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“Boy, don’t take yourself too seriously, it won’t take long to pack you up!”

Opposite Qin Yichen, a Peak giant stepped out slowly, and was ashamed by a blue tremor when he was competing for the 3 Sun Spirit Mushroom.

“Oh, who ran away last time?”

Qin Yichen raised a brow slightly and smiled without fear.

Hearing this, Lan Zhen’s complexion sank slightly, and a murky word came out of his mouth: “Last time the old man just didn’t want to make a mistake, only to let you survive!”


Qin Yichen sneered, disdainful.

“Boy, hand over 3 Yang Spirit Mushroom, old man can not do it for you!”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s contemptuous attitude, Lan Zhen’s complexion sank and shouted coldly.

Obviously, he also guessed that 3 Yang Spirit Mushroom disappeared for no reason, it should be related to Qin Yichen too!

“It has been refined by the Young Master, and, even if I give you the rest, how should you 4 share it?”

Qin Yichen raised his lips and smiled.

“This little bastard is deliberately consuming time. Don’t kill him with ink, just kill him and take it from him.”

Beside Lan Zhen, a Peak giant frowned, shouted in a low voice.

“Go ahead, give me the little beast!”

Hearing this, Lan Zhen didn’t say much anymore, furiously shouted, his body was looting, and he was blasting directly at Qin Yichen.

Seeing his actions, Qing Zhengyi also said nothing, and True Origin surged out on him, directly facing Lan Zhen.

“Qing Zhengyi, your opponent is me!”

However, Qing Zhengyi had not been in front of Lan Zhen, but was stopped by a Peak giant. For a moment, the two of them fought fiercely together.

Qin Yichen frowned, without any intention of reservation, the two deterrent puppets also emerged fiercely, each stopping a Peak giant puppet.

At this time, Lan Zhen’s face was grinning and grinning. He stepped on his feet, his body seemed to shake, a residual image, tearing open the space as quickly as a thunder, this speed, even naked eye It ’s hard to catch!


Seeing the speed of Lan Zhen, Qin Yichen’s complexion was also slightly condensed. A True Origin whistled out of the skin. Where it stood, an afterimage remained, and its body quickly retreated against the side. And go.


When Qin Yichen’s body was retreating, Lan Zhen was looting. He waved his claws. The violent power was directly shaking the True Origin unrolled bolt of white silk and the afterimage. Broken away.

“Hmph, it runs fast, but in front of the old man, can you run away?”

As soon as he was shot down, Lan Zhen’s eyes were slightly stunned. Immediately, he took a look at his palm and grabbed it in the air in the direction of Qin Yichen’s retreat.

“Azure light tears out the claws!”

An azure True Origin beam suddenly burst out from Lan Zhen’s hands, tearing the air apart, and in a flash, it caught up with the retreating Qin Yichen and grabbed directly at the back of the key. Go, obviously, Lan Zhen shot, simply did not mean to show mercy.

“The magic power!”

Qin Yichen did not return his head, as if he had eyes behind him. After it was approaching, he punched out strikes, and a powerful True Origin force terrifying also whistled out, colliding with the sharp claw of the azure Were together.


A low voice sounded in the air, and then the violent waves swept away. In the end, both of them extinguished.

Seeing that his attack was resisted by Qin Yichen, Lan Zhen’s eyes flashed with surprise.

However, Lan Zhen was not angered by this. Although he felt that Qin Yichen seemed to be a little better than 3 days ago, he was a Peak giant and True Origin was so rich that it was by no means comparable to Qin Yichen. He naturally enjoyed it.

“Old man, see how much you can stop!”

With the sound of a sneer, Lan Zhen suddenly had a powerful True Origin rushing out. In its entire body, the cyan ray was condensed into a sharp claw of a path of azure. The fluctuations in these sharp claws Although it is a bit inferior to the previous one, but the amount is enough to numb the scalp of the common giant salamander.

The next moment, the azure True Origin beam hiding the sky and covering the earth was blasted out directly, and the range directly covered all the retreats of Qin Yichen.

This kind of offensive can be called horror. As a Blue Giant of the Peak giant, his strength is by no means unrecognizable. This move alone is not comparable to ordinary giant-level powerhouses.

Qin Yichen frowned, his gaze was also a bit dignified looking at the sweeping, terrifying offensive like a rainstorm. From that path of azure light, he also felt that if he was hit by a blast, I’m afraid it would be uncomfortable.

“hu ……”

Qin Yichen slowly put out a breath, and his eyes gradually became firm. Above his right arm, the muscles squirmed, and his robes were torn directly.


Almost instantaneously, on his arm, a black flame rose suddenly, a black guard arm suddenly emerged, and at the same time, a terrifying power superposed quickly, making it worthwhile The surrounding space shivered.

“Demon magic, 9th layer!”

With a rage in Qin Yichen’s heart, his Iron Fist waved sharply and blasted away at the whistling cyan ray beam.

Under this fist, the space in front of him was fiercely twisted, a golden fist print with terror power, and howling out.

“Hmm! Hmm!”

Where golden fist prints pass, those cyan ray bundles that are enough to be jeopardized by giant powerhouses have burst directly, like a gorgeous cyan ray rain.


What’s even more shocking is that after crushing those beams, the fist print still had a terrifying power, and detonated against the blue shock.

Seeing this scene, Lan Zhen’s complexion also changed slightly. Obviously, he did not expect that the junior who had not even stopped a move in his hands a few days ago had such terrifying progress.

“hmph! ”

However, in the face of the golden fist print, he did not have any hind legs, and after coldly snorted, azure light surged out of his body, and then his palm was clenched, and the same fist came out.

“Azure light Rift Mountain Fist!”

With the sound of an angry drink, under the gaze of several Peak giants, his fist collided directly with that golden fist print.

At that moment, it was like the impact of two meteorites fiercely together. A violent True Origin storm also swept wildly at the place where the two met. The impact of the impact was heaven-shaking, earth. -shattering!

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