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“So what’s below ?!”

Looking at the expression of the Old Palace Master, Qin Yichen was horrified.

In that wicked place, there are 10000 sacred coffins, which is several times more than the sacred powerhouse of Human Race!

Moreover, the 10000 coffins appeared to constitute a terrible 10000 coffin formation.

What kind of power is it that has the strength to lay such a big hand?

“In the future, you will bear the burden of Human Race, and that place, you also need to know.”

Half a day, the sky is no life to take a deep breath. On that old face, expression is extremely solemn.


Immediately, Tian Wuming’s sleeves fluttered slightly. On the stone mountain in front, the space was twisted, and a scene suddenly appeared in it.

“That’s … Holy Heaven?”

In that scene, there was a huge city, and at the first sight of that city, Qin Yichen had a familiar feeling.

All directions, there are countless Human Races coming towards this city.

And above the sky, there are many Human Race powerhouses standing upright, ordering their landing in an orderly manner.

Looking at those scenes, even the ladder has not yet appeared, Qin Yichen knows that this is the first prototype of San Tian City!

“All Human Races, dodge quickly!”

Suddenly, between Heaven and Earth, a sound like thunderbolt sounded, a holy senior Human Race powerhouse suddenly appeared over the huge city, and its face was full of anxiety.

Hearing his drink, countless Human Races quickly acted, and they came here after countless hardships, and they have understood how to avoid danger.


However, just as the holy powerhouse tone barely fell, there was a dull sound in Heaven and Earth, and the earth shook violently at this moment, as if it were beneath the ground, with countless demons. In the waves.

Not far from St. Tian City, in a deep valley, the space was turbulent. Immediately, in the horror of countless Human Races, the sky was dark and suddenly burst out from that deep valley.

It was just a moment of effort, the kind of black gas soared into the sky, and then went straight into the sky, then the mist of black shrouded in all directions, the scene was like an incomparable gigantic black umbrella. The entire Heaven and Earth is shrouded in it.

Under this black mist, between Heaven and Earth is completely dark, only the rays of light in Saint Tian City shines out, turning into a huge light shield, protecting the city in it, making it free from Erosion of dark mist.

The Human Race hiding in St. Tian City is full of fear of unknown things, and they can hear that in the dark room, there seems to be some horrible creatures hidden, and it constantly sends out a kind of let The scalp roared.

In no time, with a path of loud noise, the mask over St. Tian City is trembling violently, as if it may be torn and opened at any time.

“That’s Nether Soul …”

Looking at the dark mist, Qin Yichen’s complexion looked pale.

In that dark mist, it was Nether Soul he met in the most terrible land!

I don’t know why, the Nether Soul in this dark mist is extremely violent, and it also has terrifying erosion power.

Those Human Races that were too late to enter the Holy Tian City, after being engulfed in the black mist, turned into a dead bone, and there was no flesh and blood in the whole body!

Looking at that scene, Qin Yichen also felt a chill.


The sky shook the head, and a sigh sounded quietly.

“Is it…”

Qin Yichen pupil suddenly shrunk, and suddenly there was a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

At this time, in the scene in front of him, the black mist swept through, and everything that had passed was turned into a desolation, and the only rays of light that had originally disappeared were the protective cover shattered.

When the rays of light went out, the screams of Human Race were endless, but after a short while, the screams were quietly extinguished. In the sky, only the scream of Nether Soul Echo.

For a long time, these dark fog covering the area of ​​10,000,000 li slowly receded, and the messy scene on the ground gradually appeared in the sight of Qin Yichen.

At this point, the Holy Tian City had been turned into a ruin, and there was no trace of vitality on the messy ground.

With the last ray of black mist retreating into the abyss, the sight on the stone mountain also stopped on that abyss.

“Where is the most evil place under Vast-Glacial Palace?”

Looking at the abyss like the mouth of a demon, Qin Yichen’s heart trembled.

“Not bad…”

Tian Tianming laughed bitterly, the sleeve robe moved slightly, and the scene had completely disappeared. His whispering sound like a nightmare also sounded slowly: “Hongjun Old Ancestor has also entered there, but He has no solution. “

“On the day of the Nether Soul, wasn’t San Tian City extremely dangerous?”

Thinking of the dark mist of terrifying, Qin Yichen still has some palpitations.

Under that dark mist, the holy-level advanced powerhouse could not escape. Once it broke out again, St. Tian City, the largest city of Human Race, would suffer a huge calamity.

“Although Hongjun Old Ancestor didn’t solve the thing, he found a way to avoid the black fog.”

Tian Wu Ming took a deep breath, his eyes looked towards the distance, and his voice sounded slowly: “As long as someone enters the most evil place before the black mist erupts, Nether Soul can be avoided.”

“Enter there ?!”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen looked dumbfounded.

It ’s easy to get out of the most evil place, but once you get there, it ’s almost impossible to survive!

“This is also the last thing that can be done for our race before the main body of the previous government falls.”

There was a smile on Tian Wuming’s face, and he obviously knew what the consequences would be when he entered the body with the twilight body.

However, in his words, there was no fear of death. It was an honor for him to die for the Human Race.

“It’s been 10000 to 5000 years since the last governor went in. During this time, fortunately, a few old friends went in to clean up Demon before me.

There is a gleam of glitter in the eyes of Tian Wuming’s turbid eyes. Qin Yichen knows that he is nostalgic for the human race, fearlessly sacrificing his own powerhouse.

“Counting the time, it’s not far from the black mist.”

Skyless eyes fell on Qin Yichen, and a faint voice sounded quietly.

As if, he wanted to tell Qin Yichen that it was not his wish to give this heavy responsibility to him. He could not wait for the day when this young man would grow up.

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