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Listening to such casually Qin Yichen’s words, even Lei Yunyou’s face can’t help but have some embarrassment. She is the youngest giant powerhouse of the Lei Yao family.

However, even when she passed from Holy Intermediate Intermediate to Advanced, it turned into a short period of time, but compared with this guy, she could not help looking overshadowed.

“Little friend breakthrough to the holy level, as long as you don’t want to be as hard-hitting as before, it is not easy for Lan Zhen to kill you.”

Qing Zhengyi sighed in his heart and immediately reminded.

The more powerful Qin Yichen was, the happier their allies were, but the impulsive character of the latter made him a headache.

Every time no matter who the opponent is, this guy always has nothing to fear, and slams forward.

Like the battle with Lan Zhen just now, in fact, Qin Yichen can avoid it without fighting. After a little delay, they will lose the chance to kill Qin Yichen.

Although Qin Yichen’s performance was shocking just now, in Qing Zhengyi’s view, this is still too risky.

For Qing Zhengyi’s reminder, Qin Yichen is also lightly nodded.

Seeing his cute appearance, Lei Yunyou secretly shook the head. Although she has not been in contact with Qin Yichen for a long time, she has a deep understanding of the latter’s personality.

In her opinion, Qin Yichen didn’t seem to know how to write. When he broke through to the intermediate level of the Holy Level, this guy dared to play 2 Demonic Beasts of the giant level that she even dreaded. Moreover, not only did he not fight You will be scared, and you will even enjoy the excitement.

The only thing that can prevent him from fighting is the aloof and remote top powerhouse!

“Let’s go, Lan Zhen, they have already passed, and it will be too late.”

Immediately, Qing Zhengyi murmured, and the speed also accelerated sharply.

In the next ancient palaces, it was surprisingly quiet. There seems to be no Formation organization in these ancient palaces, and the Qin Yichen 3 people are unimpeded along the way.

However, Qin Yichen was keenly aware that there were still some subtle fluctuations in some dark places of the temple.

Maybe, those places used to have the Form organization, but under the erosion of years, they have lost formidable power.

Walking through like this, 3 people soon came to a magnificent ancient palace.

The gate of this ancient palace is ten zhang high. Three people walked slowly into it, and all of them could not help but raise a small feeling.

And at the end of this ancient palace, there is a tall stone statue, the face of that stone statue has been eroded by the years a bit blurred, this somewhat broken statue is like a divine residence, it just stands here , But it can not help but cause people’s heart to be afraid.

“This should be a big shot statue of 10000 傀 Imperial Family …”

Qin Yichen looked at the statue with some respect, and sighed secretly in his heart.

The statue himself should be at least an existence that can be compared with the ancestors of the Great Imperial Imperial Family. However, with such existence, the race behind him has not been able to inherit for 10000 generations, and even how they were destroyed, so far No news came out, this result is really a bit sighing.

“They’re there!”

At this time, Qing Zhengyi’s arm was pointing directly at a temple door behind the statue, and the voice of excitement sounded.

Qin Yichen’s eyes swept away, and through that gate, he could dimly see some powerful silhouettes. Obviously, it was the Peak giants in front of them!

“They all stopped there, they must have found the Spirit Tree, go!”

Qin Yichen whispered and waved his hand, and his body was violently shot towards the door of the palace. Qing Zhengyi was 2 points faster than him, and was ahead of him.

After all, he did n’t know the situation outside the door of the temple. If the situation was unfavorable, if Qin Yichen were to take the lead, it would be likely to be hit or even killed by the Peak giant who had been ambushing.


As he was about to reach the gate of the temple, Qin Yichen made a flick and stopped suddenly.

At this point, his figure was on the side of that huge statue, and from this position, he could see that the statue was holding his hands behind him.

What surprised Qin Yichen was that the palm in the sleeve robe seemed to have a dark and shiny flash.

Qin Yichen frowned, a little under his feet, flew straight up. After he got closer, he discovered that the palm of the statue in the sleeve robe seemed to bear a mysterious mark, and on its thumb, there was a dark ring.


After whispering, Qin Yichen reached out and touched the ring after his palm touched him. He found that the ring could be taken off with a little effort.

“Qin little friend, hurry up …”

At this time, at the lower gate, Qing Zhengyi’s voice came over.

There was even a trace of trill in that voice!

Hearing this, Qin Yichen directly held up the ring. When he just broke away from the finger, the dark ring quickly became smaller, and finally fell into Qin Yichen’s hand like an ordinary black iron ring.

At this time, Qin Yichen didn’t look at the ring too much, and when he was in shape, he ran towards the door of the palace.

As soon as I walked through the gate, more than ten silhouettes appeared in the sight of Qin Yichen. Those are the Peak Giants led by Thunder Spirit Wind and Evil Cloud!

Qin Yichen’s gaze swept slightly, and finally he solidified in that central position.

There, there is a small yellow tree, and the tree is covered with mysterious and obscure lines. These lines are like a masterpiece of Heaven and Earth, natural and magical, which makes people feel intoxicated.

And those branches are like a natural avenue, with the mysterious communicating the world’s strength.

“Spirit Spirit Tree!”

Looking at this ancient tree, Qin Yichen’s eyes also glowed a bright color.

At this time, almost everyone’s eyes were staring closely at the top of this ancient tree, where there were 3 strange fruits … Dao Yuan Fruit!

According to rumors, as long as it is a complete Peak giant, as long as Dao Yuan Fruit is practical, there is great hope to take the most critical step to become a top powerhouse!

The fairy tree Spirit Tree has a huge effect on the Peak race and even the Great Evil Imperial Family, and Dao Yuan Fruit is even more capable of making all the Peak giants present irresistible.

At this point, neither the evil cloud nor the thunder wind has changed, but everyone can feel how tight the atmosphere between Heaven and Earth is. As long as any one of them starts, they will definitely face each other howling wind and torrential rain Amazing Magical Powers Attack!

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