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When the words fell, the silhouette of the white shirt was already in the bamboo pavilion.

This silhouette looks extremely thick. Behind him, carrying a huge giant sword, a sharp breath, looming from him, the original tense atmosphere in the bamboo pavilion is also with him. Appeared and shattered.


Looking at this silhouette, Tian Haoyu’s eyes flashed with a strange color, and with a murmur, the kind of unrulyness on his face turned out to be slightly convergent.

This person is a Vice Captain in the Law Enforcement Group!

“sit down!”

The icy voice sounded slightly.


Under this voice, Tian Haoyu’s face went red for a while. He originally wanted to explain something, but under the desolate eyes, he couldn’t say it. He sat down with his last buttock and expressed Among them, there are still quite a few things.

“Senior Brother.”

When seeing the drought, Qin Yichen also held a cup one fist in the other hand, said.

“Make Little Junior Brother a joke.”

Huang also slowly turned around, said with a bitter smile.

Although the breath on his body seemed extremely powerful, but his face gave a kind of feeling like a spring breeze, which made people inevitably have a good impression on him.

Qin Yichen knows that perhaps the heart of the famine is relatively mild, and that kind of fierce killer is because of being in the Law Enforcement Group and having experienced countless assassinations!

“A little misunderstanding that’s all.”

Qin Yichen shook the head, lightly said with a smile.

Regarding the shortage, in addition to his admiration for the Law Enforcement Group, he still has a bit of guilt.

After all, the high-levels of the Human Race all paid attention to the latter’s efforts. Before his appearance, the desert was almost always considered to be the next Lord of the Heavenly Mansion.

“Haoyu, apologize to Little Junior Brother.”

The desert was nodded, said Tian Haoyu on the side.

“Apologize? Well, I did nothing wrong!”

Hearing this, Tian Haoyu frowned slightly and refused directly.


Seeing this, the shortage is also frowned.

Although he has a good prestige in Human Race, it is clear that for Tian Haoyu, there is nothing he can do.

“Brother, if nothing is wrong, I will go first.”

Tian Haoyu curl one’s lip, straight up and said.

Seeing him like this, Arakawa waved his hands helplessly, and he could see that there seemed to be a lot of hostility between this guy and Qin Yichen.

Moreover, Ara knows his character, and it is impossible to eliminate the hostility in the latter’s heart with 3 words and 2 words.

“Brother Qin, Haoyu is not sensible, and I hope you have more Haihan.”

After Tian Haoyu left, the wasteland sighed, bitterly said with a smile.

“I can understand him.”

Qin Yichen nodded, said.

If this kind of thing happened to him, his brother would certainly be unwilling. If he changed to Li Yuanba, I’m afraid he would just screw the hammer to find trouble, and Tian Haoyu’s attitude can understand it.

“I let the owner down.”

Huang Lian sighed and looked helpless.

Tian Wuming called him back this time, the original intention was to persuade Tian Haoyu through him. After all, the latter has a high status in St. Martial City. The impact is also not good.

“Senior Brother doesn’t blame himself, he will always understand.”

Qin Yichen shook the head and immediately asked: “By the way, Senior Brother, I heard that Law Enforcement Group’s situation seems to be a little bad recently.”

“Not just bad …”

Hearing this, arrogant shook the head, his complexion became somewhat dignified: “In less than half a year, our Law Enforcement Group has already damaged nearly 100 holy powerhouses.”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s complexion was also slightly frozen.

Although the Law Enforcement Group has always faced extremely dangerous things, the powerhouses of the Law Enforcement Group in Normally are also 10000 points vigilant. With the establishment of the team, the number of casualties has also improved.

Nearly 100 holy ranks, this is not a small number.

“The lord of the house is old, and the children of foreigners are starting to sit still. However, they also need to pay a heavy price to invade our Human Race!”

Bare sneered, with a icy baleful qi flashing on his handsome face.

Looking at the change of momentum in the wasteland, Qin Yichen sighed in his heart.

Although Human Race already has the strength that can compete with some Peak races, their enemies are so many that they will become so small.

On the 10000-thousand continent, how many races are wrong with this fatty flare like a tiger watching his prey?

“Brother Qin, you need to grow up fast, otherwise …”

Huang’s eyes were sincerely looking at Qin Yichen, and after paused, he sighed softly.

The identity of Qin Yichen True Dragon Martial Spirit, Tianhuang is also one of the few people who knows. He also blocked the news and did not let the news go out. Otherwise, the current situation of Human Race will be more serious.

“I will.”

Facing the wild expectations, Qin Yichen is also firmly nodded.

“Well, I’m going to visit the owner, and I’m going back to the Law Enforcement Group immediately.”

Seeing this, the wasteland is also nodded, Tao.

As Tianhuang left, Qin Yichen’s complexion also became dignified.

He wasn’t because of Tian Haoyu, which in his eyes simply wasn’t too much trouble.

He is most concerned about the current situation of Human Race.

In order to help him get back the Soul Lamp, it is difficult for the Old Palace Master to suppress the erosion of death.

Tian Wuming also knows his physical condition, so he is so anxious to announce Qin Yichen as Young Mansion Lord.

And he may already be holding the death death mind, and want to enter the land of evil, sweep the Demon, in exchange for 1000 years of stability in this area.

Once the Old Palace Master enters there, it is not difficult to imagine that there will definitely be an alien powerhouse that has glare like a tiger watching his prey to invade.

Human Race without top powerhouse, I am afraid it will be reduced to a piece of meat on a cutting board, let anyone slaughter!

“I am just a sacred junior. Even if I improve, it will be difficult to become a giant in a short time. As for the top powerhouse, it is even worse.”

By Qin Yichen brows tightly knit, although he is very confident in himself, wanting to be a Peak power that can deter foreigners is not something that can be done in a short time.

“I hope the Old Palace Master can hold on for a while …”

Qin Yichen sighed inwardly and whispered secretly.

Tian Wuming has already lived 2 years. At this age, it has far exceeded the limit of top powerhouse.

During this period, the latter certainly took countless longevity Rare Item, and even the rare Spirit Fruit, which is extremely rare for other powers, may have little effect on it.

2 In 10000 years, Tian Wuming has not only reached the limit of his physical body, but even his soul has begun to dissipate.

Maybe it was because he couldn’t let go of Human Race’s obsession that allowed him to stick to where he is now.

“Perhaps there is another way to help the Old Palace Master!”

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