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When Qin Yichen heard the news, he couldn’t help but have some breathing in his state of mind.

If he could get the Spirit Tree and bring it back to Human Race, it would be great news for Human Race!

The backbone of the entire Human Race can also be greatly improved as a result, when the time comes, even if they face the invasion of foreigners, they can also have a contending capital!

“However, the Spirit Tree seems to be inadvertently seen by a powerhouse under the Imperial Family, so the evil cloud got the news earlier than the Great Elder. They should now be in the ruins. Now. “

After a while, Lei Yunyou said again.

After hearing this, everyone’s breathing was slightly delayed, this is to stabilize the floating state of mind.

In front of them, there is the tricky guy of the Great Family Imperial Family evil cloud. It is not the time to think about the benefits of the fairy tree Spirit Tree.

Moreover, after hearing this news, the powerhouses of the Great Family Imperial Family staying in the ruins outside will definitely come over to this film.

Once they are all assembled, that power, even if they kill 2 Peak Giants by Qin Yichen, will surely stabilize the powerhouse of the Thunder Monster Alliance.

It is not difficult to imagine that when the time comes in the ruins, there must be a fierce battle!

Qing Zhengyi obviously also thought of this, and in his face, it seemed to be a bit tangled.

Even with Qin Yichen’s 2 respects, the powerhouse of the Thunder Monster Alliance will still be at a disadvantage.

Moreover, if that level of war, Qin Yichen’s uncle would not protect himself, once he was caught up in those aftermaths, he would also fall into a great crisis.

To be honest, Qing Zhengyi really didn’t want Qin Yichen to enter there.

However, he also knows that the Thunder Monster Alliance needs him and Qin Yichen’s two respectful powers, and, with Qin Yichen’s temperament, he will certainly not shrink back at this time.

“Senior Qing, rest assured, the place of the ruins is definitely not simple. Even the evil clouds, they must be self-care, and there is the thunder spirit Elder. They want to shoot at me, they have to weigh their own 2”.

Qin Yichen smiled as if she had seen through the concerns of Qing Zhengyi.

Hearing this, Qing Zhengyi’s brow is also slightly frowned.

Along the way, he has seen some of the sinister parts of the ruins everywhere, and naturally knows that even if there is a Spirit Tree, there will certainly be dangerous organs and strong puppet guards.

Until these dangers are clear, the final decisive battle cannot really erupt.

“We just need to be careful and let the evil clouds take the lead. Maybe they can also let them lose some power. When the time comes, it is hard to say who is better.”

Qin Yichen’s eyes narrowed slightly, said with a sneer.

“It’s all up to you.”

After a little groaning, Qing Zhengyi sighed, nodded.

He also knew that what Qin Yichen said was true, but how old and evil existed in Xie Yun, would they please them?

If they are really advanced, I am afraid that they will not only become the pathfinder of the Thunder Monster Alliance, they will even put more dangerous things in front.

“Let’s go, when the time comes.

Qin Yichen didn’t say much anymore. With a wave of his arm, his body was the first to swept away from the ruins.

If they can rush out of the ruins and fight against the evil clouds before the powerhouse arrives, they can still have a lot of advantages.


10000 peaks.

It is the most massive mountain peak in this relic. The peak is as high as 10000 仞. It sticks into the sky, and the thick cloud obstructs all attempts to look up.

Even standing at the foot of the mountain, I can feel the strong waves coming out from that cloud and mist.

Maybe those are some powerful treasures, but more likely, the danger of burying countless intruders!

However, even if you notice the fluctuations that make the Peak giant afraid, but at the foot of the mountain, there are still many silhouettes.

And, from all around, there is a path of silhouette from time to time, and obviously, their goal is this huge mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, the silhouette is roughly divided into two camps, both of which have great forty-fifty giants.

On the left side of the mountain, there is a powerhouse of a dry Thunder Demon Alliance led by Thunder Demon Great Elder and Lei Lingfeng. Among them, the Peak Giant has 6 7 homages.

On the other side, a pale-haired old man stood quietly at the foot of the mountain, without even looking straight at the powerhouses across from him.

This old man’s breath converges, but on the surface of his body, there is a kind of gray evil spirit lingering. Even the wind blowing from the mountain peak is strangely swallowed up and touches his body, disappearing disappear without a trace.

This old man is the Peak Giant of the Great Evil Imperial Family … Evil Cloud!

At this moment, his gaze was looking at the mountain in front, and the pair of eyes seemed to penetrate the clouds and see through the scene, and on his face, there was a smile with a bare chest.

He is determined to obtain the treasure in this ruin!

Even though it is the Thunder Monster Alliance, which is a headache even for the Great Imperial Family, in his eyes, it seems that it is not able to withstand a single blow.

This is the pride of being a Sovereign level racial Peak giant!

Even the Thunder Spirit of the Thunder Monster family, in his opinion, is no different!

However, at this time, Xie Yun and Lei Lingfeng seemed to have reached a consensus. Generally, none of them was restless, and no one was the first to enter the ruins.

They just stood quietly at the foot 2 side and seemed to be waiting for something.

With such a wait, the atmosphere between Heaven and Earth is extremely tense, because everyone knows that these two teams will not tolerate each other to obtain the treasure in this ruin. When they fall, between them, they will definitely A battle between life and death broke out.

“Xiu! Hey!”

At a certain moment, between Heaven and Earth suddenly there was a rushing windbreaking sound. Immediately, the two figures blasted away from the distance like lightning, and swept away in the direction of the evil cloud.

“already settled?”

Hearing the sound of the breaking wind, Xie Yun’s mouth also evoked a faint smile.

Opposite them, Lei Lingfeng’s face changed slightly. He also knew that before the evil cloud sent a powerhouse to intercept the news of Qin Yichen and the others, but under this stalemate, he could not escape at all. Go support.

Once he set off, the opposite evil cloud would definitely not sit idly by, as it would only allow the final battle to come ahead of schedule.


Suddenly, Lei Lingfeng’s eyes looked towards the 2 stream of light, and in his eyes, there was a touch of strange color flashing.

From Lei Yunyou’s message, he also learned that Xie Yun sent 4 Peak Giants to intercept and kill them!

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