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Before that, refuting 10000 Yang was very envious of Qin Yichen’s limelight.

Moreover, in his opinion, Qin Yichen was just a bit luckier than him, and in his heart, he was totally unconvinced by the latter.

After all, on the ladder, it’s not everyone’s strength.

This is the kid who can’t let this but the imperial realm, grab his own limelight.

In the 2 years when Qin Yichen disappeared, in order to regain his aura, he also worked hard to cultivate, and finally, it finally attracted the attention of all parties.

Perhaps because of the relationship with Qin Yichen, refuting the 10000 Yangs even rejected countless places of Human Race’s dream, the invitation of Shengtianfu!

However, today, refuting 10000 Yang is finally facing Qin Yichen.

This guy doesn’t seem to be as uncomfortable as he thinks. In 2 years, from the imperial realm to the Holy Level, I am afraid he has experienced a lot.

After feeling the power of the latter, the 10000 Yang was finally relieved.

At least, he didn’t have to worry about it anymore, and with his random hit, he accidentally blasted this guy into scum.

Although unhappy with Qin Yichen, there are some senses to refute 10000 Yang.

Moreover, although Shengtianfu tried to hide the identity of the latter, he knew that Qin Yichen was the Owner of True Dragon Martial Spirit.

So, even if he shot to humiliate Qin Yichen, at least, from beginning to end, he did not move in his mind.

Of course, he didn’t know, and it was because of this that Qin Yichen would wait for him here, and, if not at all, shot him directly.

Refusing 10000 sun to take a deep breath, his eyes gradually became indifferent.


Among the golden sacred powers, a round of the sun seemed to be expanding and spreading, dazzling rays of light swept away, and a round of dazzling light suddenly rose from it.


Refute the 10000 bright glimmers in the sun, and the countless True Origin crazy gathering rooms are directly transformed into a dazzling giant of hands of light.

Immediately, he not at all the extra words, a wave of his palm, and that palm like a divine house, violently suppressed away from Qin Yichen.

“Hmm! Hmm!”

Where the bright palms passed, the low explosion sound kept ringing, and under this palm, countless people found in horror that Skyrim was about to fall down.


Looking at the refutation of 10000 Yang, the countless disciples in Tahoe Holy Land are full of shocking colors.

Is this the power of the Holy Powerhouse? Raising your hand and throwing your feet, as if destroying heaven extinguishing earth, the power is terrifying.

“Dairi Divine Physique, it really is out of the ordinary.”

Looking at the palm that came with terrifying suppression, Qin Yichen sighed in his heart. If it is an ordinary holy junior powerhouse, in the face of this attack, I am afraid that only fleeing.

However, Qin Yichen is not an unusual holy-level junior powerhouse. Even the holy-level powerhouse buried in his hands is far away from what 10000 yang can imagine!


In the face of the terrifying rays of light palm, Qin Yichen laughed heartily, stepped on one foot, and the body was directly shot, and the simple ordinary punch went to strike the palms.


In a path of astonished eyes, Qin Yichen, like the incarnation of War God, turned out to be a domineering gesture, and the blow of the rays of light giant palm that was enough to suppress the holy powerhouse was blown open with a punch.

And his figure, just a step back, was again facing the 10000-yang burst.

Looking at Qin Yichen’s outrageousness, the eyes of refusing 10000 Yang couldn’t help but hesitated for a moment. Obviously, he didn’t expect that Qin Yichen was so powerful.

It seems that the latter is not comparable to the ordinary holy powerhouse.

“I don’t believe it. In the past 2 years, can you still surpass me!”

Refuting the 10000 Yang Li drinking, the gorgeous rays of light whistled out, directly transformed into countless spear glows, spear glows pierced the space, hiding the sky and covering the earth swept away from Qin Yichen.

“This is a pretty good move. It should be able to compete against several powerhouses of the same level.”

Looking at the 10000-yang that started to show his full strength, Qin Yichen chuckled. Immediately, his eyes sharpened sharply, stepping on his feet, and the air sent out a huge explosion.

“But for me, these are not enough!”

With the sound of Qin Yichen, above the sky, there was suddenly a thunderous sound, and his body had no evasive posture, like thunderbolt, rushed into the sky gun shadow. .

“Rays of light divine spear!”

At the moment of seeing Qin Yichen’s explosive power, a kind of anxiety suddenly appeared in the mind of 10000 Yang. The next moment, both of his hands suddenly trembled, and the gorgeous rays of light roared out of his body.

And the sky gun shadow, also quickly squirmed, finally in the shock of a path of eyes, condensed into a several hundred zhang size gun!

This giant spear with brilliant rays of light is not condensed by the unusual True Origin. There is a path of light ripples flowing on it, a kind of sharp fluctuations that can teach the world, and constantly ripples from it.

“go with!”

The giant spear took shape, refuted 10000 Yang Li and drank without hesitation. He just stabbed at Qin Yichen who shot from there.


Under this shot, if the space is torn apart, the mask over the Holy Land below Tai Hao has ripples.

The gorgeous rays of light on rays of light long spear can’t help people’s eyes narrowing slightly, and the fierce vigor makes everyone’s face full of shock.

In the face of such a violent offensive against 10000 Yang, Qin Yichen’s complexion also became slightly dignified. He felt the power of terrifying contained in the long spear. Immediately, he did not dare to neglect, double With a fist, the golden rays of light burst out suddenly from within the body.

Immediately, his entire body seemed to be plated with gilt.

Supreme’s supremacy was also urged to the extreme by Qin Yichen at this time.

The next moment, in a path of shocked eyes, Qin Yichen was mixed with the wind and thunder, and fiercely’s blast came.

The golden light overflowed, Qin Yichen didn’t hesitate at all. On top of his fist, the True Origin of terrifying kept superimposing, and then a punch came out.

There is no fancy on this fist, but the terrifying fluctuations contained in it are enough to blow the ordinary holy powerhouse in one punch!


With the condensing of countless lines of sight, the golden light fist was directly forcibly blasted on the gorgeous long spear exuding a powerful air. Immediately, the harsh sound was suddenly heard in this between Heaven and Earth. Upright.


Along with this loud noise, the violent waves spread and spread instantly, one after another naked eye The ripples visible on the sky waved and opened.

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