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With the head slightly lifted, the originally weak, seemingly dissipating silhouette suddenly had a bright golden light bursting out, and a somewhat angry voice also sounded: “Little cub, you still What a tolerance! “

Hearing his voice, Qin Yichen felt a sense of relief. He chuckled and said, “Dignified Emperor Tianhu, even playing this kind of trick, aren’t you shameful?”

Judging from the coercion of this silhouette, he must have been a very horrible existence. If he hadn’t met him in person, Qin Yichen couldn’t believe it. Such an existence would lie to a junior who had just broken through to the Holy Peak. .

The Emperor Tiger stared at Qin Yichen spookily, and then he was also sneaked, and said, “It is a cautious Little Brat, isn’t it because your fleshhy body is barely good? Do you think the emperor will choose you? Do you think you can escape The palm of my emperor can’t work? “

“Oh? You really have that patience, do you need to talk to me?”

In the face of his threat, Qin Yichen chuckled and said calmly.

In front of this silhouette, although there is horrible coercion on his body, Qin Yichen knows that he has already fallen, this is just a hint of that he’s all left in the pearl of inheritance.

However, Qin Yichen didn’t know how much power this guy had left, so he would never venture close to the area of ​​the golden palace.

“Little cub, if my emperor didn’t want to damage my body, do you think you can still stand in front of me?”

There was a flash of horrible rays of light in the empty pupil of Tianhu Huang, and a sneer sounded quietly.


With the sound of pride, a domineering atmosphere suddenly swept away and filled the space.

Under this aura, Qin Yichen’s body was tensely tightened, but he also did not at all change, but carefully observed the space, and seemed to want to find how to get out of trouble here.

“Little cub, don’t be whimsical, just because you have no ability to escape from the emperor!”

It seemed to be aware of Qin Yichen’s thoughts, and Tian Hu Huang’s voice sounded again: “Don’t resist, you can still bear a little less torture and be obedient to the old man!”

With the sound of this cold voice falling down, the Tianhuang Emperor’s palm fiercely saw a bright golden light rushing out, directly covering Qin Yichen.


Qin Yichen saw the Tianhu Emperor’s shot, his frowned, but did not take any defensive posture, but a little bit under his foot, a stunned figure was a violent shot and retreated.

After breaking through to the Holy Peak, Qin Yichen’s speed has obviously improved a lot, and it has reached a point that is quite amazing to you. This speed, even if you look at the power of Peak, can be compared with it. Can be counted on one’s fingers too.

Although the golden glow was fierce, it failed to catch up with Qin Yichen, but in this pursuit, the golden light gradually became a bit thinner.

Obviously, that’s because the power contained in it is being rapidly consumed.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yichen’s eyes flashed a little. After leaving the scope of the golden great hall, the strength of the Emperor Tiger seemed to be greatly suppressed. Even this attack was constantly weakened. .

“Little cub, didn’t expect that you are still a rat, which really disappoints the emperor!”

Seeing Qin Yichen unavoidable, and the speed was so fast, Tian Hu Huang also had a surprised look on his face, but immediately he gave a cold smile, his arms raised slightly, and immediately, the golden light Diffuse fingers pointed out in the volley of Qin Yichen, and a sound of smirk also resounded: “Since you like to escape, I will let you escape!”


With his 5 fingers pointing out, the golden light around him suddenly rose wildly, and turned into 5 huge red zhang huge golden tigers. The tiger’s body was covered with scale armor, which looked extremely Mighty and stingy.


As soon as the five golden giant tigers appeared, they roared, immediately moved under their feet, directly penetrated the void, and then presented a state of encirclement, besieging against Qin Yichen.

When seeing the five golden giant tigers, Qin Yichen’s complexion changed slightly, apparently from that, he also noticed the dangerous fluctuations of the fatal companion.

Although the King of Tigers has no idea how long it has fallen, the only idea remaining is not even one or two of its heyday, but for Qin Yichen, he is still an unbeatable mountain.

If this space does not seem to have a suppressive effect on the strength of the Tianhu Emperor, I am afraid that the latter is turning the room, and it will be able to destroy Qin Yichen.

But even so, when the latter began to use real power, it was still fatal to Qin Yichen.


Therefore, at this time, Qin Yichen’s body shook suddenly, which drove the speed to the extreme. His shape left a shadow in the air, a sharp sound of wind breaking, and a harsh sound rang out. .

He already knew that as long as the strength of the Emperor Tiger was out of the scope of the golden great hall, it would be continuously suppressed and consumed, so he only needed to continuously go around the circle, and such terrible means would be continuously weakened, and as long as it was Weakened to the point where he can deal with it, Qin Yichen can smash it.

Qin Yichen’s plan is indeed correct, but he still underestimated the fierceness of the Tian Tiger Emperor’s offensive. The speed of the five giant tigers surpassed his expectations. The short-term interest is Gush from all around, surround it and try to kill!


The space in front of Qin Yichen was the first to rupture, a mighty golden giant tiger burst out, and a gurgling sound appeared in front of him. Then, a gigantic giant claw swept at his body. Down.

Qin Yichen’s original rushing body also suddenly stopped. Immediately, his mind was moving, and he was about to call out 10000 god armors. However, he was shocked to find that the defense god armor he relied on had no connection. general.

At this time, the giant palm was already roaring. At this time, Qin Yichen could only cross his arms in front of him, and the 3 colors of rays of light condensed, as if turned into an indestructible shield, leaving the giant palm alone. Fiercely’s blast.


The two of them bumped into each other, and it was sparks that sputtered out, and the sound of gold and iron resounded, and from the space where they touched, a ripple of visible naked eye opened.

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