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With that white light chopped down, the whole film Between Heaven and Earth was in a dead silence.

Even the howling gale stopped flowing at this moment.

A holy intermediate powerhouse, staring grimly at the silhouette that could not be moved by their coercion, and there was a faint smile in the corner of their mouths.

They believe that, no matter how weird the Human Race guy is, this episode of their 7 Holy Intermediate Powerhouses is enough to kill the latter.

With the cut off of the white light, the embarrassment on the faces of the 7 powerhouses became more obvious, but somehow, at one moment, those embarrassed expressions suddenly stiffened on their faces.

“what happened?”

As if he didn’t hear the kind of harsh sound that was expected, Gu Yuan and the others’ eyes opened for a moment, and their sights were immediately seen among the terrifying powers in the air.

“Still not resisted?”

Looking at the 7 remaining foreign powerhouses in Shengwei, Gu Yuan had a deep self-blame in his eyes.

“Captain Gu, there seems to be something wrong.”

Beside him, Ling Fei pointed to the 7 powerhouses and said softly.

Hearing this, Gu Yuan’s pump suddenly shrunk, looking intently, this is what I found. The faces of the 7 foreign powerhouses seemed not at all pleasantly surprised, and the embarrassing color on their faces seemed extremely rigid.

“Where’s that guy?”

“Impossible, how can he escape in our sacred power?”

“Is it the power of Human Race?”

After a brief shock, the 7 powerhouses are finally came back to his senses, a path of incredible sound, which also resounded on the sky.

When he heard these voices, there was a hint of hope on Gu Yuan and the others’ faces.

Listening to their tone, it seems that the guy not at all died under the terrifying white light!

“Disappointed you?”

While those foreign powerhouses were still searching for the silhouette of Qin Yichen, a faint voice sounded above them.

Hearing this sound, a line of sight projected suddenly in that direction.

There, a young man in a strong suit stood in the air, and he was still standing in the terrifying prestige, but if he looked closely, it was found that those prestige had not completely covered him.

In Qin Yichen’s entire body, there seems to be a layer of invisible power that is sheltering him. The sacred power that assembled 7 holy intermediate powerhouses has never been able to penetrate a few millimeters around him!

“This… how is this possible?!”

At this time, the 7 foreign powerhouses also noticed this scene, and in their eyes, they all appeared with incredible colors.

You know, their group of powerhouses have been together for more than ten years, and under this period of time, they have been able to barely merge each other’s prestige.

The superposition of the St. Louis, although it is said that there is no such a terrifying growth, but it is far beyond the ordinary St. intermediate powerhouse can compete.

Even more how, the scent of this junior is nothing but a holy junior.

In their opinion, it was normal for the latter to be suppressed by his Jehovah.

“This, this is…”

However, when looking at this scene, Ling Fei’s complexion changed abruptly, and on top of his wrinkled old face, there was a thick color of surprise.

His eyes were staring at Qin Yichen, and the past events were continuously replayed in his mind.

In that battle, by virtue of the Lingtu Cliff that won Shengwei, their Tianya Pavilion can snatch Taihao Holy Land’s position without any doubt.

However, all this is ruined by the appearance of that nightmare guy!

Ling Fei couldn’t forget that Shengwei, which was enough to sweep everything, had completely lost effect on that guy.

So that the final loss of Lingtu Cliff!

“It’s him … it’s him …”

The surging in Ling Fei’s heart has extremely complicated expression flickering in his eyes.

At first, in order to reserve a little Bloodline for Tianya Pavilion, he resolutely chose to come to this area and dedicate his modest contribution to the safety of Human Race.

He has been here for 3 or 4 years, during which he also experienced many lives and deaths.

After seeing the cruelty of the foreign powerhouse, in fact, he has put the matter of Tianya Pavilion down.

Now what is most puzzling in his mind is how did this young man who was like a trivial ant grow up to this step in just 3 years?

You know, when he represented Tai Hao Holy Land against Ling Tuya, he was just a kid in Middle-Stage of the imperial realm!

In 3 or 4 years, being able to break through from the realm to the honor level is enough to become a sought-after genius of each Great Holy Land.

And this guy in front of him, for a few years, has been able to easily kill and kill him, and he has been afraid of 30% of the Holy Intermediate Powerhouse!

Is this guy really a human?

Ling Fei’s heart at this time was just setting off a stormy sea.

Before, he thought he had read it wrong, but this strange immunity to the power of St. David’s repression, except Qin Yichen, he has never heard of anyone who has such means.

“Is there any other way? If not, just bury yourself here.”

Above the sky, Qin Yichen looked at the 7 Holy Intermediate Powerhouses below, saying lightly.

If it is placed in peace, a junior junior junior, dare to speak to the junior junior powerhouse in this way, it will certainly be regarded as a lunatic.

However, what I say from Qin Yichen’s mouth now has a feeling of conviction.

“Don’t be disturbed by this guy, even if his method is weird, he can’t wait for me in our divine power!”

The faces of the seven powerhouses were changed. However, their combat experience was also extremely rich. Not at all shot directly to attack Qin Yichen, but urged Shengwei to continue to suppress the latter.

Facing this kind of headache, Qin Yichen’s mouth evoked a playful smile, and as his arm waved, a black flame suddenly emerged.


In a path of shocked eyes, the black flame that seemed to extinguish when the wind blew, when it touched Shengwei, turned it on.

Moreover, it was just a few short breaths of work, and the black flame grew up against the wind, turning out to be as huge as a black wall of fire.


“This is what the hell thing!”

Almost instantly, the 7 Holy Middle Powerhouses reluctantly merged with the Holy Power. Under this kind of burning, they repelled each other. At this time, they were compelled to take back their own Holy Power.

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