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After stepping into the stone hall, Wu Ling was sitting directly on the top of the side. She glanced at Qin Yichen, but said nothing.

Obviously, for Qin Yichen, Wu Ling still has a strong alert mentality. If it is not for the trust of Wu Shan, she will probably go directly to the Expulsion Order.

Entering the Stone Hall together, there are 4 holy senior powerhouses. Although they are not as offensive as Wu Ling, they are also deeply questioned in the eyes of looked towards Qin Yichen.

“Qin little friend wait a moment, Wu Yang will arrive soon.”

Surprisingly, Wushan went straight under the square table, pulled out the stool, and said respectfully to Qin Yichen.

“Misty Mountain Elder!”

Seeing his movements, Wu Ling finally couldn’t help shouting softly.

The brows of those holy senior powerhouses in the surrounding area are also lightly frowned, and they don’t understand the movement of Wushan.

Because of that seat, it’s from Elder Wushan!

Right now, he gave up this position to Qin Yichen. Is this younger worth his treatment?


Hearing Wuling’s cry, Wushan’s eyebrows slightly frowned and asked.

“Mist Mountain Elder, this position represents what you should be very clear about, it’s all that you bring an outsider in, and let him sit in this position. Maybe something is wrong?”

Behind Wu Ling, a holy senior powerhouse finally couldn’t help it, opened the mouth and said.

“Not right? What’s wrong?”

Hearing this, Wushan’s eyes glanced away, but in the faint voice, there was a strong majesty: “Are you questioning me?”

“I won’t doubt Wushan Elder, but do you have an exaggeration about this junior, a junior, even if you practice in the womb, can’t you compare with your level?

Under the words of Wushan, the energy of that holy senior powerhouse could not help but converge. However, he still brace oneself, and said the same question of others.

“impudent !”

Hearing this, Wushan’s complexion changed slightly, but just as he was about to scold, a slender palm was holding him gently.

When I saw the master of the palm, Wushan was a little stunned, and the words that came to his mouth were swallowed back.

“Senior, are you questioning my strength?”

The man who reached out was Qin Yichen, but he didn’t seem to be angry because of other people’s public doubts. Instead, there was a mysterious smile on his face, and a faint voice was from him. Out of the mouth.

“Question? Don’t you think you really have that strength?”

Hearing the faint words of Qin Yichen, the holy high-level powerhouse was slightly surprised, and immediately said with a big smile.

“Will Senior try it?”

Qin Yichen’s face was still unchanged for the questioning in his eyes. Even his tone was so calm.

“haha ……”

After hearing this, there was a sound of laughter in the stone hall, and the faces of the several holy senior powerhouses were full of jokes.

The corner of Wu Ling’s mouth on the top of that side also had a disdainful smile.

As a gate of the mist, Saintess, her innate talent, even in the heyday of the gate of the mist, is a rare encounter for 1000 years. Although the gate of the mist is not down, there is still no drop in her resources, even if So, now she is just a holy junior, and it takes a while to break through to the holy junior.

The young man in front of her looks almost the same as her age. Such a guy, no matter how wicked, can at best compete with the Holy Intermediate Powerhouse. Compared with the Holy Advanced Powerhouse, there must be a considerable gap.

Where on earth did he have the courage to speak to their holy senior powerhouse at Mist Gate?

“Junior, let me take a look at your ability. No one can sit in this position!”

That provocative holy senior powerhouse gave a scornful glance at Qin Yichen, and a sound full of jokes also quietly sounded. In him, an astonishing coercion was directly enveloped by Qin Yichen. It seems that Qin Yichen should be shaken directly from that position, intentionally embarrassing him.

However, there is no meaning to stop Wushan, and he doesn’t seem to worry about Qin Yichen’s embarrassment.


What is even more surprising is that when the power of the generous Holy Powerhouse fell on Qin Yichen, his body did not look as embarrassed as everyone expected, and even hung on his face. With a faint smile, it didn’t seem to be affected at all.

“How can this be?”

Seeing this scene, everyone’s eyes were a little frowned, and Wu Ling’s eyebrows were wrinkled tightly.

This coercion, even her, is likely to be greatly restricted. Although she can barely counteract by virtue of the special cultivation technique, it can never be so easy.

Seeing his coercion didn’t even play a role, the face of that holy senior powerhouse sank sharply, obviously it felt like he couldn’t hang on his face.


However, just as the holy senior powerhouse wanted to test it, a strange wave suddenly emerged from Qin Yichen’s body, tearing open that power.


At the moment when that coercion was torn apart, the steps of the Holy Powerhouse stepped back involuntarily.

Seeing this, Wu Ling and the faces of several other high-level senior powerhouses changed, and their conditional reflective atmosphere suddenly locked Qin Yichen.


And just as they were about to make a move, Qin Yichen’s gaze suddenly turned away.

When they saw those dark eyes, Wu Ling and the others’ hearts were shocked. From those eyes, they suddenly felt that they were so small, just like a leaf on the sea. A flat boat, as long as the latter moves, they will be destroyed like a beast of flood.

“Haha, this is Qin little friend?”

And just as Wu Ling was terrified, a sound of chuckle suddenly came from the door.

At the sound of this sound, Qin Yichen’s eyes were also slightly removed. At this time, Wu Ling and the others felt the lightness on their bodies, but their backs were unconsciously, sweating cold Soaked.

“Qin little friend is so imposing, it really makes the old man out of reach. No wonder even the lion robber is in your hands!”

Under the gaze of Qin Yichen’s gaze, a white-haired old man walked in slowly from outside the great hall, a sound of chuckle, but the other as if was struck by lightening, 愣In place.

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