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“Jié jié, junior, want to chase the old man, go back and practice for a few more years!”

As he fled, the black robed old man did not forget to taunted.

Being pressed and beaten by a woman like this will naturally make him lose his face, but for a powerhouse like him, as long as he can save his life, he is not the powerhouse here, this kind of shame, He doesn’t say it himself, who knows?

Moreover, anyway, he has already collected the fees that duchy asked him to take. Besides, the presence of such powerhouses in twilight duchy is not counted as those costs.


However, at the distance that the black robed old man escaped but could n’t escape from the hunted zhang, the laughter in his mouth stopped abruptly, and his figure stopped in the air in a strange way.

Looking at this scene, the soldiers on the city wall looked slightly condensed, and their bodies could not help but rise slightly.

Does this guy have any bad thoughts?

“Who? Who is it ?!”

However, while everyone was vigilant, the sound of the fear of the black robed man sounded.

At this moment, he screamed in horror in his mouth, but his body was as if bound by an invisible force in the air, motionless.

In the mid-air Xia Ziling, she glanced at the city wall, and after seeing Qin Yichen sleekly nodded to him, she also took a deep breath, turned slowly, and when looking towards the black robed old man, her pretty face became again Gloomy.

“Ah, don’t kill me, let me go, I give you all my wealth!”

Looking at the flying shadow, the color of fear in the eyes of the black robed old man couldn’t hide it.

He has a high status in his Imperial Court, but he has some grudges with the Heavenly Dragon Dynasty.

At this time, there was news that was bad for the Heavenly Dragon dynasty. Because Phoenix Clan was sitting there, no one dared to take action on the Heavenly Dragon dynasty. However, he was looking towards the duchys of the Heavenly Dragon dynasty.

Coincidentally, there are several duchys who want to march into Twilight Duchy, but they are also afraid of the War God Xia Zelei of Twilight Duchy. Therefore, after they paid the price of black robed old man, he also ignored the rules of the dynasty and intervened in Duchy War in between.

However, he didn’t expect it. Among this little duchy, someone could beat him head-on, and he was still a young woman.

Even more terrifying, this black robed old man can feel that there is definitely a more powerful existence in the dark.

He had never seen anyone else hit him, and he was trapped in the air, not even a trace of True Origin.

“When you slaughtered our generals, did you ever think of such a day?”

Xia Ziling was a kind woman, but the thought of killing the intent in her mind was impossible to suppress when she thought that this guy would kill the ancient mountain off the thousand soldiers.


Kun Tianhu sang roar towards the sky with a powerful True Origin wave, violently pierced through the silhouette bound to the sky.

“oh la la !”

As Kun Tianhu passed through, blood blew into the sky, and on that old face, there was still a strong sense of panic.

The silhouette of Xia Ziling stood quietly in the middle of the sky, between Heaven and Earth, the powerful waves gradually dissipated, but this piece of between Heaven and Earth was still silent.

None of the countless troops outside the capital dared to speak.

The Martial King generals in front of the army, each and everyone are complexion pale, looking at the beautiful moving figure in the air, their bodies can’t help being shiver coldly.

How many kingdoms did they spend a lot of money on in order to die?

Faced with the Martial Spirit that was so stupid, a sense of weakness rose from their hearts.

With the torn corpse landing, Xia Ziling’s eyes finally looked towards the countless troops under the siege of the capital below. The cold eyes made the troops below shiver fiercely.


Under this kind of gaze, the group of Martial King generals only felt scalp numb, and with a scream, the army hiding the sky and covering the earth turned out to flee, even the courage to fight. Lost.

“Those who commit me twilight duchy, kill without mercy!”

Xia Ziling looked at the fleeing army, but among his beautiful eyes, there was a sudden surge of baleful qi, and a cold drinking sound also resounded between Heaven and Earth.

“Generals, avenge the marshal with me!”



With the fall of Xia Ziling’s voice, the city gate of Twilight also opened. A large number of elite soldiers rushed out of the capital with weapons, and chased after the fleeing army with anger.


In the air, Kun Tianhu roared angrily, and each and everyone trying to resist the Martial King generals were torn to pieces, and the blood-reeking qi was disgusting, soon filled with this piece between Heaven and Earth.

“Purple, come back.”

Looking at the slaughtering army below, Qin Yichen closed his eyes a little bit and could not bear to cry.

He knew that this kind of thing happened every day in Human Race.

As long as there is power, battle is inevitable, but only a cruel environment can forge a great powerhouse!

Warm flowers in the greenhouse can never carry the beams of Human Race.

Hearing Qin Yichen’s soft cry, Xia Ziling’s body was stopped. At this point, those duchy coalition forces had lost their morale and had no courage to fight again.

“You, it’s not suitable for this kind of battle.”

Qin Yichen helped Xia Ziling curl her hair, wiped the bloody water on her cheek, and whispered softly.

Under his “blame”, Xia Ziling, who was still 10000 troops, was just like a little woman at this time, slightly lowered his head, and didn’t even mean to talk back.

In the capital, looking at the defeated coalition army, countless city residents also issued a shout of applause.

Among those cheers, a path of awe of gaze was also looked towards the silhouette of the pair standing above the city wall.

The entire capital was caught in a frenzy of cheer at this time.

At the previous moment, they were almost out of deep despair. Once the twilight city was broken, the twilight duchy would no longer exist, and the people of this duchy would also be displaced and become refugees.

However, when they were most desperate, hope finally appeared with the advent of these two figures.

In their hands, the so-called imperial powerhouse, the 1000000 coalition forces, was directly fleeing and fleeing.

At this point, everyone believed again, in this world, only strength can be True King!

Only with sufficient strength can we defend our country and family!

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