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I haven’t seen it for a few years. The realm on Qin Yichen has made Feng Wentian see through. Obviously, the latter has reached a very high level, and from this we can see that his current status should not be low.

About a year ago, there were rumors that the latter was dead.

Even Feng Fengtian believed it a bit.

“Someone wants my life.”

Qin Yichen shrugged, helplessly said.

However, looking at its expression, it doesn’t seem to care too much about this.

“Your boy, you must have offended someone?”

Feng asked the sky lightly said with a smile, and then, his gaze glanced at 4 places, and asked with some confusion: “Where is the girl, 1000 Snow, did she come with you?”

“1000 snow?”

Qin Yichen froze slightly, his face was a little awkward, and he even forgot to let Feng Fengtian know about the wind and snow.

“What? What happened to 1000 Snow?”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s expression, Feng Wentian’s complexion calmly asked.

“Uncle Feng, she was taken away by the people of the fire sea for 9 days.”

Qin Yichen shook the head, said.


Hearing this, Feng asked Heavenly Eye that there were amazing rays of light flashing, and he was actually pulling Qin Yichen’s sleeve gown excitedly, saying: “Aren’t you lying to me? Really 9 days fire sea ​​Phoenix Clan? “

Seeing Feng Wentian’s excitement, Qin Yichen also expressed his understanding. He didn’t break free, but he will explain the situation where the fire sea Phoenix Clan powerhouse appeared and took away the wind and snow for 9 days at the time of the ladder.

“Yi Chen, so 1000 snow was really picked up by Phoenix Clan?”

Feng Wentian seemed a little excited at this moment. He held Qin Yichen’s sleeve robe together, and his voice was a little trembling.

After seeing the latter’s affirmative nodded, in his eyes, there was a touch of excitement and glittering crystals.

“Haha, the family of Feng descent … haha, my wind tribe can finally claim to have a face!”

Wind asked heaven said with a big smile, on his face, there are old tears.

Seeing him like that, Qin Yichen didn’t bother.

Although the wind clan is very well mixed in the dynasty area, even the royal families of the major dynasties can treat each other courteously.

However, only the highest peaks of the Wind clan know that their arrogance is not something that this dynasty can restrain.

When Qin Yichen left with 1000 wind and snow, the wind asked the sky to explain. If possible, I hope that Qin Yichen can send 1000 wind to 9 days of fire sea.

However, they did not know how difficult it was to reach the 9-day fire sea from Human Race.

However, they obviously didn’t expect more, and didn’t wait for the wind and snow to reach recognition ancestors and return to the fold, that is, Phoenix Clan powerhouse came to Human Race!

“Uncle Feng, what’s the situation on your side now? The situation in the dynasty seems a bit wrong.”

For a long time, when Feng Wentian’s excited expression finally calmed down, Qin Yichen couldn’t help asking.

“It’s not because of your boy’s rumors.”

Feng asked the sky to shook the head, and suddenly there was an intimidating courage on her body: “However, now that you know this is a rumor, it’s time to hit some restless guys.”

“Uncle Feng, haven’t anyone been to Twilight duchy 2 days ago?”

Qin Yichen paused, asked.

“Twilight duchy? Where is Xia Ziling?”

Feng Wentian asked, when referring to the name Xia Ziling, his complexion also seemed to be a bit subtle.

“Cough cough … is exactly there.”

Faced with the strange look of his prospective father-in-law, Qin Yichen couldn’t help but cough.

“Haha, rest assured, the old man is not unreasonable. The charm of your kid, even my baby daughter is fascinated by you. These Little Lass have feelings for you, which is not surprising.”

Feng asked heaven said with a smile, but in that smile, there seems to be a meaningful meaning: “As long as you treat the 1000 snow well in the future, I am not interested in managing your broken things.”

“Uncle Feng, rest assured, I will never disappoint 1000 snow.”

Qin Yichen nodded, on the right track, how could he possibly live up to the wind and snow?

However, he wanted to protect himself from the wind and snow, but he couldn’t do it now.

Right now, the strangeness around Human Race makes Qin Yichen feel that under the calm surface, there is already a dark tide in Human Race.

Moreover, although he made a lot of famous names on the 10000-thousand continent, if he wants to be recognized by the 9-day fire sea, his current strength may not be enough.

“Well. Rest assured. After knowing that Xia Ziling followed you, I sent someone to stay in their duchy, just to save a group of pretty good guys.”

The wind asked heaven for satisfaction nodded, said.

“Where are they?”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s eyes flashed with surprise, and he asked quickly.


There are many other houses in the Feng clan to entertain guests.

At this time in a separate courtyard, there were silhouettes everywhere.

These silhouettes are full of iron blood, obviously, they are all battle-hardened fighters.

Feeling that kind of bloody atmosphere, even some wind clan guards at the door have a little shock in their eyes.

At this moment, in front of them, a majestic silhouette was walking back and forth anxiously.

If you look closer, you can see that this person is a Free and Unfettered King Xia Zelei!

“These guys, help me!”

Xia Zelei constantly walked back and forth in the other courtyard, his heart was full of anxiety.

At this time, Twilight Duchy has fallen into the deep waters, and the appearance of the Royal Powerhouse also let him know that Twilight Duchy wants to survive the crisis of this time with almost no possibility.

Maybe he didn’t help there, but for him, being unable to guard his own duchy was even worse than having him buried in an ancient mountain pass!

“General Xia!”

With such anxious waiting, a voice finally sounded from the outside.

“How’s it going? Can the nobles help?”

Hearing that voice, Xia Zelei was trembled and asked quickly.

“Elder said no, and hoped that General Xia would understand the difficulties of my tribe …”

The caller was a guard from Phoenix Clan, he shook the head with a wry smile, said.

“It’s over … Twilight duchy is about to die!”

Hearing this, Xia Zelei’s face became ugly in an instant, and a long sigh sounded quietly.

Hearing his voice, many of the sergeants behind him also became darkened.

“Haha, what did General Xia say, how could Duchy Duchy perish?”

But in the midst of expression, a chuckle sounded suddenly.

When hearing this voice, Xia Zelei’s body trembled, and Twilight glanced out, and not far away, a familiar silhouette was walking slowly.

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