xiao left so quickly. He knows that Wu Xiao has many things to do. He must find evidence that the Watergate has been eroded by Nightmare Clan, and then call powerhouse to destroy those Reduced to the power of the Water Gate of Nightmare Clan, revive the power of the Mist Gate and the Water Mist Imperial Family!

“I don’t know if the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor did they win the imperial imperial city, haven’t they planned to stay in the imperial imperial city forever?”

After identifying the direction, Qin Yichen moved quickly in the mountains and forests. At the same time, there were still some concerns in his mind. The Thunder Monsters were in the struggle with the Great Family of the Imperial Family. No victory.

He knows that the reason why the Thunder Monster family can convene such a huge power is because of their revealed strength and the defeated state of the Great Evil Imperial Family.

And now, Lion He Fan they are resident in the imperial imperial city. Although everyone knows that they came for Qin Yichen, but over time, it will always make people wonder, is n’t Star Lion Imperial Family Are they trying to protect the Imperial Family from death?

If that’s the case, let alone a thunderbolt alliance, even if they double their strength, they will not be able to compete with the Star Lion Imperial Family!

Perhaps at this time, no one in the Thunder Monster Alliance has expressed this concern, but the soldiers are afraid to launch even the offensive, which is definitely a huge blow to their morale.

If Lion He Fan and they go on like this, simply do n’t need others to do it, and those forces who came to vassal because of seeing the benefits will probably quit themselves.

If this continues, it will undoubtedly give the Great Evil Imperial Family a respite. If the Thunder Monster Alliance reappears, it will be difficult to swallow the Great Evil Imperial Family in the future.

“Let’s find out their news first.”

Qin Yichen whispered in his heart, and his body was transformed into a stream of light, passing quickly over the mountain range.


Half a day later, in front of a bustling city, a silhouette quickly fell onto the avenue.

This silhouette is Qin Yichen, who changed his appearance.

At this time, his body became quite burly, and the muscles with sharp outlines were exposed, full of explosive power, and his face was also controlled by his own muscles to move, becoming a bit shy and fierce.

Anyone who sees such a horrible robust man at first glance is afraid to look carefully.

Qin Yichen also made himself look so fierce to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After changing his appearance, he was not afraid of being recognized, and walked in from the city gate with a big swing.

Although he is now in the territory of a Second Rate Influence, this city should be regarded as one of the very best in this power, and its prosperity is not less than that of some small and medium-sized Peak races. city.

After the influx of people on the street, Qin Yichen’s gaze glanced at 4 places, even if they fell on several tall buildings in the center of the city.

“Hope you have the information I want.”

Qin Yichen whispered in his heart, a smile on his face, but that smile seemed unusually fierce on the road.

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