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The deeper in the desperate jungle, the stronger the Demonic Beast becomes.

Perhaps this is because very few powerhouses break into it and give these Demonic beast room to grow.

However, even the Demonic Beast has some distinct characteristics when it grows up.

For example, the Black Horn poisonous python in front of it, once it breaks through to the Holy Level, it will transform and become a White Horn Flood Dragon!

However, the breath remaining on the body of this Black Horn poison python is clearly the existence of Holy Peak, but its shape has not changed.

“It seems that the ruins of the 10000 Imperial Family are not fake. If it was not for the transcendent existence, how could this area have changed so much.”

Qin Yichen murmured, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

Hearing these words, Lei Yunyou and Qing Zhengyi both looked at each other slightly.

It is possible to make such terrifying changes in the Demonic beast. Among these 10000 傀 relics, I am afraid that there is a heaven defying treasure!

And whether it is the powerhouse of the Thunder Monster Alliance, or the giants under the Great Imperial Family, they will not let the other party get such things that can affect their confrontation situation!

Once there is such a treasure, I am afraid a foul wind and bloody rain will also set off here!

At this point, the fierce fluctuations in front finally calmed down slowly. Obviously, those troublesome troubles have been solved.

The Qin Yichen 3 people also continued to follow the powerhouses in front of them, and along the way, the countless corpses of their respective giant-level Demonic Beasts were endless.

At this time, in the previous powerhouses, the speed has suddenly increased. Obviously, they are just like Qin Yichen, and they notice something is wrong.

In guessing here, it may really be the ruins of the 10000 , Imperial Family. The power of those giants of Peak did not hesitate to expose them, but they rushed to the ruins as quickly as possible to face the opportunity to be seized by the other party.

In such a hurry, more than half a day has passed, and finally, Qin Yichen, they feel that the breath ahead is suddenly disappearing.


Feeling the sudden disappearance, Qin Yichen knew that those guys must have entered the ruins. Immediately, he also pushed the speed to the extreme, and hurried to the front.

Behind him, Lei Yunyou followed without a word.

Qing Zhengyi also shook the head helplessly. Until now, he couldn’t stop Qin Yichen from going to this muddy water. The only thing he can do now is to protect this guy as much as possible.

It was only half an hour’s effort. Qin Yichen’s speed slowly slowed down. His eyes looked far away. In the distance, the forest there seemed to be faults, an endless sight, and a site full of ancient aura. Finally appeared in his sight.

Lei Yunyou and Qing Zhengyi’s eyes glanced away. Suddenly, their faces were filled with shock.

The distant ancient vestige that appeared in front of them was shockingly large. At a glance, various majestic buildings lined the city and reached the end of the line of sight.

Among these majestic buildings, there are endless ancient flavors, and even many, have been turned into ruins under the baptism of years.

However, anyone can guess that among those ruins, I don’t know how many treasures there are, waiting to see the sun again.

Looking at the far-away ancient vestige with no visible end, Qin Yichen’s eyes were shocked.

How powerful was this 10000 傀 Imperial Family at the time, even at such a large scale, even the imperial imperial city is not as good!

“This vast area, even if there are many secrets in it, is not completely understood by more than 100 giants.”

Looking at the ruins filled with ancient aura, Qing Zhengyi couldn’t help sighing.

At the same time, his heart was fortunate for a while. It seems that they only need to be careful, but it is still possible to avoid those powerhouses under the Imperial Family.

Moreover, with such a vast relic, the powerhouses on both sides cannot always gather together, and they will certainly separate to find the treasure.

Qin Yichen is also slightly nodded. If you want to cut through such a huge terrain, the time it takes will not be short.

Although there are more than 100 giant-level powerhouses at this time, they can’t understand this place in a short time.

Qin Yichen’s eyes were distant, and he could vaguely see that there were some vague silhouettes in the far distance, and he was quickly glancing towards the depths of the ruins.


Immediately, Qin Yichen also waved slightly, and his body moved directly toward the ruins.

Lei Yunyou and Qing Zhengyi are also close behind, their bodies are inexorably slightly tight, ready to deal with any unexpected situation.

As he approached, Qin Yichen looked at the many buildings that had been eroded by the ages, and he couldn’t help sighing, even if it was as powerful as 10000 傀 Imperial Family, it was difficult to resist the erosion of the years!

When flying above the ruins, I still occasionally see a path of silhouette passing by those huge ruins. Those advanced giants and powerful people have already begun to explore.

However, Qin Yichen didn’t stop there. He slowly flew over the ruins, his eyes were constantly being explored, so it lasted for about half an hour, his body suddenly stagnate, his eyes suddenly looked towards the distant place. .

There, there is an extraordinarily majestic mountain peak. Above the peak, the clouds are lingering. Through those clouds and mists, you can see faintly. Among them there are many special buildings. The scale is like a Peak force.

Moreover, when Qin Yichen’s gaze was there, he vaguely felt that the Spirit Power body in his Sea of ​​Consciousness was a slight beating.

Although the fluctuation was extremely weak, Qin Yichen was keenly aware of it.

“There seems to be good stuff there.”

Qin Yichen’s eyes flashed a beam of joy, and immediately after moving, he swept away quickly towards the towering mountain.

“Qin little friend, be careful!”

Seeing this, Qing Zhengyi hurriedly warned repeatedly, and he could see that there were a lot of silhouettes passing through the mountain pointed by Qin Yichen.

Obviously, it was not only Qin Yichen who discovered the unusual here. The powerhouse of the Thunder Monster Alliance and his Majesty Imperial Family were also interested in it.

The most important thing is that Qing Zhengyi doesn’t know whether there are some Peak Giants from the Great Family of the Great Evil Imperial. If they meet the Peak Giants of Xie Yun, it will be difficult for them to get away!

However, Qin Yichen didn’t seem to hear his reminder, and he was already flying quickly towards the mountain.

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