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10000 傀 The ruins of the Imperial Family are extremely vast. From the beginning of entry, such territories are even larger than the imperial imperial city.

After coming out of the thunderous sea in the black basin, Qin Yichen hurried non-stop toward the ruins.

However, this road seems a bit uneven. Perhaps it is because in front of them, other powerhouses broke into some relics and activated some powerful puppets. In just a few hours of work, Qin Yichen has already met several Critic attack.

However, these puppets are not as powerful as the two statues he harvested. They are generally holy and ordinary giant puppets. For these puppets, if the number is not large, the Qin Yichen 2 will directly kill the past and meet the When there are dozens of statues, even they do not want to cause too much trouble and can only choose to detour.

Traveling in this way, it took about a day, in the range of Qin Yichen’s sight, a deserted area finally appeared at the end.

Although the ruins are already full of ancient breath, the breath of that area is more intense.

However, at this time, in that area, a path of silhouette can be seen faintly passing by, apparently from the powerhouse of the alliance of His Majesty the Imperial Family and the Thunder Monster family. The desolation of this land was slightly dilute.

Qin Yichen also fell from mid-air to avoid unnecessary trouble while there was still some distance from that area.

“Qin little friend!”

Soon after they fell, Qing Zhengyi’s voice suddenly sounded, and then more than a dozen silhouettes flew from here in the distance.

When I saw Qing Zhengyi and the others, Qin Yichen was also a little surprised, because behind Qing Zhengyi, in addition to a few ordinary giants, there were 2 powerful breaths that were almost the same as Qing Zhengyi!

“Senior Qing.”

As they approached, Qin Yichen’s face also arched a smile, arching.

“I knew you would be here. The Great Elder of the Thunder Monsters, worried that you would be in trouble, and specifically asked them 2 to pick you up with me.”

Qing Zhengyi pointed to the power of the side 2 Peak giants and smiled at Qin Yichen.

“Worry you.”

Seeing Qing Zhengyi’s expression of sighed in relief, Qin Yichen’s heart was also slightly warm, lightly said with a smile.

He knew that after being separated from the ruins, Qing Zhengyi must be very worried about him, but the latter was also very confident in him and even gave up to fight and waited for him here.

“Now that we’re here, let’s go and merge with Thunder Lingfeng.”

The two giants beside Qing Zhengyi also faced Qin Yichen nodded, said.

In fact, the giant powerhouse sent by the Thunder Monster Alliance has a big gap compared with the Great Evil Imperial Family. After all, they are, in the final analysis, just an alliance of 5 races.

Moreover, it is impossible for them to send out their remaining backbone strengths to take risks.

The Great Evil Imperial Family and its 7 top-level races are obviously holding the must-have heart. The powerhouse they sent can steadily suppress the Monster Race alliance!

And for the safety of Qin Yichen, their three Peak giants are waiting here. At this time, the latter comes, and they will naturally go with the leader of this time, the Great Elder of the Thunder Monster family, Lei. Spirit winds converge.


Looking at their dignified complexion, Qin Yichen was also nodded, said.

After his words fell, the shape of the two Peak giants was swept directly into the ruins full of ancient spirits, and the rest of the powerhouse were followed closely.

“Senior Qing, how is the situation now?”

At the end, Qin Yichen also asked Qing Zhengyi.

“Not too optimistic.”

Qing Zhengyi shook the head, and he stopped talking. Finally, under the gaze of Qin Yichen, he just sighed and said, “In this relic, our Holy Peak Powerhouse has a total of 52, of which Peak There are only ten giants plus me. “

“Are there more than 50?”

Qin Yichen eyebrows slightly frowned.

“Before, a Peak giant was ambush by the evil cloud of the Great Evil Imperial Family and several other powers, and unfortunately fell.”

Qing Zhengyi sighed softly.

“Xie Yun? Da Xie Imperial Family actually sent him?”

When he heard the name Xie Yun, Qin Yichen’s complexion was also slightly condensed. When he escaped from the imperial imperial city, he also took the Xie Yun’s blow. He was very afraid of the latter’s strength.

“How many people do they have?”

After a little groaning, Qin Yichen asked again.

“According to our statistics, the powerhouse they entered here is similar to us, but the Peak Giant sent by them at this time has as many as ten or five statues!”

Qing Zhengyi laughed bitterly and whispered.

“Ten 5 Peak Giants ?!”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s complexion was also dignified.

The Great Evil Imperial Family and its 7 Peak races sent out ten or five Peak giants!

This power can completely stabilize the thunder monster family alliance.

It’s no wonder that the two mighty faces will be so dignified, who will they be? In the face of this situation, I am afraid that they are not optimistic.

After all, even if there is only one more Peak Giant, this will become an overwhelming battle strength, even more how, the Great Imperial Family. They have more than five more.

“Qin little friend, don’t worry too much. Although they have more Peak Giants than we do, they are now one more Peak’s than us, as long as they catch up with other Peak Giants Before we come, we still have hope to fight. “

After paused, Qing Zhengyi shook his fist slightly and murmured softly.

“It seems that they are not quite in harmony.”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s eyes were also a little froze, softly.

In the final analysis, the Peak races under the Imperial Family are tied together only because of the threat of the Thunder Monster Family Alliance. At this time, they can send out so many powerhouses, which is already a limit.

However, the minds of these giants must be somewhat different. Among the relics such as the 10000 Imperial Family, some of them have different thoughts and intentionally do not follow them, and want to go elsewhere alone to see if they can Encounter a chance.

If there is only one more Peak Giant, Qin Yichen is confident that he can turn the situation around!

However, he also knew that if the final decisive battle really happened, Xie Yun would give orders, even if those guys were reluctant, they would surely rush over from everywhere!

When the time comes, the purpose of the Thunder Monster Alliance alliance may only end with failure.

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