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It was late at night, and the lights were still bright in a room at the Feilale Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Shu Ruyan sat on a chair and looked up a copy of the information.

And on the table in front of her, there was a thick pile, all these materials came from the big cities of Human Race.

With Qin Yichen’s selection in the Sacred Heaven Palace, Feilo’s Chamber of Commerce is also well known to all forces in Human Race.

The Chamber of Commerce in charge of the compound Dan recipe recipe did not deliberately promote it, but was attracted by countless forces.

The extent of that extremely powerful and arrogant even exceeded Ye Liangchen’s estimation.

Feilai Chamber of Commerce also uses this heat to set up branches in Human Race cities.

However, the number of these divisions is too large. Even if Ye Liangchen is prepared, their manpower is still not enough.

In the end, they had to send their manpower to the first-tier cities as a last resort, and among the remaining cities, they let some of them declare better forces to establish branches.

Although the Fraser Chamber of Commerce does not provide a medicine recipe among those branches, as long as the Fraser Chamber of Commerce name is attached, there will be countless benefits.

In order to prevent the reputation of Feilo Chamber of Commerce from being used by some children, in the past 2 years, Shu Ruyan has hardly taken a good rest, and whenever she has time, she consults the collected information.

Maybe she did it just to keep herself busy without thinking about someone.

However, tonight, Ru Ruyan couldn’t calm down. Even if she wanted to concentrate on reviewing the information, she would always be lost.

In her mind, there was that handsome face with a smile.


Shu Ruyan stroked her forehead with one hand and rubbed her head with one hand.

It seemed that she wanted to squeeze the silhouette of her thoughts out of her mind.

At one moment, the lights in the room seemed to be dim, and a silhouette quietly appeared in the room.


As if Shu Ruyan was aware of it, her umber-black eyebrows frowned was about to look back at who dared to break into her study, but a pair of warm palms were already held on her thin waist.

“It’s so late, I haven’t slept yet.”

But just as Shu Ruyan was about to get angry, a hot voice sounded in her ear.

When hearing this voice, Shu Ruyan’s lovable body trembled, and her hand stopped.

The enemy was found here.

With the lights off in the study, a spring quietly staged in it.


Vast-Glacial Palace.

A pretty shadow sits quietly in the plate, a kind of icy breath, faintly exuding from its lovable body, so that the great hall is covered with icy white mist.

This beautiful movie is really Guanghan Fairy … Lv Lingying.

After Qin Yichen came here last time, after their relationship was known to the public, most of the suitors were also interested and did not harass in the Pavilion of the Han Pavilion.

In fact, a large part of this is due to the command of Vast-Glacial Palace Old Ancestor, which is to eliminate those distinguished suitors.

However, among them, there are still some who think that they have charm and uniqueness, and come to test.

In response to Vast-Glacial Palace’s warning, some people deliberately sought out some decent reasons to visit Lu Lingying.

About a year and a half ago, a very rare natural phenomenon appeared in San Tian City. On that day, the sky was full of red, and a column of red light fell like a sun pouring down and fell somewhere in San Tian City.

According to rumors, it was the Holy Son from Holy Land of 10000 spirits, refuting the natural phenomenon caused by the 10000-yang breakthrough to the Holy Order.

However, the 10000nd day after the 2-yang break through to the Holy Level turned out to be an excuse to visit and get acquainted, regardless of the command of Vast-Glacial Palace, and entered the Pavilion of the Cold Pavilion.

However, what shocked countless people was that he had just rushed out in less than one minute after entering.

Some powerhouses with curiosity in the appearance even found that when he came out, his body was covered with frost. Fortunately, he was a rare 10000-year-old Divine Physique before he could escape from it.

However, it is said that because of this incident, the realm that refuted 10000 Yang finally broke through to the holy level is a bit futile.

Because after this incident, those with a different mind will never dare to break into the Pavilion of Han Pavilion!

“Senior Sister Lü’s progress is really fast. In just a few years, she has almost broken through to the Holy Level!”

“Well, but she hasn’t eaten for 3 months. I don’t know if this practice is good or bad.”

Two beautiful maids stood outside the Hall of the Han Pavilion. Their eyes from time to time passed through the gap in the door of the hall, looking at the hall. A path of soft whispering also sounded from time to time.


As the two talked, a footstep sounded suddenly.


Hearing the footsteps, both women looked at them with curiosity.

I saw that in front of the Hange Hall, a handsome young man was walking slowly, and his goal seemed to be exactly this Hange Hall.

“Well, is anyone here again?”

“Did he come from begging too?”

Looking at this somewhat unfamiliar silhouette, the eyes of the two maids flashed with a touch of wonder.

However, they are just maids, who dare not speak out this kind of thought, and who can enter the Vast-Glacial Palace, who is not a distinguished person, is not what they can offend.

“2 people, what did you just say?”

After that silhouette came over, he asked directly.


After hearing this question, the faces of the two maids changed slightly, did this person know what they were thinking?

“Who just said you haven’t eaten for 3 months?”

That silhouette, which is exactly Qin Yichen, looking at the two women’s changing looks, his brows are also slightly frowned, and immediately he deliberately converged the breath, solemnly asked.

“Oh, this, we are talking about Senior Sister Lü.”

“Senior Sister Lü has ordered that she should not be allowed to go in and disturb her without her order, but she has not been out of the hall for 3 months.”

Under Qin Yichen’s gaze, the 2 women were quickly replied.

“3 months?!”

When he heard this, Qin Yichen’s complexion was also sinking. Immediately, he didn’t talk much to the two women. He moved at his feet and walked towards the great hall.

“Hey, you are not allowed in here!”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s action, the two women’s complexions changed slightly, and they screamed.

Although he doesn’t know Qin Yichen’s identity, judging from the latter’s demeanor, he is no ordinary person.

However, did he not know that Su Hua himself ordered that no matter who it was, he should not be allowed to approach the Han Pavilion?

Moreover, dare to break into the Han Pavilion Hall, I am afraid that Guanghan Fairy will be rude!

Even the Holy Son who made a sensation in Holy Tian City, number one Holy Land, was eating here. This guy in front of him, such a reckless move, is too big.

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