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But it’s just two breaths of effort, and the three Silver Spirit Powers are coming.

“Even if you have the treasure of defense, it is difficult to change your ending today!”

At the corner of Yao Meng’s mouth, there was a smirk. In the next instant, 4 silver lights suddenly gathered, turning into a Spirit Power that was several times stronger than before.


The Spirit Power, which contained Yao Meng’s full strength attack, took a terrifying sense of oppression and fiercely went to the stubbornly resisting Qin Yichen strikes.

That overbearing posture, if it can crush everything!

At this time, Yao Meng has not left anything, at this time, if he saw the latter’s Spirit Power being torn apart by himself, that mad face was covered with the color of fear.

Thinking of this, the chill in Yao Meng’s eyes also became even colder.

There is a vacant seat in the old medicine patriarch, when the time comes, it will surely cause a lot of glare like a tiger watching his prey to fight.

At this time, help your family to establish some prestige again, maybe their family can also rank among one of the Ten Great Family!

“Heaven Grade Intermediate, it is good to condense Spirit Power to this step.”

Looking at the almost substantial Spirit Power, Qin Yichen was amazed.

However, on his face, there was no worry at all.

On the grandeur of Spirit Power, in Heaven Grade Pill Master, he definitely belongs to the most Peak type, and practicing the immortal decision left by Fu Saint Great Saint has even made his Spirit Power already It can be solidified, which is more uncommon than the Heaven Grade Pill Master.

As for the accomplishments of Spirit Power control …

I am afraid that among the pharmacists, only that existence can be compared with Qin Yichen.

Qin Yichen naturally couldn’t pay much attention to this point.

This so-called fighting God has not yet begun, and the end is already doomed.

Looking at the smirk of Yao Meng, the corner of Qin Yichen’s mouth couldn’t help raising a smile. I wonder if this guy can still maintain this look after seeing his strength?


Under that spirit Spirit power, the Spirit Power barrier, which barely resisted an offensive, was destroyed by an outrageous gesture almost instantly.

Then, the Silver’s Spirit Power didn’t stop there, but with a kind of terrifying fluctuations, he went down and angered Qin Yichen.

“Junior, remember not to be so arrogant in your next life!”

Yao Meng’s smirk grew louder, and a coldly shouted voice sounded quietly.

However, Qin Yichen, who had already broken the Spirit Power defense by himself, was exposed under his full strength attack, but did not reveal his expected fear, facing the Spirit that was enough to easily destroy the ordinary Heaven Grade Pill Master Power attacked, but the latter’s face was indifferent.

“hmph, I don’t know what it is!”

Seeing that indifferent face, Yao Meng couldn’t help but coldly snorted, with a little regret in his heart. If he didn’t need to be here, he really wanted to capture the latter and torture him so that he could try his cruel means. No!

“I thought you were so good about this old dog. It turned out to be that.”

In a path of nervous gaze, Qin Yichen shook the head slightly, sighing in disappointment.

Hearing this discourse, the drug-owned frowned was unknown, and for some reason, there was a sudden surge of uneasiness in his heart.


With the sound of Qin Yichen’s words, this piece of Heaven and Earth suddenly had a strange wave coming out. The next instant, the silver Spirit Power that made countless Pill Refining Masters jealous of 10000 points turned out to be a trembling. In a path of amazement, as if torn apart by an invisible giant hand.

As his Spirit Power was torn apart, the sullen smile on Yao Meng’s face suddenly solidified.

“No … impossible, how is this possible!”

The next moment, this medicine that was still smirking at the last moment, the expression on his face had been completely replaced by the unbelievable color, and an incredible sound of exclaiming came from his mouth.

Although Yao Meng is only a Heaven Grade Intermediate Pill Master, his Spirit Power’s majesty is comparable to that of an unusual race Pill Refining Master. Moreover, as a pharmacist, his Spirit Power accomplishments have touched Reached God Level!

With the control of the magnificent Spirit Power and Spirit Power, he has also destroyed Divine Consciousness of a foreigner Heaven Grade Peak Pill Refining Master in the God of Fighting!

The drug clan, with the convenient innate talent of Spirit Power, is far beyond the reach of other races. In the fight against Dan and God, it is absolutely difficult for foreigners to compete with it.

However, he didn’t expect it, and the blow under his full strength was easily broken by a young man who didn’t seem to be in his 20s!

Moreover, it is still so simple!

“How is this possible? How old is he and how can he be so strong?”

Yao Meng’s complexion was pale, and in his heart, it was incredibly roaring. He was unacceptable, and he could not fight a foreigner junior himself!

“Not good !”

When Yao Meng was still in that shock, the next moment, his body trembled suddenly and his complexion changed greatly.

Because he found that the latter’s indifferent eyes suddenly fell on him, and at the same time, an extremely dangerous feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.

“Boy, what do you want to do, old man is a pharmacist!”

Under that indifferent look, Yaomeng’s figure could not help but take two steps backwards, and a trembling sound came out of his mouth.


Qin Yichen chuckled slightly, a playful smile aroused from the corner of his mouth, and a vague wave suddenly emerged from his slender body.

Under such fluctuations, Yao Meng’s complexion paled like a blank piece of paper. At this time, he felt the vastness of the latter’s Spirit Power, far beyond his reach!

And those indifferent eyes have not changed because of his drinking. Under that indifferent look, Yao Meng has no doubt that the latter will crush his Sea of ​​Consciousness without any care!

“Stop it, kid, you won!”

At the time when the vast fluctuation came, Yao Meng finally couldn’t help but closed his eyes, and a bitter voice came out of his mouth.

With the sound of this voice, countless onlookers became shocked.

Just now, they only felt that Yao Meng’s attack was suddenly torn, and simply didn’t notice how terrible the fluctuations in Qin Yichen were.

And the next instant, they were surprised to see that this medicine, aloof and remote, had lost to a junior? !!

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