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When they heard the sound, the mighty men on the top of the mountain looked at the source of the sound.

When they saw the slender silhouette that had stood on the side of Lei Lingfeng, the powerful looks of Xie Yun and others were sinking.

Because, that guy is exactly what they thought was an unexpected Qin Yichen in the middle!

“Is it unexpected?”

Facing that line of sight, Qin Yichen was slightly shrugged, lightly said with a smile.

“Junior, you’re in luck.”

Xie Yun’s eyes froze slightly. Although Qin Yichen converged his breath, he still could vaguely notice that the fluctuations in the latter became more powerful. It can be seen that he must have some opportunities. And the strength got through.

Before that, Qin Yichen was a sacred intermediate genius, and then breaking through, wouldn’t it be only one step away from the giant powerhouse?

Holy level senior, this realm does not know how many genius characters can never reach, but this junior, has already reached!

“Never let him out of here!”

In Xie Yun’s heart, he could not help but secretly thought.

Such a young saint-level senior, this terrible innate talent, even if the evil evil is behind the Imperial Family, he could not help but feel a sense of crisis.

Qin Yichen also saw the cold cold glow in Xie Yun’s eyes, but there was nothing to worry about on his face.

After all, when he helped the Lei Yao Old Ancestor get out of trouble, his relationship with the Daxie Imperial Family could not be eased, and after breaking through to the Holy Advanced, he was confident, as long as the Daxie Imperial Family did not send top Powerhouse, wanting to take his life is not a simple matter.

At this time, they all knew about Lei Lingfeng. Xie Yun would definitely want to take a shot at Qin Yichen. However, they wouldn’t be able to sit idly by. He stood quietly beside Qin Yichen, as if he was telling Xie Yun. They dare to shoot, the powerhouse of the Lei Yao family alliance, even if they give up the ruins, they still have to protect Qin Yichen in the end.

Moreover, if you add the 2 honors owned by Qin Yichen, even if they face each other, they will not necessarily fall behind!

With the arrival of Qin Yichen, the atmosphere on the top of the mountain could not help but become tense.

“You guys, let me break the seal together.”

At this time, Qin Yichen seemed to be unaware of the tight atmosphere. He pointed to the twisted space in front of him and smiled lightly.

After hearing this, Xie Yun couldn’t help eyebrows slightly frowned.

Although he was unwilling to listen to Qin Yichen, he also knew that they gathered here this time, not to stare at each other like this, but to get the deepest treasure of the ruins.

Xie Yun and Lei Lingfeng each have the intention to use each other. However, both of them are extremely savvy, and they certainly will not work alone.

And the most secure way is for the two sides to give up the gap between each other first and break the seal blocking the front!

“Xie Yun, how about you and I each have ten Peak giants to break this seal?”

After a little groaning, Lei Lingfeng also opened the mouth and said.

“Hmph, why?”

The evil cloud was coldly snorted, apparently unwilling to join forces with these hostile guys.

“If you don’t want to, then we will continue to consume it.”

However, in the face of his coldly snorted, Lei Lingfeng did not have the slightest intention to force him. After he said differently, his eyes narrowed.

That looks like if they were going to consume them with the evil cloud.

Seeing his appearance, the look of the evil cloud was a bit ugly.

He knew that Lei Lingfeng was certainly not as calm as it seemed on the surface, because the powerhouse of the Thunder Monster Alliance urgently needed to change this stalemate.

However, Xie Yun is also clear. Not only is the powerhouse of the Thunder Monster Alliance, but the same is true of their Great Imperial Family. Now they are deadlocked with the Alliance of Thunder Monster and other alliances. I don’t know how many eyes are waiting to see their jokes on the 10000-nation continent!

If they are dragged by the patriarch time of several alliances such as the Thunder Monster family, I am afraid that there will be more and more races, and they will feel that they have been dying, and will instead join the Thunder Monster family alliance.

After all, the great evil emperor of their race has died, and with their current strength, it is not easy to want to maintain the status of the Sovereign level race.

However, if you can get the Spirit Tree, there may be other races in order to share some benefits. The empire ’s Imperial Family will have the power to destroy the Thunder Monster Alliance and re-establish the imperial majesty of the Imperial Family. !!

“Lei Lingfeng, don’t think I don’t know what your idea is.”

After a little groaning, the evil cloud was also coldly snorted, saying: “But I want to tell you that even if your abacus is refined, the fairy tree Spirit will be in the pocket of the old man!”

With the fall of coldly snorted, Xie Yun waved, and there were 9 Peak giants walking out with him.

“Everything in this ruin is a masterless object. If you want to get the Spirit Tree, it depends on your ability!”

Lei Lingfeng didn’t show any tolerance, and after looking at the giants behind him, ten Peak giants came out to each other.

As the Peak giants from both sides walked out, the remaining powerhouses also tensed.

At this time, the power gap between the two of them was also revealed. In the powerhouse camp of the Great Evil Imperial Family, there were still 3 Peak giants sitting, and the Peak giants in the Thunder Monster Alliance were only left. Qing Zhengyi is alone.

“hmph! ”

However, in the face of a path of strange eyes, Qin Yichen was also sneaked, and the simple jade token fell into his hands. With the flash of rays of light, two huge magpies also emerged.

“This jerk is actually a puppet who really has 2 Peak Giants!”

Seeing these two honors, the powerhouses of His Majesty Imperial Family’s powerhouses are all fiercely condensed. From these two honors, even the Peak giants, they felt a sense of danger.

Immediately, the original imperfect Imperial Family powerhouse, which was a little bit tempted at this time, was also able to endure the restlessness in his heart.

If you start now, it will undoubtedly be the end of a both sides suffer. Even if there is a final battle in the end, it will have to wait for the battle of the Spirit Tree, before it breaks out.

Under the gaze of many eyes, the 20 Peak giants headed by the evil cloud and thunder wind have slowly walked to the twisted space, and through the twisted air, they can see faintly The discernible ancient palace, the Spirit Tree, is in that ancient palace!

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