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“Trouble? Anyone here dare to find Yaoxi their trouble?”

Hearing the words of the passerby, Qin Yichen’s brow couldn’t help being lightly frowned.

Although it is said that Yaozhong has not been a Manager for many years, the family behind him has been squeezed out of Dancheng, but how to say that Yaozhong is also one of the Ten Great Elders of the Yao family.

With this important status, those who dare to find trouble in their family may not find a few among the entire drug clan.

However, Qin Yichen also knows that if someone really dares to come to their troubles, then there must be a character with a strong status and a strong backing behind them!

“The ones who dare to come and find them troublesome are naturally not ordinary forces. It is said that this time it was the Pill Refining Master under the City Lord Mansion.”

When the passerby saw Qin Yichen’s complexion, even if he said it, he seemed to know everything.

“Again? Have they been here before?”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen was even more surprised.

“Of course, a few days ago, Yaoxi was injured by the medicine of Master Meng.”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s brow frowned. If they guessed wrongly, Yao Meng in this person’s mouth should be Ling Luo’s Master.

It seems that Yaoxi’s life is not easy. After being pushed out of Dancheng, there are still people in this city who don’t want to stop there.


Qin Yichen let go of the passerby and shouted to the guard next to him with a worried look on his side.

At this time, before the mansion surrounded by the regiments, it had been divided into two camps that were totally different.

Close to the front yard of the mansion is naturally Yaoxi and the others, while on the other side are a group of silhouettes wearing Pill Refining Master robes. Their bodies stand upright, quite several points of aggressive attitude.

There was no look of dreading in the eyes of their group of men and women looking at Yaoxi.

In the forefront of this group of men and women, there is a white robe youth Ling Lingli, with a strong hidden wave on his body, apparently a Spirit Power is not weak, Golden Cauldron with lines on his sleeves, even Man knows his expensive identity.

And in this young man’s side, it was Ling Luo who had a festival with Qin Yichen in the Pill Refining Master union!

In the Pill Refining Master union, in front of that many people, he was ignored as garbage. At this time, his face was full of sneer, and he looked at Yaoxi and the others coldly.

The most noticeable thing was an old man wearing a gray robe in front of the white robe youth.

This gray robed old man looks quite old, with wrinkles on his face, but he can stand in the forefront, and anyone knows that his identity is out of the ordinary.

It is not difficult for people with a slightly sharper Spirit Power to find out that although there is no majestic Spirit Power fluctuations on this old man, the subtle fluctuations revealed on him are the people behind him. Out of reach.

On his chest, he wore a badge issued by the Pill Refining Master union. Above that badge, the word “Heaven” flashing with golden light was extremely dazzling.

Heaven Grade Pill Master!

“Yaomeng, you came here with such great fanfare, I wonder why?”

In front of Yaoxi, there was a middle-aged man standing. At this moment, his face looked a little ugly and looked at the old man in front of him, solemnly asked.

“Hehe, Yaoxun, wouldn’t you just be confused with me?”

The old man’s eyes glanced around, said with a sneer.

“Yaomeng, when you came here 7 days ago, our family had withdrawn the original agreement, and Xi’er was also injured by you that day, wouldn’t you stop here?”

The middle-aged man was coldly shouted, and the color of anger appeared on his face.

“Yao Xun, as a pharmacist, you have to talk. Now that you have agreed to marry Yaoxi to Yao Ming, you should fulfill this promise. Go back on one’s word will shame my family! “

Yao Meng smiled a little, and there were several points of threat in his tone.

“Yaomeng, you promised that we would help us, but we are now not in Dancheng. We don’t need your help, and we naturally don’t need to fulfill our promise!”

Yao Xun’s complexion was also slightly sinking, shouted.

“That’s your business. Retracting the agreement is also a unilateral decision of your own family. Marriage major event, how can you play?”

Yao Meng was sneered, and among the words, a vague wave of waves faintly opened, making countless people look at each other.

“Strong words, Yao Meng, who doesn’t know that you and Yao Ji are in the same group? It’s nothing more than trying to swallow our family, so why pretend to look for such grandeur?”

At this time, Yaoxi’s pretty face was also iron-blue, and she could not help angrily.

“Xi’er, I’m your fiance anyway. It’s too rude to talk to my Master like this. I will teach you some courtesy when I enter my house in the future.

Behind the gray robed old man, the young man in the white robe called Yao Ming smiled lightly, said.

“Xi Er won’t marry you. This family thing was originally a conspiracy you designed. We simply never promised you positively, so we have the right to take it back!”

Yao Xun frowned, said.

“Uncle Yaoxun, aren’t you a little better like this? Do you think that in this city, you can live so well without our secret protection?”

Yao Ming’s eyes narrowed for a moment, lightly saying, in that voice, some bright eyes could hear a little threatening taste.

“Uncle Yaoxun, and regard your family as the heyday of Yao Zhong when he first became Elder? After this Pharmacopoeia meeting, you will lose that only scary name!”

Yao Ming said later, there was obviously a little bit more in the words.

Hearing his words so plainly, Yao Xun and the others’ complexion also became gloomy.

However, they also know that this is very likely to happen. Although Yaoxi said that the medicine is back, they have never seen anyone. With their clansman like innate talent, how can they stand up as Ten Great One of the Elders’ family?

“Cough, Yao Xun, you still have to look at some things, and since you defaulted on the marriage between them, it would be too shameful for us to take it back. And, Yao Xi ’s marriage inscription, Your family also has good benefits, at least, you don’t have to worry about being completely indeterminate after losing that status completely. “

Yao Meng looked up and laughed, “Today we are ordered by Sir City Lord. Yaoxi, we must take it away.”

Hearing this, Yao Xun face changed, and the bodyguards behind him couldn’t help holding the weapons in the handshake tightly. For a time, the atmosphere before the mansion became tense.

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