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“Xiu! Hey!”

At 10000 peaks, Immortal Qi lingered. At one moment, the atomized True Origin was violently torn apart. With the sound of a rushing wind breaking, the two figures were rushing down from the mountain like lightning.

And looking at them as anxious as if evading something.

“Shua! Hey!”

Sure enough, in the time when the two figures had just passed by, but after them, it was convenient for them to have a silhouette of a path of breath passing by.

These powerful silhouettes are the Peak giants headed by the evil cloud. In front of them are Qin Yichen and Lei Yunyou.

After escaping from that deep hole, Qin Yichen 2 didn’t dare to stay a bit, they both spurred the speed to the extreme.

However, even so, they have failed to shake off the evil clouds, and even in the short time of escape, the distance has been continuously drawn closer!

“Boy, don’t stop, don’t blame old man for being merciless!”

As the distance got closer and closer, the sound of anger and drink from behind them also clearly passed into the ears of Qin Yichen 2 people.

Listening to a path of threat coming from behind, Lei Yunyou’s face was covered with grave expression involuntarily.

However, when Lei Yunyou looked towards Qin Yichen, she found out that the latter’s face was indifferent, without the slightest nervousness, as if he had been accustomed to such killing.

“Can we escape?”

Feeling the breath getting closer and closer, Lei Yun could not help but asked Qin Yichen.

After getting 10000 Battle Armor, Lei Yunyou can also compete with the Peak giant. In the hands of Qin Yichen, he has the life of the Peak giant like Lan Zhen!

It can be said that the battle strength of two people can definitely belong to the Peak giant.

However, behind them at this time, there are 7 Peak giants headed by evil clouds! Moreover, there are more than a dozen ordinary giants behind them.

Once stopped by them, even if the two are strong, I am afraid they will be beaten to death!

“do not know.”

Regarding Lei Yunyou’s inquiry, Qin Yichen didn’t hide anything. After paused, he said, “But I know that if we stop, we will definitely die terribly.”

After hearing these words, Lei Yunyou’s pretty face could not help but a look of bitter smile.

In fact, she was still curious about Qin Yichen in her mind. After meeting each other, she kept thinking about what charm this guy has, and even that many powerhouse chase him every time.

When in this situation, Lei Yunyou finally understood.

However, this escape seemed a lot more horrible than she expected.

“The evil spirit is sky-high, suppress me!”

As the two people fled quickly, the sound of evil cloud’s wrath suddenly sounded behind him.

“hong long! ”

With the fall of this voice, Heaven and Earth seemed to change color suddenly, and the whole between Heaven and Earth seemed to become a gray World.

This is the realm of evil clouds!

Qin Yichen has not been affected by this repressive evil area. However, on the side of Lei Yunyou, her shape is suddenly abrupt, even though she reacts very quickly and her body is full From strength of Thunder, however, her speed was also greatly hindered.

Seeing this, Qin Yichen face changed, and he quickly grabbed the thin waist of the latter’s Yingying grip, and just as he was about to continue to flee, the space in front of him moved slightly, an old face covered with gloomy faces, already Appeared in their sight.

“Little cub, still want to escape?”

Xie Yun’s eyes were full of cold cold glow, and the somber sound also quietly sounded.

Although I don’t know what means Qin Yichen can use to isolate his Shengwei repression, Lei Yunyou is not so calm. He also seized this opportunity and directly caught up.

At the moment of the short block, there was also a rushing wind breaking sound in the rear. The remaining 6 Peak giants also caught up at this moment and surrounded them with a stance of encirclement.

“Hmph, so many people together, to deal with 2 juniors, evil clouds, you really have to have no shame!”

Looking at the Peak giant who was ready to go to each and everyone, Qin Yichen’s complexion was also intensified, and a coldly snorted voice came from his mouth.

“Junior, don’t try to anger us. Today, you will not surrender all the treasures obtained from this relic, but I’m sorry you waited!”

When I heard the coldly snorted of Qin Yichen, the old faces of several Peak giants were also slightly red, but at this time none of them retreated. Instead, their bodies were tight and their breath was firmly locked on the two, at any time Can start hands.

Although it would be a shame for such a thing to spread, compared with the treasure in the ruins of the Imperial Family of 10000 点, that reputation is obviously nothing.

And if Dao Yuan Fruit can be snatched up to break through to the top powerhouse, who would dare to say bad things about them?

“Do you mean, let’s say we hand things over, can you let us go?”

Qin Yichen raised a brow slightly, said with a cold laugh, and that smile was full of ridicule.

In fact, everyone knows that no matter whether Qin Yichen handed over those things, Xie Yun and the others will not stop there. Their purpose is to keep Qin Yichen here forever!

If you miss this place and want to kill Qin Yichen again, it will be difficult.

On the 10000-family continent, the top powerhouse will still have some concerns and will not shoot him in person, but with this guy’s hole card, even the Peak giant can’t help him. He wants to kill in the boundless 10000-family continent The difficulty of this guy will undoubtedly make hope even smaller.

“This kid must be deliberately delaying time, don’t talk nonsense with him!”

The evil cloud eyebrows is slightly frowned, and several Peak giants facing the side are lightly shouted.

“Shoot together, don’t give them a chance!”

Hearing this, several Peak giants glanced at each other, all were nodded, and immediately, on them, there were violent surges.

“These old bastard to have no shame!”

Seeing this scene, Qin Yichen’s complexion sank sharply. On his side, Lei Yunyou’s pretty face also became dignified. On the charming body, the Golden Battle Armor also slowly emerged. .

“Shoot, kill them, divide the treasure!”

With the sound of a rage, a Peak giant was suddenly violent, a path of terrifying True Origin offensive, also hiding the sky and covering the earth facing the two figures strikes in the middle, go with.

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