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“Lang Yang Fire Poison …”

Qin Yichen sighed in her heart, her face was also extremely dignified.

It is rumored that as long as the Rare Item reaches the level of 3 Sun Spirit Mushroom, a self-protection barrier will be created around it.

This kind of thing, even the Peak giant-level powerhouse, will be jealous.

No matter how strong their fleshhy body is, it is difficult to resist the erosion of this thing.

Like that Peak giant, just now, even if you are prepared, they have suffered such a big loss!

“Does this matter require top powerhouse?”

Qin Yichen frowned is also a bit tricky.

“Oh, I want to grab the Young Master’s stuff and ask for it!”

And at this time, the sound of the beast taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune sounded in Qin Yichen’s brain, in a tone that was quite similar to Qin Yichen’s usual arrogance when he had several points of god.

“This thing … I can’t get it.”

Listening to the words of the beast taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, Qin Yichen couldn’t help but shook the head, whispering with a grin.

“Well, Young Master didn’t expect you to take it!”

However, to Qin Yichen’s surprise, the little beast responded directly, and his tone was full of disdain.

“Tell me again, Young Master, believing or not. I peeled you and baked!”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s face sank, fiercely staring at the little beast, even more threatening in his mouth.

However, this little beast is a human sneer, and he turns his head, so much madness is as much as madness.

And just as Qin Yichen was a little violent, the blue robed man stopped the wound. He stood a little pale, but his eyes were full of sinister looking towards Qin Yichen, and his voice filled with anger was resounding. Instead: “You knew this would happen, didn’t you? You intentionally asked me to test it?”

At the same time, another Peak giant and three other powerhouses looked at Qin Yichen with a bad look, thinking that they were also extremely angry because their companions were treated as guns.

“Insufficient greed, this is your fault!”

For the blue robed man’s wrath, Qin Yichen’s complexion was also gloomy. He glanced over the group of powerhouses, and the gloomy voice sounded slowly.

“Junior, you are courting death!”

After hearing Qin Yichen’s words, the complexions of those powerhouses suddenly became blue, and the blue robed man was shouted with anger.

“Why, you don’t have enough strength to come to blame me?”

Qin Yichen chuckled, opposing each other. That cold smile seemed to warn everyone that he was not the one to let you bully!

“Junior, this 3 yang Spirit Mushroom old man is set. If you are interested, you can roll yourself. Don’t let us try to beat you!”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s gesture like this, the blue robed man’s complexion was dark and shouted coldly.

“Oh? It seems that you are not enough to break your arm?”

Qin Yichen sneered, without any intention of leaving.

With Qin Yichen’s words falling down, this piece of between Heaven and Earth fell into a moment of silence. At this time, those powerhouses could feel the violent rushing out of the blue robed man.

“It seems that some false names have made you forget that you have a few pounds and a few pounds!”

Blue robed man’s face faintly appeared with a vicious color, a powerful wave, also emanating from his body.

Qin Yichen laughed. The Peak Giant is indeed tough and has overbearing capital. However, a Peak Giant with a broken arm is hegemonic in front of him, but not qualified.

Seeing two people so tit-for-tat, the breath of several powerhouses around them gradually radiated, and Qin Yichen was firmly locked.

That way, as long as the latter dared to make a change, they would be merciless.


Faced with the threats of these guys, Qin Yichen didn’t say much, just waving his palm, in front of him, two huge silhouettes also suddenly appeared.

When they saw the two huge silhouettes, everyone’s complexion changed slightly, and a touch of grave expression also climbed onto their faces.

On its left is a huge stone statue. In the hands of the stone statue, there is a huge stone pillar, a fierce wave, looming from its body, everyone can feel it, if it is smashed by it In the middle, the giant powerhouse will also be smashed into a pair of meat mud!

In front of Qin Yichen’s right side, a huge black Thunder poisonous snake hovering quietly there, the pair of snake pupils filled with relentless coldness are staring at the five powerhouses in front, if they dare to move, it will A fatal blow will erupt!


When I saw these two honors, the blue robed man’s complexion also became abnormally dignified, and a whispered voice also came out of his mouth: “These guys said that they turned out to be true!”

“Junior, do you think that with these two respects, you can save your life?”

After faintly muttered to oneself, the blue robed man opened the mouth and said again.

“Will you try it understood?”

Qin Yichen chuckled, her face full of confidence.

If these guys are doing their best as soon as they come over, he will really have a lot of trouble. After all, even if these 2 priests stop the 2 Peak giants, there are 3 ordinary giants on the side. That glare like a tiger watching his prey.

However, now he is fearless. The blue robed man has just broken his arm, and his strength must be damaged. In his current state, he can not entangle with these two honors for a long time.

As long as it is hit hard, the 3 ordinary giants will only have their captives!

Opposite the 2 Peak Giants, all of them have a violent breath slowly emanating from them. Although they don’t want to fight with Qin Yichen, you will die, but for these 3 Yang Spirit Mushroom, they are determined to get it!

Therefore, even today, even if they are struggling to be wounded, they will drive Qin Yichen away.

“Junior, with external force, after all, it’s just a wicked door. Today, I will let you know the true battle strength of the Peak giant!”

With the sound of a coldly shouted sound, the foot of the blue robed man slammed on the ground, violently shooting out, and in the next instant, his whole person turned directly into an azure rays of light. And out, there was even a short stay of a path of afterimage in place.

“go with!”

Looking at the silhouette that blasted at him, Qin Yichen’s face was not panic. He murmured in his mouth, and for the next moment, that stone statue was moving, and his hands were round the stone pillar. He smashed away at the silhouette that came.

Under this blow, the space was torn directly, even on the ground, a path of crack was torn by the fierce wind.

That way, even if the latter is a Peak giant, if you are hit by it, it will definitely be uncomfortable!

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