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“Lion robbery, apart from moving out of the race behind you, what ability do you have!”

And when there was a little anxiety in many powerful hearts, the coldly snorted sound of Xuanyueyu suddenly sounded. His voice, like a sharp sword, was torn apart by this horrible coercion. .

As the coercion passed away, the sense of depression that shrouded everyone’s hearts was gradually dissipated.

“Xuanyueyu, I’ll pack you up later, you don’t have to be so anxious.”

Seeing this scene, the face of the lion robbed a little, and the voice of coldly snorted came from his mouth.

For Xuanyueyu, he really moved his heart!

If it weren’t for that matter, at this point he couldn’t help but go straight. In order to prevent accidents, he still wants to rely on his reputation to let those who are in trouble get out of the way.

“Giggle, Elder, lion. It’s not like your character. What are you worried about being so alert?”

At this time, She Xi’er seemed to be aware of what was happening. Her Liu Mei slightly raised her head and asked with a smile.

Hearing these words, the eyes of the mighty lions and red fire cracks were a little froze, and a cold light flashed in their eyes.

“The people who lion robbed them are all Sovereign level races, except for a few powers of Chuan. Could they, Sovereign level races, find out?”

“It’s highly likely that this place will never be easy!”

“This blood essence pool, even looking at 10000 years, is still the most powerful, isn’t it …”

Although their faces did not show any strange colors, under the words of She Xier, the eyes of those powerful people behind him suddenly looked towards the horror blood essence pool isolated by the abyss, a path of The sound of discussion also sounded quietly.

“Heavy air covers the sky, there is a ten thousand zhang abyss, and blood essence divine fruit is also produced. Does this blood essence pool have top powerhouse inheritance?”

And Xuanyueyu’s eyes flashed a faint light, and a low whisper came slowly from his mouth.

“Top powerhouse inheritance?”

Hearing these words, the original argument came to an abrupt halt, and the lion and the others opposite them, their faces also sinking sharply.

“Haha, if it’s top powerhouse inheritance, then even if the old man is desperately standing opposite the Lion Robber, he will have to intervene!”

“Count me in!”

“If we can get the inheritance of the Heaven Realm top powerhouse, then our tribe can also compete for the status of the Sovereign level race!”

After a short period of silence, a path of loud noises rang out.

The powers who were still a little hesitant at this time, their attitudes became extremely firm.

Seeing them like this, the faces of Lion and the others are covered with haze.

“It seems that I haven’t shown up for too long, and a group of black people have dared to come and fight me.”

Facing that a path of excited gaze, the lion robbed a circle, and a somewhat angry coldly shouted voice quietly resounded in this Heaven and Earth.

However, at this time, it is not at all disappointing.

No one wants to miss this huge opportunity, and even if it really offends the Lion Robbery, there is Xuanyueyu to stop it. Before its defeat, they simply don’t need to worry about this.

At the forefront, there are powerful breath fluctuations spreading on the three people of Lion Robbery, Red Fire Cracker and Shock. On the opposite side of them, Xuanyueyu, Qin Yichen, and Lei Yunyou and Shexier 3 daughters are not at all Let the breath of the body fluctuate no less than the opposite.

The breath on both sides is extremely tyrannical, and the power behind them is also quietly tense, and everyone knows that the war is about to begin!

There are a lot of fierce people here, and the top few of the top 100 are almost here. Although Qin Yichen and Lei Yunyou are not on the top 100, the battle on Baigushan has proven them. So powerful.

Even more how, now they are much stronger than when they first entered Huangjitian. Lei Yunyou has broken through to the Peak giant. If she makes her face Chu Chu again, she has absolute confidence. The latter couldn’t sustain ten rounds in his hands!

Looking at the group of powers on the opposite side, the lion took a deep breath, and the cold glow flashed in his eyes. I thought that this time would be no accident as usual, but now it seems that I want to get that opportunity. There is a big war.

The almost solid atmosphere continued, and when the time was about a quarter of an hour away, Qin Yichen’s eyes were suddenly frozen, almost in the eyes of colleagues, Lion Robbery, Xuanyueyu, and the others. The blood essence pool projected away.

I do not know when the golden liquid in the blood essence pool was slowly torn apart, an ancient vicissitudes permeated from it.


A buzzing sound resounded through the space, and a dazzling round of golden light burst out from the torn golden pool water.

Under that round of golden light, the dark clouds condensed by numerous radon on the sky were torn apart layer by layer. That ancient breath made everyone’s bodies sink slightly. .

However, at this time, everyone’s eyes were full of fervent expression staring at the golden beam of light. Among the golden beams of light, a brilliant pearl suspended quietly in it.

The pearl was about the size of a fist, golden all over the body, and a mysterious wave, constantly swinging from it.

“It’s the pearl of inheritance from top powerhouse!”

Seeing this scene, many powerful eyes instantly became hot.

Although they are only one step away from the top powerhouse, no one knows, this step, when will it be able to cross, and even countless powerless lives, trapped at the level of the Peak giant, can never step into that Supreme Realm.

More importantly, it is rumored that Heaven Realm top powerhouse has fallen in Huangjitian. The pearl of inheritance may also belong to the 10000 ethnic continents that are considered to be the most Peak-inheriting inheritance!

“Is the pearl of inheritance?”

Qin Yichen also looked up slightly. He stared tightly at the dazzling golden pearl. He could feel that the Dao Mark road on his forehead seemed to be strongly attracted and sent out a fiery feeling. And, even the blood of his within the body at this time has accelerated the speed of circulation, so it looks as if there is something in the front that can make them more powerful.

“hu 哧!”

Looking at the pearl, many powerful breaths became a little hastily.

Many powers dare not expect this to be the inheritance pearl of the Heaven Realm top powerhouse, even if the inheritance of the Earth Realm top powerhouse, if they get it, it will be a huge opportunity!

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