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“hong long! ”

Under the attack of Lion Robbery, the space that was passed by was broken apart, but the formation diagram was not destroyed. In it, a thin line of blood was still forming one after another. A very strange picture.

In the violent storm, the a path of blood-colored thin line trembles, if it may be torn at any time, but no matter how fierce the storm is, it cannot be completely torn, even if There are some breaks and they are recovering quickly.

“This… how is this possible?!”

Looking at the scene on the sky, the face of Lion Jie suddenly sank, and he even roared with some incredulity in his heart.

In the hit just now, even the powerful magical powers like Xuanyueyu can easily tear.

Under the increase of the ancestral talisman seal, the lion calamity of the star lion emperor has been used, and its explosive power has exceeded the limit of the Peak giant, and this level of attack has failed to tear the formation diagram, countless large In the heart of energy, there is an astonished expression.


Under the gaze of a path of amazement, with the action of Qin Yichen, the huge formation diagram is also turning rapidly, a majestic wave undulates and swings, and those blood-colored thin lines are drawn faintly. A huge silhouette.

Looking at the huge silhouette across the sky, countless powerful pupils have shrunk sharply. With its appearance, the sense of depression that shrouded innumerable powerful hearts became even heavier.


At a time when everyone was wondering, those blood lines were finally completely connected together. The three-color divine light burst into a violent surge, and a sound of majestic dragon roar filled the sky suddenly between Heaven and Earth. And then.

“hong long! ”

Under this Dragon’s roar, countless powers are feeling that the blood within the body is stagnant, and the storm between Heaven and Earth is stirred up by the explosion of rays of light. and Earth turning upside down.

Under the gaze of a line of sight, the rays of light gradually converged, and the huge silhouette gradually appeared in everyone’s sight.

“That… what is that?”

Under the shroud of 3 colors of rays of light, the first pair of diamond-shaped horns like deer horn appeared first, and then a few ten zhang or so long tentacles also gradually emerged, with the convergence of rays of light, A majestic and mysterious creature hovering above the air.

It is majestic and mysterious, just like the perfect existence of Between Heaven and Earth, just watching, it makes people can’t help but be awed.

And the countless powers below, when they saw this creature, even their knees couldn’t help but bend down. If they hadn’t hurriedly stabilized their bodies, I’m afraid they would kneel directly to the ground.

“Really … True Dragon ?!”

Countless powers stunned and stared at the huge silhouette hovering in the sky, their hearts horrified.

As the mainstay of all major races, it is natural to be familiar with True Dragon. Every appearance of True Dragon will stir up the 10000 continent.

Now, in this emperor sky, they even saw the dragon shadow again!

“No, this is not the True Dragon Martial Spirit, but the thing that the evil devil has united with the formation diagram!”

And soon, many powers recovered a sense of reason from that shock. Although that silhouette was extremely majestic, he still had many differences from those recorded in major races.

After hearing this, countless powers could not help holding breath cold air.

With the help of the formation diagram, this kind of thing that 10000 people are taboo has come up with. This guy not only has a terrible method, but also has courage.

Doesn’t he know that True Dragon is a taboo on the 10000 continent?

In the presence of so many powers, are they not afraid to cause them to flock and attack?

However, soon those powerful people also thought that this guy is from a god-level race. Although the race of the 10000 ethnic continents is powerful, few people can see in their eyes.

Even if True Dragon is made with Magical Powers, I am afraid no one dares to use it to deal with the race behind him.

After all, who would think that they are tired and put their races together to find the transcendent trouble of God-level races?

At this time, the spirit of Shi Jie was also horrified. In fact, he felt the deepest is in the middle of the formation diagram!

Under that dragon’s breath, the star lion emperor who was arrogant to the 10000 family Magical Powers turned out to be unbearable to look at at this time. Can’t stop trembling, as if being distracted by the dragon shadow at any time.

“This guy … how did he do it?”

Feeling the kind of terrifying coercion never seen before, Lion’s heart was shouted with incredible anger.

“It’s impossible, it’s definitely just a phantom!”

After a brief stun, the face of Shizhuang sank, and his eyes could not help but burst into coldness. Immediately, his body trembled, the majestic True Origin suddenly whistled from within the body.

“Star Lion Emperor, Star Lion 9 roar!”

The deep drinking, accompanied by the movement of the lion, suddenly resounded in this sky.

Immediately, everyone saw that on the huge star lion, the bright rays of light surged out, and the giant lion was no longer unbearable before, and growled suddenly.


Under its roar, a deafening sound wave circulated endlessly. Countless powers were inadvertently shaken by the shock of blood. Immediately, they quickly blocked the perception and used a vigorous cultivation base to turn that The writhing blood was suppressed.

And the giant lion didn’t stop there, a path of roar came from its huge mouth, and it turned out to be a huge sound wave as if superimposed together, slamming into the air in the air. Dragon Shadow whistled away.


Where the sound wave passed, the air was cracked by the tremors, and even a dark trace appeared in the space, which was a sign that the space was torn.

Looking at the horrible sound wave, countless powerful looks were all fierce.

Lion is worthy of being the first superman in the top 100 list. This kind of Magical Powers, look at the power below, I’m afraid no one dares to do it?

Immediately, a line of sight suddenly shifted, looking towards the end of the sound wave.

Under this horrible offensive, that dragon shadow might be able to resist it?

Is it futile, or does it really have the capital of 10000 things? !!

Under the gaze of countless lights, the terrifying sound wave was mixed with waves that destroyed everything, tearing open the space, and blasting away at the huge dragon shadow.

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