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Looking at the guy who did not speak badly, many guests who came to congratulate them are expressions with a good look.

In their opinion, if you dare to make trouble here, simply, your brain is broken.

“Impudent, do you know who you are talking to?”

Sure enough, as soon as Qin Yichen’s words fell, a large number of 10000 Spirit Holy Land’s disciples rushed to the door, and a proud sound of reprimand resounded.

The 10000 Holy Land is the longest standing force among the 1000 Holy Lands on the Human Race, and its grandeur is beyond all imagination.

From this group of disciples alone, it is not difficult to see how superior their usual cultivation resources are.

It is admirable to dare to impudent in the courtyard of Holy Land of 10000 spirits.


However, it is a little surprising that, waiting for those disciples to catch the bad-spoken guy, refusing 10000 Yang is suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Some people offended on such occasions, refusing to get angry with 10000 Yang, which made many guests impress the latter.

However, the attitude of refuting 10000 Yang is a bit confusing.

“Hehe, I haven’t seen you in 2 years, Brother Qin I trust you have been well since we last met.”

Under the gaze of a line of sight, a smile appeared on the face of 10000 Yang, and he smiled at that silhouette.

There didn’t seem to be any trace of the offensive anger of the latter, and even the expression looked like an old friend who hadn’t been seen for years.

“Thanks to the refutation of Holy Son, I haven’t been cursed by you, but I can’t bear this brother word.”

In the face of refuting 10000 Yang, Qin Yichen was coldly snorted, and the sound of ridicule in his tone was undoubted.

“Brother Qin is serious, should there be any misunderstandings?”

However, what makes people astounded is that in the face of such ridicule, refusing 10000 Yang still restrained his emotions, and his face was full of smiles, as if there were no fluctuations because of the latter’s ridicule.

“Refuse Holy Son what is going on?”

“That person is too unable to tell good from bad, refute that Holy Son has given him face, even dare to be so arrogant!”

“Isn’t this why you’re looking for it?”

Seeing the attitude of refuting 10000 Yang, the guests in the other hospitals were a little confused. What exactly was this young man was able to make refuting 10000 Yang so intimidating.

Moreover, looking at his attitude, it seems that simply doesn’t care about offending 10000 Yang and 10000 Spirit Holy Land.

“Brother Qin? I don’t seem to have heard of any genius with this surname in these 2 years?”

Some keen people found out that at this time, the complexions of Nie Shengrui and Ying Xinghui were a little gloomy. It seems that they are a little bit wrong with this young man.

In this scene, many guests can’t help but guess Qin Yichen’s identity. What exactly is his origin is actually not the same as the Holy Son of the top ten Holy Land. Moreover, it seems that Nie Shengrui’s face is very scary to him.

“Misunderstanding? Refute Holy Son, after breaking through to the Holy Order, went to my inner son to spread rumors and disturb my inner son’s practice. Is this also a misunderstanding?”

Qin Yichen coldly snorted, with a gleam of brutality in his eyes.

For him, if someone just cursed at him or targeted him, maybe he would just laugh and not take it to heart.

However, everyone has their own reverse scale. Qin Yichen’s reverse scale is his relatives and friends!

Refuting the rumor of 10000 Yang, Lu Lingying had a change that he could not understand, which he could not tolerate!

Under Qin Yichen’s coldly snorted, the smile on the 10000 sun face was also stiff.

“After refuting Holy Son breakthrough to the Holy Order?”

“His son, is it Guanghan Fairy Lu Lingying ?!”

“Then … he’s Qin Yichen ?!”

After hearing Qin Yichen’s words, someone finally remembered something. With cry out in surprise, a name that had been sealed for 2 years, suddenly reappears in everyone’s mind.

The refutation of the 10000 Suns at the breakthrough level has attracted Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, which has made it famous and admired by countless powerhouses.

However, before that, one person was holding him firmly. It can even be said that when his name was moved to Tian City, the 10000 Yang could only be hidden in a certain corner, and his glory was completely hidden by that. Covered by dazzling genius!

That person is … Qin Yichen!

There are too many auras in this name. For his legend, there are countless versions!

As long as you have some identity, you know the weight of the name!

However, more than 2 years have passed since Qin Yichen’s last public appearance. During this time, this dazzling name has gradually been forgotten.

However, with his appearance, this dusty name was like a sledgehammer, fiercely hit everyone’s heart, making it difficult for countless guests to feel breathing.

“It’s him, it must be him. In the younger generation, besides him, there are a few people who can make Holy Son so jealous!”

“Oh my god, isn’t it rumored he’s already there?”

“His, it seems he’s a little dissatisfied with refuting Holy Son!”

After guessing Qin Yichen’s identity, countless people are no longer half ironic.

No wonder in the face of his ridicule, refuting 10000 Yang is another 3 concessions. Because, the name Qin Yichen is enough to make 10000 Yang treat this way!

With him, even the Divine Physique’s refutation of 10000 suns has to put away his own edge and dare not fight with it!

In a short moment, the eyes of countless guests were moved away from the 10000 sun and projected towards Qin Yichen. In a line of sight, there was a flash of almost blind worship.

Break the record of Human Race, climb to the top of the ladder, be taken in as a disciple by Shengtianfu, sit on the man who owns the Martial Spirit and the inborn yin vein, the birth of the little devil!

All this is what countless men dream of, but God seems to prefer him and gather the halo that these countless people are jealous of!

At this time, the smile on the face of the 10000 sun had completely disappeared, and it was replaced by a deep gloomy color.

In his heart, it was even more angry.

Why did he lose all his limelight as soon as he appeared? !!

On the ladder, the three influential Old Guys, who were only fighting for him, had the Divine Physique of Da Ri, and they were even ignored!

After all, he broke through to the holy level and finally made countless forces pay attention to him.

Also, he heard that Qin Yichen had an accident.

At that time, he felt that God was not too kind to him, and finally made him stand up again, and recovered his confidence.

However, he didn’t expect it, this guy like a nightmare would appear here alive!

Moreover, as soon as the latter appeared, everyone’s attention was drawn to the past, and he was once again in the embarrassing situation of the past!

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