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Opposite to them, the evil powers such as Peak and Cloud were a little stunned. Immediately, a tinge of playfulness was hung on their faces.

They looked at Qin Yichen slightly, and finally couldn’t help laughing out loud.

Originally, they were still having a headache. How could they kill Qin Yichen and rob Dao Yuan Fruit? At the same time, they did not fight the final battle with Thunder Spirit.

After all, there is such a terrifying encounter under the Spirit Tree Spirit Tree. If you fight for your life here, any of them will lose the capital to continue to compete for the Spirit Tree Spirit Tree.

But when they had a headache and wanted to fight, Qin Yichen stood up and released such arrogant words!

In their opinion, Qin Yichen is simply putting his life and Dao Yuan Fruit in his hands!

“How about, who do you plan to come for?”

Regarding the questioning glance of a path of, Qin Yichen looked as if he did not feel ordinary, his gaze was looking directly at the evil cloud, and he whispered softly.

“I come!”

“I come!”

In Qin Yichen tone barely fell, several Peak giants have opened the mouth and said in succession.

They all know that Qin Yichen is not simple, but they are obviously very confident in their strength, and once Qin Yichen is killed, the 2 Dao Yuan Fruits are real, even if one is given to the evil cloud, that shot People, they can leave one!

But that will give them the opportunity to break through and become a top powerhouse. Who is willing to give up this opportunity?

At this time, looking at the confident Qin Yichen, Xie Yun’s brow frowned slightly.

He also played against Qin Yichen in the imperial imperial city. At that time, if he had a deliberate intention, he would be sure to leave the latter.

And now, Qin Yichen breaks through again, he also noticed that the latter has made great progress, but he also believes that as long as the Peak giant has a great chance to kill this arrogant junior!

“Lan Zhen, go and fix him.”

After a little groaning, the evil cloud also slowly opened the mouth and said.

“I will handle it!”

Hearing this, Lan Zhen was also laughing heartily, pats his chest, and said.

When the other Peak giants saw this, their faces flashed with a touch of disappointment.

In particular, the three Peak giants who failed to kill Qin Yichen with Lan Zhen together had a flash of loss in their hearts.

Before, if it wasn’t for the giants of the Thunder Monster Alliance, Lan Zhen’s attack would be enough to kill Qin Yichen!

However, they also know that Lan Zhen and Qin Yichen fought twice. Lan Zhen was the clearest about the latter’s strength and means. He sent him to prevent 2 from happening.

At this time, Qing Zhengyi’s complexion changed slightly, and he almost couldn’t help but stand up.

After all, before he saw it with his own eyes, Qin Yichen showed everything. Although that method was enough to compete with the Peak giant, it was also true that he was almost killed by the blue shock.

Facing Lan Zhen again, I am afraid that Qin Yichen will collapse faster!

He wouldn’t think that Lan Zhen would keep his hands on Qin Yichen!

However, just as Qing Zhengyi was going to stop, Lei Yunyou shook the head at him.

Seeing Lei Yunyou’s appearance, Qing Zhengyi could not help frowned.

Although I don’t know why Lei Yunyou had such confidence in Qin Yichen, he also knows that here Lei Yunyou is the person who knows Qin Yichen best. Maybe Qin Yichen does this by relying on it Right.

However, the two honors have been destroyed. Qing Zhengyi really can’t think of what Qin Yichen can rely on to compete with Lan Zhen.

“Junior, let you escape twice, it turned out to be a surprise for me …”

Lan Zhen slowly walked in front of Qin Yichen, but there was a kind of excitement in his voice.

In his opinion, Qin Yichen is simply a rich boy, as long as he is beheaded, the 3 Sun Spirit Mushroom and Dao Yuan Fruit are at his fingertips!

Moreover, with 2 times of playing experience, he has thoroughly studied Qin Yichen’s methods. At this time, as long as no one disturbs him, he has absolute confidence in killing the latter in one shot!

At this time, the many powerhouses originally surrounded by them all stepped back with interest.

As everyone pulled back, Lan Zhen’s complexion was also positive, and the terrifying True Origin burst out from his body.


With his actions, the entire True Origin between Heaven and Earth suddenly boiled, and countless Heaven and Earth True Origins came together at a speed visible to a naked eye.

“This is another trick!”

Looking at this scene, Qing Zhengyi’s complexion also became fierce and dignified. This move is no stranger to him. Last time, Qin Yichen almost planted this trick.

“Amazing azure light sword!”

With the sound of Lan Zhen’s deep drinking, terrifying azure True Origin quickly condensed behind him, and a huge azure sword emerged.

Moreover, this sharp sword is even bigger than the last time the two played against each other!

Obviously, Lan Zhen did not intend to waste time at all, but wanted to kill him directly in the posture of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

Opposite it, Qin Yichen’s face was calm from the beginning to the end, without the slightest wave, as if he had expected this scene.

As his mind moved, Bloodline Strength was also inspired, and Scarlet’s True Origin whistled out, as if the flame of the sky burned into the sky, and the space was tortured.

When they saw the true origin of this scarlet, all of their powerful faces were slightly condensed. Obviously, they also realized the speciality of this true origin.

“Is this trick again?”

Seeing this scene, the sneer on Lan Zhen’s face seemed a little bit more stingy, and in his eyes, there was a touch of irony.

Qin Yichen’s this move does have the power to threaten the Peak giant, but he has crushed it twice, so, in his opinion, Qin Yichen is simply bringing about one’s own destruction.


While those scarlet rays of light had not yet condensed, Lan Zhen was already furiously shouted, with a wave of his arm, the huge azure giant sword pierced the space at once, with extreme swings, and slammed into Qin Yichen. Fired away.

Seeing this, Qin Yichen eyebrows slightly frowned, it seems that it is also a bit unexpected that the latter was so eager, but his heart moved, and Scarlet’s beheaded Blade Qi also condensed out, like a round of magical red moon at last Unwilling to bombard the azure giant sword from that thorn.

“courting death !”

Seeing this scene, Lan Zhen couldn’t help sneered, the cold killing intent in his eyes flashed, and the azure giant sword fell down with no mercy, such an attitude, as if to make that round of blade glow and Qin Yichen chopped together!

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