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“Is this news true?”

Qing Xuan frowned, asked a little worried.

Not only him, but even Qin Yichen have some doubts, will this be the evil evil Imperial Family, in order to catch everything in one net, the core of the Lei Yao family, they deliberately laid a plot.

“I have deliberately investigated, in addition to the records on this scroll, there have been people who have come out of the desperate jungle and said that they have encountered giant magpie-level magpies, but not at all people associate this with 10000 傀 Imperial Family. , Those guys who are treated as nonsense, really found something. “

The Lei Yao Old Ancestor groaned a little, then said firmly, “Must fall in our hands.”

10000 傀 The ruins of the Imperial Family are enough to break the balance between the Thunder Monster Family and the Great Evil Imperial Family. If the Imperial Family is obtained, they will certainly use it to directly crush the Thunder Monster Family and their alliance.

“I can send a Peak giant to go with you.”

This time, Qing Xuan also agreed with nodded, said.

Now their position is obviously on the side of the Thunder Monster. If the Imperial Family is really overwhelmed by them, it will also be a bad news for the Azure Sable Clan.

“Then many thanks Qing Brother Xuan.”

Hearing the words of Qing Xuan, the old Lei Yao Ancestor also laughed.

Peak Giant, which is equivalent to the level of Human Race Wu Ji and Jian Yu Old Ancestor. Such a giant, compared with ordinary giants, can definitely be one enemy 3 or more!

In a place where the top powerhouse such as the desperate jungle cannot enter, the Peak giant is definitely the most powerful existence!

“Take me one.”

Qin Yichen suddenly opened the mouth and said when the 2 Old Ancestor seemed to have completed the negotiation.


Hearing this, there was a look of astonishment on the face of Lei Yao Old Ancestor.

The exploration of this time is a contest between giant powerhouses. Although Qin Yichen is evil, Old Ancestor does not think that he is qualified to join this level of competition.

“Qin little friend, this desperate jungle is not a good place. There are countless demonic beasts in it. Once our subordinates don’t pay attention, you are very likely to be in danger.”

Immediately, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor hardly thought about it, but persuaded.

“Desperate jungle? Yun Elder You didn’t tell Lei Lao, did we meet there?”

There was a smile in Qin Yichen’s mouth, lightly said with a smile.

After hearing this, Lei Yao Old Ancestor was also a little surprised, and then I remembered that Lei Yunyou did tell him about it, and, after listening to Lei Yunyou, it was still the kid from the violent Thunder Ape and the 4 Wing Tiger She was rescued from her hands!

Therefore, in the desperate jungle, Qin Yichen should have no problem protecting himself.

“Qin little friend, this time we went to giants, and they sent them from Xie Cangyuan. It must be almost the same …”

However, even then, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor still hesitated.

“Giant level? That Wu Peng patriarch who died under my hands is old, seems to be a powerhouse of this level, right?”

Qin Yichen touched his chin as if whispering to himself.

“en? !”

Hearing this, there was a sudden flash of astonishment in the eyes of the thunder monster Old Ancestor.

This guy, killed a giant Elder? !!

“Did this time Yun Elder You go?”

Looking at the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor still hesitant, Qin Yichen couldn’t help frowned, and asked casually.

“Well, she is the youngest giant of my tribe. This kind of opportunity naturally has to go.”

The Thunder Ancestor was also replied. However, in its tone barely fell, it felt that something was wrong, but it was too late.

“Well, she’s gone, I will go naturally, and I hope Lei Lao will not block our development.”

There was a smile in Qin Yichen’s mouth, lightly said with a smile.

“development of?”

Hearing this, the old Leopard Old Ancestor stunned slightly, and then a burst of ecstasy burst out in his eyes.

Could it be that there is really anything unspeakable between this guy and Yun Elder You?

No wonder when Lei Yunyou told him about Qin Yichen, the expression was awkward. It seems that there is a secret between them!

Thinking of this, the smile on the face of Thunder Demon Old Ancestor is also getting stronger and stronger. If they can be matched, wouldn’t the Thunder Demon family have more One Layer Heaven protection?

“Okay, I’ll let Yun Elder You pick you up!”

Soon, Thunder Monster Elder was a nodded and promised.

Seeing this scene, Qing Xuan’s head could not help but hang a row of black lines.

How does this old bastard look like to marry the youngest giant in their clan?

Moreover, although Qin Yichen killed a giant-level powerhouse, this does not mean that he really has the strength to directly compete with the giant-level powerhouse.

Even more how, among the giant powerhouses that went to this time, there must be a lot of Peak giants, that is not what the ordinary giant powerhouse can match!

If Qin Yichen unfortunately falls into their hands, it must be nine deaths and still alive, hope is slim.

However, Qing Xuan did not say anything to stop it.

Although he got along with Qin Yichen not long ago, he had already seen this guy’s virtue.

What happened to this boy is not difficult to see. Every time he faces an enemy that is very different from him, but this guy does not seem to know what fear means, and it is dangerous every time Get away!

If he really refuses, I’m afraid this guy will run alone, right?

“By the way, Qin little friend, Xie Cangyuan seems to be very interested in you, why is this?”

After paused, the Thunder Monster Old Ancestor asked if he remembered something.

According to their speculation, the entire attention of the Daxie Imperial Family should be concentrated on their Thunder Monster family, but no one expected that, before that, they had made such a large loophole that they let Lei Qijin catch them. Seize the opportunity, fiercely’s revenge.

At this time, I also shot against Qin Yichen, and that evil Cangyuan was definitely not a general hate for Qin Yichen.

It’s just that the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor couldn’t figure out what exactly this guy has done to make Xie Cangyuan so resentful?

“He seems to say I took something from him, but I don’t know what he meant when he said that.”

Qin Yichen shrugged, some helplessly said.

However, there was no look of dreading on his face, as if he simply didn’t care who was remembered, even if that person was the patriarch of the Great Imperial Family!

“Take something from the Great Evil Imperial Family?”

Hearing this, Lei Yao Old Ancestor is also frowned. Soon, if he thinks of something, his body trembles, and he stands up directly.

What can make Xie Cangyuan so mindful is …

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