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For the departure of Yan An Old Ancestor and the others, Qin Yichen and Lei Yao Old Ancestor did not at all have any unexpected expression on their faces.

But Qing Xuan stayed here, even if he knew that the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor came over this time, there might be any plans, but he couldn’t get out.

“Qin little friend, you are too risky this time.”

Lei Yao Old Ancestor’s eyes fell on Qin Yichen, thinking that the latter ran to the Wu Peng family alone, and he couldn’t hold back his heart.

“Lei, how’s the result?”

Qin Yichen slightly shook the head and didn’t want to talk about it, but asked.

In his heart, his relatives and brother have always been the soft underbelly of Qin Yichen. Qing Qing was arrested, and he could not sit idly by, and he did not expect that at this time, Xie Cangyuan actually intended to deal with him.

“It’s still too short to hit a race.”

Thunder demon Old Ancestor sighed, and said with some pity.

After all, what they retaliated against was the Peak race. Even if there was no top powerhouse in town, they would not be able to do it in a day or two.

Moreover, in order to achieve the effect of the raid, they did not even use the army, only the top powerhouse such as Thunder Demon Old Ancestor shot.

“Which race is it?”

Qing Xuan’s eyes narrowed slightly and asked.

“The family of Wei Diao.”

Regarding Qing Xuan, Lei Yao Old Ancestor also had no hidden meaning, and said directly. Moreover, this news will not spread for a long time, and will spread throughout the 10000 ethnic continents.

“Wiqi’s race ?!”

Hearing this, Qing Xuan couldn’t help being sucked in a cold breath.

Among the 7 top powerhouses under the Great Imperial Family, Wei Qi’s strength can definitely be considered as the top 3, and he did not expect that the revenge of the Lei Yao Old Ancestor actually started from this guy.

The Wei Diao tribe is also the Peak race who has inherited several thousand thousand years. The five top powerhouses have deliberately retaliated. I am afraid that at this time, their tribe has become a world of purgatory!

In this regard, Qin Yichen’s face did not at all have a surprised look, and even its expression did not fluctuate.

Because he also knows that in such a contest, a single intention may cause disasters to exterminate the clan, and even if it is such a strong existence as the Thunder Monster, once it is defeated, it will not be spared.

Regarding the situation of the Wei Diao tribe, he did not have the feeling of affection.

After all, it was themselves who provoked the Alliance of the Lei Yao Clan first, and such consequences should have been expected long ago.

“There are a lot of resources for the Wei Diao family. I have sent someone to send half of the resources here.”

Lei Yao Old Ancestor chuckled at Qing Xuan and said, “Qing Xuan, I do n’t mean anything else. Now you know the situation of our race. We do n’t use these resources very much, this time, just to repay. You do something that’s all. “

After hearing this, Qing Xuan’s face could not help but a look of bitter smile.

This Old Guy is going to pull him completely on the boat, but even if he doesn’t accept it, in the eyes of the Great Evil Imperial Family, swallowing Azure Sable Clan is with this guy.

“Rezijin, shouldn’t you be so easy this time?”

Qing Xuan sighed and asked directly.

If there is nothing special, he doesn’t believe that Old Ancestor, the Lei Yao, will leave the Lei Yao family at such a critical moment, and he will come to swallow the Azure Sable Clan at 10000 miles.

“This one……”

Hearing this, it seems that Lei Yao Old Ancestor’s face flashed with a touch of embarrassment.

“Lei Lao, just say anything, just where we can help, we will naturally do our best.”

Qin Yichen eyebrows slightly frowned, also said.

When he felt the hostility of Xie Cangyuan to him, he already knew that he could not stay out of the situation. On the contrary, the more stable the Thunder Monster family was, the more he could not turn his attention to him.

Seeing the attitude of the two people, Old Ancestor was also moved in the heart.

Today, the Thunder Monster family can be described as wind and rain, and there are crises in 4 places. They can stand at his side at this time, and they are the ones who really help him!

“I’m here to tell you something.”

Lei Yao Old Ancestor’s complexion was slightly fixed, said.

“what’s up?”

Seeing his complexion, Qing Xuan couldn’t help asking.

“Among the Wei Diao clan, I got something …”

Lei Yao Old Ancestor slowly took out a scroll from his sleeve robe.

This scroll looks a little yellowish, and there are some ancient lines flowing on it.

“what is this?”

When Qin Yichen’s gaze fell on this scroll, he couldn’t help feeling that his mind was shaking slightly. Immediately, he quickly retracted his gaze and asked.

“A map.”

The Thunder Demon Old Ancestor murmured, and in his hand, a ray of silver rays of light slowly emerged. Under this rays of light, the ancient lines on the scroll were slowly erased.


As the scroll opened, an illusory shadow suddenly appeared in the great hall.

From the sight of this illusory shadow, there is an endless jungle. When seeing this jungle, Qin Yichen’s pupils can’t help but shrink.

“Desperate jungle?”

Seeing this scene, Qing Xuan’s brows were also lightly frowned, and she asked, “What does this map represent?”

“10000 傀 Imperial Family Ruins.”

Thunder Monster Old Ancestor slowly said.

“10000 傀 Imperial Family ?!”

When hearing these four words, Qing Xuan’s body shuddered, and in his unshakable eyes, a deep look of dreading emerged.

Qin Yichen’s eyes are also a little stunned, although he has not heard of this race, but since it is an Imperial Family, and Qing De Xuan is so cautious, I am afraid that it is extremely powerful.

“According to the scroll, this is a relic of 10000 傀 Imperial Family.”

Thunder demon Old Ancestor pointed his finger at an area in the scene, slowly said.

“10000 傀 the ruins of the Imperial Family?”

Even Qing Xuan couldn’t help but take a deep breath when he heard this, and a pair of fervent expressions appeared in those eyes.

“If there are really ruins, you should have been successful by the Weidiao tribe’s powerhouse?

Qin Yichen eyebrows slightly frowned, said softly.

“It is recorded on this scroll that the Wei Diao family did send powerhouses to explore, and not one or two batches. In the past 2 years, they have had at least a dozen batches of powerhouses. However, they have achieved nothing, and even, many The teams are buried directly in it. “

Lei Yao Old Ancestor shook the head slightly, said.

“No more than a dozen batches of powerhouse?

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s eyes couldn’t help but a slight glance, and in his eyes he couldn’t help but flash an unexpected expression.

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