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Seeing Qin Yichen’s attitude, Lei Yao Old Ancestor and several other top powerhouses looked at each other with a helpless appearance in their eyes.

Why don’t they know that Qin Yichen’s message in Divine City will be faced once they are discovered?

However, in unconsciously, this young man’s status in their hearts has been getting higher and higher, and has far exceeded that ally of pure interest.

For the sake of their own survival, they abandoned Qin Yichen, and they couldn’t do it anyway!

In addition, there are 5 top powerhouses in the town, and there are many vassal forces outside to help them. Even in the face of the Sovereign level race, they may have no battle!

It seems to know Qin Yichen’s temperament. It is definitely not their 3 words and 2 words that can be changed. After a long groan, Lei Yao Old Ancestor sighed and asked, “Qin little friend, what are your plans?”

“I don’t need my help here anymore, and I also want to go to the 10000 ethnic continent to spend some time on my own.”

After thinking about Qin Yichen, lightly said with a smile.

Right now, among the Human Races, there is a veteran seat. As long as there is no Sovereign level race to attract allies to attack the Human Race, then the Saint Tian City is indestructible.

The Thunder Demon Family Alliance has already occupied an absolute upper hand in the confrontation with the Great Evil Imperial Family.

At this time, he turned into a scourge, no matter where he stood, it might bring disaster to that race.

Instead, he might as well go out and practice his own exploration. How big is the 10000-thousand continent, he doesn’t want to crouch in the Divine City all day.

Moreover, although it offends several Sovereign level races such as the Star Lion Imperial Family, but his Human Race identity has not been revealed. I want to come, even if the Star Lion Imperial Family wants to take action on themselves, it is impossible for the top powerhouse to openly act.

After all, the four words of god-level races still have great deterrent power!

Even the most powerful Star Lion Imperial Family dare not dare to send a top powerhouse to kill him under the watchful eyes of countless forces!


Hearing this, Lei Yao Old Ancestor and the other 4 top powerhouses are a little stunned.

No matter who it is, if you offend any Imperial Family race, you will have a headache, and this guy, after being impressed by that many Sovereign level races, still have such idle feelings?

However, they are also clearly aware that, as Qin Yichen, even if walking on the 10000 ethnic continent, I am afraid that there is no top powerhouse to openly deal with him, and with his strength, as long as top powerhouse does not take the shot himself, he wants nothing but him. It’s not easy.

However, they are a bit worried that Qin Yichen’s indifferent attitude will anger those Sovereign level races. If they send out the top powerhouse regardless of the consequences, when the time comes, they will be too late to rescue!

“Rest assured, I walked on the 10000 ethnic continent alone a few years ago. With my current strength, I can not afford much.”

Seeing to see their concerns, Qin Yichen evoked a smile, lightly said with a smile.

Hearing this, the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor was also secretly nodded. Indeed, when this guy was at the top level, he caused a series of shocks on the 10000 ethnic continent. Today, he is even more faint. Is called Number One Person under the top powerhouse!

With this kind of strength, if you walk on the 10000-thousand continent, just be careful, there should be no accidents.

However, they are extremely aware of Qin Yichen’s acting style. This guy, no matter where he goes, will not be quiet!

Can he really travel quietly?

“I will accompany you.”

At the time of Lei Yao Old Ancestor’s dilemma, Lei Yun’s faint voice sounded quietly.

“2 …… 2 lunatics!”

Hearing this, Xuan Yueyu’s mouth could not help but draw a little, Qin Yichen was so crazy that’s all, after all, he felt about his arrogance, and Lei Yunyou, even made such a choice, is it really Near Zhu Zhechi?

On the other side, the rays of light in the beautiful eyes of She Xi’er flickered as if he was hesitating.

“No, you still stay here, break through early, that’s what you should do.”

However, to the surprise of Lei Yunyou, Qin Yichen rejected this time without any consideration.

After hearing this, Lei Yunyou’s pretty face sank slightly, but she who wanted to speak again did not speak again after being paused, because Lei Yunyou also knew that the latter did not want to drag her down.

Seeing Lei Yunyou’s expression, Lei Yao Old Ancestor shook the head involuntarily. Why didn’t he know that the best giant in his tribe had secretly assassinated Qin Yichen.

“Qin little friend, do you stop thinking about it?”

Finally, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor sighed and asked tentatively.

Qin Yichen slightly shook the head, and after paused, he suddenly said, “Senior Lei, you can stabilize the situation as soon as possible, that is my greatest help.”

Hearing this, Lei Yao Old Ancestor stunned for a moment. Immediately, in his eyes, there was a flash of fierce color, and a deep voice came out of his mouth: “Qin little friend, rest assured, I can Let the great evil Imperial Family disappear! “

Although the old man’s reminder made them temporarily abandon their intention to fight against the Daxie Imperial Family temporarily, the current situation is too severe, and they must replace Daxie Imperial Family.

The stronger the Thunder Monster Alliance is, the more daunting other forces want to attack Qin Yichen.

Although during this time, the Thunder Monster Alliance did not have a large-scale attack on the Great Imperial Family, but with the battle in Ray Divine City, the trend of the Great Imperial Family has gone. In the dark, there are already 3 I took refuge in the top powerhouse under the imperial Imperial Family, and quietly came to pay for my sins.

Moreover, because of the fame of that war, the Peak races with uncertain positions in this area all expressed their positions and stood by the Thunder Monsters.

Once the Thunder Monster family launches the final offensive, they can definitely crush the Great Evil Imperial Family in the posture of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

“Ray Elderly Generation, if you don’t mind, my seductive family is willing to help you.”

At this time, She Xier seemed to have decided the general, she laughed softly, and a nice voice quietly rang in the hall.

Hearing this, Thunder Anye’s eyes flashed with surprise in the eyes of the old Ancestor, and the other 4 top powerhouses were also very happy.

Shexie’s status can definitely represent the Mei snake family. Although her strength is only a Peak giant, who on the 10000-thousand continent does not know how horrible the charm of Shexier is.

Once she joins, I am afraid that the power of the Thunder Monster Alliance can be doubled again!

“If the Mei snake family is willing, my Thunder Monster family alliance is naturally extremely welcome!”

For a moment, Lei Yao Old Ancestor laughed heartily, nodded and said.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyueyu’s face could not help getting better.

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