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Qin Yichen, but Yao Zhong personally accounted for the gentleman to be entertained. If he was injured by Ling Luo, I’m afraid Yao Zhong would blame them.

“Look and see.”

Yao Xun eyebrows slightly frowned, not at all.

For some reason, from this young man, he felt a sense of dread.

Although this may be an illusion, he believes that the latter will at least not be so disable to withstand a single blow, right?

“hu ……”

As Ling Luo ’s majestic Spirit Power whistled out, there was a sudden strong wind in this space.

“Jié jié, I just lost a Pill Refining Master as soon as I got a badge, desperate?”

Looking at Qin Yichen who was standing like a fool under his Spirit Power, Ling Luo’s eyes flashed with a touch of faintness.


Under the gaze of a line of sight, Yu Guang in the corner of Qin Yichen’s eyes glanced at Ling Luo, and a cold voice came out softly.

Hearing this sentence, the onlookers around remained unresponsive, but Ling Luo’s complexion changed suddenly.

That icy word, like a thunderbolt, suddenly sounded through his Sea of ​​Consciousness.


In the next instant, no one saw Qin Yichen’s shot at all. Ling Luo turned out to be screaming, his body shivered, and he fell straight to the ground.

In the horror of everyone, Ling Luo’s pupils disappeared, and the majestic Spirit Power suddenly disappeared.

“what happened?”

Looking at this sudden change, countless people looked at each other in blank dismay, and some keen Pill Refining Masters were even more horrified to discover that the Spirit Power fluctuations on Ling Luo were dissipating at a very fast speed. With.

It looks like that Sea of ​​Consciousness has been destroyed!

Before the whole mansion, there was silence. Only Ling Luo, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, still moaned from time to time.

Looking at his so embarrassing look, it is difficult for anyone to associate this guy with Tyrannize’s Ling Luo!

“It’s such a little bit of ability to dare to say crazy words, I really don’t know what it means.”

Qin Yichen gave Ling Luo a cold glance and smiled slightly.

A district-level Pill Master dared to pour out Spirit Power so arrogantly in front of him, which was simply about one’s own destruction.

Qin Yichen didn’t mean to be kind to this guy who didn’t feel the slightest favor. The latter poured Spirit Power out, and it was easy for him to destroy its Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Today’s Lingluo has been reduced to a waste that can no longer gather Spirit Power.

Hearing the cold voice of Qin Yichen, the body trembled of countless onlookers, his eyes were looking at the slender silhouette with an incredible look.

Does Ling Luo look like this guy? !!

Lingluo is already a distinguished prestige Peak Pill Master, and he studied under Yao Meng, and he has made great achievements in Spirit Power.

He was able to tyrannize in this city, and it was also inseparable from his own strength.

And Qin Yichen, the badge worn on his body is just a pre-level Pill Master. No one can believe it. He didn’t feel how this guy acted. Ling Luo lost so miserably!

At this time, the pretty face of Yaoxi was also full of astonishment. Her gaze was tightly fixed on Qin Yichen. Just now, she only felt a wave of Spirit Power on the latter. Is this guy really doing this?

To be able to relax so easily without causing any movement is to defeat Ling Luo. Is he really just a Pill Master?

“This gentleman … is not easy!”

Yao Xun’s eyes in front of Yaoxi were also slightly stunned, and he sighed secretly.

“A Heaven Grade Pill Master who pretends to be a level to insult the junior, kid, who are you?”

At this time, Yao Meng waved his hand, letting Ling Luo moan on the ground, dragging away like a dead dog, and some of his somber voice also sounded quietly.

“Oh … Heaven Grade Pill Master?”

Hearing this noble identity, countless people’s eyes are shrinking from fiercely, and there is a strong awe in their eyes.

Judging from Qin Yichen’s age, he is only in his 20s. At this age, he can become a Heaven Grade Pill Master. Among the younger generation of the Yao family, only Yao Jie and other evils have achieved such success!

Could it be said that this foreigner can compare with Yaojie?

Of course, they did not know that in the 10000 Yaocheng drug market, they thought that the unbeatable Yaojie, after using 3 feet of black flame tripod, also lost to Qin Yichen in Dou Dan.

“Junior? This Elderly Generation, are you old-fashioned, he’s older than me? And, he shot first, not me!”

Qin Yichen’s coldly shouted of Yao Meng is also not cold and indifferent, not at all gave the latter a good look.

Because Qin Yichen felt that when he started, Yao Meng noticed something, but he didn’t take any action to stop him. I’m afraid that in his heart, he had moved his mind to get rid of him.

And Ling Luo, just happened to be an excuse for him!

“Kid, do you know who you are talking to?”

Under the sarcasm of Qin Yichen, Yao Meng’s complexion also gloomed. In his eyes, cold glow flashed: “Yao Xun, you must be mixing with a foreigner, you must have forgotten my family’s rules. ! “

Among the pharmacists, the Martial Artist can’t do anything casually, but there are not too many restrictions between the Pill Refining Masters. For such a struggle between the foreign Pill Refining Masters, the pharmacists turn a blind eye. Therefore, before Qin Yichen and Ling Luo’s operation, no one came to stop.

However, there is an unwritten rule among pharmacists.

No matter how good your strength is, however, if an outsider dares to offend the clansman, it will definitely cause the drug clan to target it!

And Yao Meng’s words obviously want to use this to seek medicine and the others.

Sure enough, after hearing his coldly shouted, Yao Xun’s complexion changed, but at this time, he knew very well that if Qin Yichen was thrown out, their family would be more dangerous, and, later, He is a respectable gentleman, how can they do such betrayal?

“Yaomeng, you don’t need to use those rules to press me. This gentleman is a friend of Yaozhong Elder. As for identity, he is qualified! And, what’s wrong with my husband’s protection?”

In the eyes of Yao Xun, the rays of light flickered. Finally, he made up his mind and said to Qin Yichen, a cup one fist in the other hand, he said, “Yao Xun guarantees to my husband, no matter what, I will take my responsibility! “

After hearing Yao Xun’s words, the expressions on countless silhouette faces across the street were stagnation.

Elder’s friend?

What is the identity of medicine patriarch? There is no ordinary person who is the object of countless Peak forces who want to attract and can make them friends.

This guy can make Yao Xun treat each other like this, is he really saying that?

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