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Although Qin Yichen is not proficient in the way of trenches, he is also a successor of Luban Master. A quick glance reveals the condition of these rampants.

Count 100 tadpoles, each of which is comparable to the Peak Giant, and is also a masterless object!

If anyone can control these puppets …

Thinking of this, Qin Yichen was sucked in a cold breath.

Count 100 Peak Giants, if not top powerhouse, this power is enough to sweep the Sovereign level race!

“To control these puppets, you need a lot of people who are proficient in Dao of Puppet.”

Looking at these puppets, Qin Yichen also shook the head with regret. Even he can only control 2 puppets. Such a number, even if there is a method of control, will bring all the Luban survivors together, I am afraid they cannot be activated.

After all, to activate this level of puppets, it takes not only time, but also a good Spirit Power cultivation base!

“When we go back, we need to go to the GSU and the Lu …”

Qin Yichen thought to himself.

After the Heaven and Earth catastrophe, the people of the Luban survivors fled, and the artisan approach was almost lost. Qin Yichen did not summon them after receiving the master’s hammer, because they needed time to rest.

However, the situation for Human Race is very difficult now. If the Luban survivors can control these puppets, it will be great news for Human Race.

In this way of thinking, 2 people have passed through the Earth Palace of several hundred 傀儡 傀儡, and came to the forefront of these 傀儡 ,, where there is a tall stone platform, and on top of the stone platform, 100 are covered with dust. Quaint jade box.

Qin Yichen cautiously stepped forward, and gently moved the palm to open the middle jade box.


When the jade box was opened, it was seen that a rays of light shot out of it, and the rays of light converged to form a light curtain in front of the two people.

Above the light curtain, there are 10000 miles of mountains, and the majestic temples in the mountains are clustered in endlessly.

Looking at these scenes, Qin Yichen’s eyes couldn’t help but a slight glance, he faintly felt that these scenes above were exactly the ruins of the 10000 Imperial Family!

In the scene of the light curtain, there are countless silhouettes passing by, and you can faintly see countless powerful silhouettes. Obviously, that is the scene when the 10000 傀 Imperial Family exists. The majesty is enough to prove 10000 傀 Imperial. The power of Family.

“hong long! ”

Suddenly, the scene above the light curtain changed, Heaven and Earth eclipsed, and above that high altitude, the space shattered, and a silhouette exuding an endless divide light slowly emerged from the broken space.

That silhouette, diffuse light throughout, those eyes are full of indifference, and there is a blood-colored vertical mark in the center of its forehead.

When this silhouette appeared, a terrifying coercion was also dropping from the sky. Just below it, the mountains were constantly collapsing, which immediately caused countless frightening sights.

At the same time, from each of the majestic peaks, there is a path of silhouettes exuding a strong breath, but they can’t even get close to that silhouette.

On top of the highest mountain, two top powerhouses stood on it quietly. When they saw the silhouette, there was not even a look of resistance on their faces. Some, just endless fear.

Above the sky, that silhouette looked down indifferently, and the sound of indifference without a trace of emotion also echoed between Heaven and Earth.

“Heavens Heaven’s Chosen, killed here, and so are guilty. When he suffers from Divine Punishment, he is absolutely dead!”

That indifferent sound was like the voice of a divine house. As it fell, a wave of terrifying drops from the sky, and the entire world in the light curtain began to collapse.

Under that fluctuation, even if it is as strong as 10000 傀 Imperial Family, it is only reduced to ashes.

Wherever the wave passed, a path of powerful silhouettes were wiped out, and no living beings existed.

Looking at the scene in the light curtain, Qin Yichen’s mind was also shivering. These scenes are probably experienced by the Imperial Family 10000 years ago 10000 years ago.

There was silence in the Earth Palace, and the eyes of two people were full of shock.

10000 傀 Imperial Family, was killed by a voice pronounced like a divine residence?

And all of this is because a so-called world clan Heaven’s Chosen has fallen here, and it is necessary to be buried with 100000000 10000 souls of an Imperial Family?

After a long time, the light curtain slowly dissipated, and the two of them came back to his senses.

“A cruel means to exterminate all beings in absolutely.”

Qin Yichen said in a low voice.

Lei Yunyou’s pretty face is also slightly pale. The so-called realm is really overbearing and ruthless.

“What kind of realm is that, there is such a power. In a word, all souls in absolutely are gone.”

Qin Yichen’s face was covered with grave expression.

With the improvement of strength, he found more and more that this World is really too vast and has too many things he didn’t know.

In a word, the way the words are spoken, the space is destroyed, just like the end of the world, an Imperial Family in the strong period, without even a little resistance, is destroyed.

This kind of existence can be called horror. Even if it is a god-level race, I am afraid that this step cannot be easily done, right?

And Qin Yichen didn’t see that when that silhouette appeared, the little beast body on his shoulder was stiff, and there was a cold expression in the pair of glass-like pupils.

After the light curtain disappeared, the beast returned to normal appearance, and lazily lay on Qin Yichen’s shoulder.

“It seems that the scenes were recorded when the 10000 Imperial Family was destroyed.”

Lei Yunyou also sighed, long put out a breath, the terrifying scene, just looking at it, makes people feel heavy.

Perhaps, it is also because of the achievements of the 10000 Imperial Family in the trenches that they can retain such a scene.

After all, 傀儡 is not a creature, so under the devastating catastrophe, only 10000 傀 Imperial Family survived.

After a short shock, Qin Yichen’s eyes also turned to two other quaint jade boxes covered with dust.

“These two jade boxes will never be recorded, right?”

Qin Yichen murmured in his heart, then cautiously opened the jade box on the left quietly.

However, this time the jade box was opened, but it did not cause any movement. After Qin Yichen fully opened the jade box, I saw that there was a golden liquid in the jade box.

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