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“bang! bang!”

a path of huge roaring sounds, constantly resounding in the air, the violent fluctuations made Heaven and Earth tremble.

At this time, a great power in the distance temporarily stopped the battle in their hands, all of them with a deep look of dreading looked towards mid-air.

There, a silhouette like a flame of War God kept flashing, its speed did not seem to be a bit slow due to the huge body, and, with its movement, each attack carried a kind of heaven and Earth can be scorched hot.

The silhouette that fights with the general existence of this Fire War God seems to be very small, but his speed does not seem to be faster than that of the Fire God. In the face of every attack from the latter, he It is hard to resist.

What is even more surprising is that under such hard shock, he seems not at all because the flames of 1000 ancient red flames were affected, and the momentum turned out to be comparable to the latter.

At this time, the fiery complexion became increasingly gloomy. Under this kind of battle, he clearly felt the power of Qin Yichen. Even if he used all the means himself, he couldn’t. Forced the latter.

Moreover, he originally wanted to suppress the latter with the arrogance and persistence of True Origin, but when he saw the guy took a gap to take 2 elixir, he abandoned the plan somewhat.

For the entire 10000 ethnic continent, no one knows. The compound Dan that has subverted Alchemy Dao was launched by this evil devil. The elixir prepared by the latter is probably enough to consume him alive!


After such a hand-to-hand confrontation, a fierce flash of light flashed in the eyes of Chihuo, and punches struck out. Finally, Qin Yichen’s figure was blown away.


And just as Qin Yichen was about to swoop up again, he could only see that the 1000 ancient Chiyan magic body was suddenly printed with his hands, and the raging flames swept out, directly in the sky into a Vermilion Bird.

That flame of Vermilion Bird is beautiful and alluring, and it exudes a sense of danger that makes countless powers palpitate.

“Finally can’t help it, do you want to show your hole cards?”

Looking at the flame of Vermilion Bird, Qin Yichen’s complexion also became slightly dignified. From that Vermilion Bird, he had an extremely dangerous feeling.

“10000 Fire Spirit, Ning!”

With the sound of a low-drinking sound, the bright rays of light erupted on the body of the 1000 ancient Chiyan method, and, more surprisingly, these lusters were integrated into the flame Vermilion Bird.

Under this injection, the luster on the body of the 1000 ancient Chiyan method is getting dimmer, but the rays of light on the flame Vermilion Bird is even more dazzling. Peak power is trembling for it.


In the end, the flame Vermilion Bird’s huge mouth turned out to be a sharp tweet, as if it were alive, at the same time, a terrifying coercion was also emitted from its body, full of In this sky.

Under this coercion, even Lion Lion and Xuanyueyu could not help being frowned, a grave expression appeared in their eyes. Such magical powers have threatened them!

“Junior, let me use this move, you’re dead.”

At this point, the sound of red fire cracking and cold sounded, but in this sound, there was a bit of weakness, and even the gloss of the 1000 ancient red inflammation law body became extremely dim, obviously, Using this move has a lot of cost for him.

As his voice sounded, above the sky, the flame Vermilion Bird also looked down at Qin Yichen. The terrifying coercion turned into a substantive red cloud, suppressing it from below.


Under this coercion, the space shuddered violently.

Feeling that kind of fluctuation, many powerful faces couldn’t help but change, they felt that if this flame Vermilion Bird could easily burn them into nothingness!

At this time, Qin Yichen’s eyes were also narrowed slightly. Under the shroud of coercion, his body could not help tightening to the extreme, looking through the layers of red clouds, looking at the one that seemed alive. Flame Vermilion Bird, he felt a fatal danger.

“Peace, die!”

When the sound of the red fire cracked and the cold sounded, the flame Vermilion Bird also screamed. In the next instant, its wings trembled, and its shape rushed away directly towards Qin Yichen.

Under this Vermilion Bird, it seems that Heaven and Earth can’t bear it anymore. The space where the flames flow passes and the space is cracked open.

“This junior is proud of being able to push the red fire crack to this extent.”

When I saw this Magical Powers, many powers could not help but sigh. In the eyes of a path of looked towards Qin Yichen, not at all what was ridiculous, and some were sighing and sorry.

Although Qin Yichen was arrogant, in the fierce battle with the Red Fire, they have fully received their respect. If it is frightened, it is difficult to defeat him. This evil is qualified to be so arrogant.

However, unfortunately, his opponent is the fierce man who is ranked third in the top 100!

At this time, the red fire crack also showed his true strength. Under this move, look at the Peak powers of the entire 10000 ethnic continent, and dare to say that there is confidence in the next, I am afraid that except the Lion and the Moon Moonfish Besides, it is difficult to find another one.


With the sound of the tweet, the silhouette of the flame of Vermilion Bird rapidly enlarged in the eyes of Qin Yichen. His body shook, and the brilliant golden light burst out from within the body. Immediately, 3 colors of rays The True Origin unrolled bolt of white silk of of light whistled out.


However, what is surprising is that the 3-color unrolled bolt of white silk that has achieved good results before has failed to shake the flame of the Vermilion Bird at all at this time. It is not close yet, but it is surrounded by the Vermilion Bird. That kind of flame was incinerated.

“This old bastard, isn’t it fame!”

Seeing that even the energy that he had smelted three kinds of power did not achieve the expected results, Qin Yichen’s eyes were also a little stunned, and he couldn’t help sighing.

The red fire crack must have gotten a great chance. His means have far exceeded the ordinary Chi Yan Imperial Family’s power. The 10000 fire spirits are faintly comparable to those of the 9-day fire sea Phoenix Clan. trend.

“However, you are not Phoenix Clan, after all, otherwise, I can’t help you …”

Looking at the getting closer Vermilion Bird, Qin Yichen’s eyes, with a touch of bright light glittering, a murmur, came out gently from his mouth.

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