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“Oops, the shock was hurt by that demonic girl!”

The change in this battlefield suddenly made the Peaks who were standing on the side of the Lion Calm look dumbfounded. Although the previous shocking battle was even an absolute advantage for 2 people, everyone knows that here In this level of battle, a weak spot is likely to determine the outcome!

In addition, they are all terrified of the name of She Xier, and the terrifying of True Origin is a fear of countless powers.

The scary battle had just been bombarded by She Xier so much that a so-called weak spot appeared. I’m afraid he could not escape his doom.


In a path of dignified gaze, a thunderbolt erupted above the thin sword in Lei Yunyou’s hand. The kind of fluctuations, even Peak’s power, were jealous.

Obviously, a weak spot that she managed to catch, she didn’t have any reservation at all, and she already gave her strongest attack to the show.

At this time, the frightening battle still seemed to have a headache for the kind of snake venom eroded into the body. The entire body was in paralysis. Under this blow, he was like a living target!

Once being attacked by Lei Yunyou’s attack, I am afraid he will not escape the shock!

“hmph! ”

And just when everyone felt that the battlefield was about to end, the body was stiff, and a coldly snorted voice burst out from his mouth. The next moment, his silhouette moved, and it turned out to be lightning fast. And out, facing the oncoming Lei Yun shot violently.

“How can this be?!”

This sudden change made She Xier’s face changed. She was able to rank at the top of the top 100 list, not only for her devastatingly beautiful charm, but also because of her terrifying nature of True Origin.

Even if she is powerful and frightening, once she is injured, She Xier is confident that the latter will definitely lose the combat capability in a short time.

However, the frightening battle is nothing more than two breaths of effort, and, from its very ruthless means, simply doesn’t seem to be hurt by her!

“Haha, the shock is intentionally revealing the weak spot!”

“It is indeed the Great Elder of Jingyun Imperial Family. It seems that he has been prepared for Shexier for a long time!”

“Very good, those two women are really annoying, this time, we finally pulled back a city!”

Seeing this scene, there were more than a dozen glorious powers in the original gloom, and cheers broke out in the mouth.

“Do you think I’m frightened so well?”

Shocked with a touch of ridicule, the body was filled with terror waves, that aura could not be damaged at all. At this time, it was obviously too late for Lei Yunyou to retreat. Once he was bombarded by the shock , I’m afraid she will at least be hit hard, even vanished fragrance and crumbled jade!

However, what surprised me a bit was that under such a misfortune, above the pretty face of Lei Yunyou, the color of lose one’s head out of fear did not appear.


At the edge of that deep pit on the ground, Qin Yichen shook the head, closed his eyes dullly.

He knew extremely well about Lei Yunyou. In fact, after the breakthrough became the Peak giant, with the 10000 Taoism armors, she was fully qualified to fight the shock. However, in the previous battles, she had been With some reservations, she did not show the horror of 10000 Taoism at all. Obviously, she was keeping it intentionally.

That kind of reservation is to let the frighten war be taken lightly, but Lei Yunyou can’t think of it, the frightened war will reveal such a large weak spot to her, although the frightened war has come back, but for her Say, it’s too late!


With Qin Yichen’s eyes closed, the dazzling golden light burst out from Lei Yunyou’s body. The golden light above the Battle Armor on her body was like a female god, with majesty.


In the next instant, the fist of fright had been hit fiercely on Lei Yunyou’s head. However, many unexpected bloody scenes did not appear. His palm turned directly from Lei Yunyou’s head. Penetrating through it, as if bombing in the air.

“Residual … residual ?!”

As soon as he was shot down, the smirk on his shocked face suddenly solidified. At this moment, a huge sense of crisis suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, and just when his inwardly shouted was not good, and he wanted to retreat, His body was suddenly stagnant, a blade exuding a cold light stabbed from above his left chest, and a sense of soreness instantly made his body stiffen.

“She … how could she be so fast ?!”

Looking at the sword tip penetrating out of his chest, an incredible voice whispered in the shocked mouth, feeling that his vitality was rapidly dissipating. He still forcedly twisted his head and printed it into his eyes. A beautiful pretty face covered with cold colors.

“She has been hiding strength!”

Looking at the cold face without a trace of expression, he was shocked to know that he was defeated!

Just now, Lei Yunyou’s speed has almost doubled so much that his killing moves have failed. Moreover, the latter even took advantage of his unpreparedness and pierced his key with a single blow!

If Lei Yunyou had exhibited such speed and strength before, he would certainly not die, and sell such a weak spot!

Looking at the twisted face, Lei Yunyou’s pretty face is still unchanged. Under the sword just now, the strength of Thunder has poured out, destroying the vitality of the latter within the body, even if It’s because the strength of the war is overbearing. At this time, it’s just a sigh of relief. Simply has no power to fight back.

Above the distant sky, a line of sight is full of sorrow.

The recent changes just happened in the electric light and flint. If it is an ordinary person and so on, I am afraid that simply cannot see the shock and deliberately expose the weak spot. It looks like it is because of the attack of She Xier, and he has not responded yet. It was penetrated by a sword.

However, these powerful people have seen the details just now, and they are even more horrified at the speed of Lei Yunyou’s sudden outbreak.

“The big picture has been set!”

Looking at Lei Yunyou, who slowly pulled the sword out of the horrifying body, there was a touch of joy on the faces of the dozen or so powerful people in their camp.

Originally in the 3 Peak battlefields, they all fell into the absolute downwind. If it were not the temptation of the inheritance pearl, they would not want to take such a risk.

However, no one expected that there were actually 3 of these 2 Peak battlefields, which ended with red flames and terrifying bodies!

In a path of shocking eyes, the thin sword was slowly drawn out, Yin Hong’s blood spewed out from the transparent cave, and the silhouette of the frightened soldier fell to the bottom.

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