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Under the gaze of a line of sight, Wolf House finally flew into a rage out of humiliation. With the sound of his anger drinking, a powerful breath burst out from his body.

Under this kind of breath, the clouds on the sky are all scattered, and in the desert below, the yellow sand is raging, so terrifying.

Feeling this atmosphere that is not inferior to himself, Gu Yuan’s eyes and pupils could not help but shrink slightly, his complexion became even more ugly, because, above the sky, a powerhouse like Wolf Tower is There are ten or two!

Although it is a very happy thing to watch the foreigners kill, but at this time, the powerhouses of this Human Race Law Enforcement Group are completely happy that they do not raise.

“Dare to challenge me Wolf Tower, today I will let you learn this lesson with your life!”

Wolf Tower shouted in a deep voice, tone barely fell, his figure has appeared above Qin Yichen.


With the sound of a loud drinking sound, the violet wind erupted above the sky, and the source of those winds seems to be weird in the hands of the wolf tower above Qin Yichen.

At this point, the wolf tower’s arms had been transformed into two gigantic giant claws, and the sharp claws of cold glow flashing to tear open the air, grabbing at Qin Yichen.

“This guy, it turns out to be a family of wind wolves!”

Seeing the appearance of Wolf Tower, a look of bitter smile appeared on the corner of Gu Yuan’s mouth.

The wind wolf family has a speed faster than other races, and its minions are extremely sharp. Coupled with their speed, killing people is as simple as cutting vegetables.

There is a holy intermediate powerhouse of the wind wolf family. It seems that today, the powerhouse of their law enforcement squad is difficult to escape.

“Shua! Hey!”

The winds raging above the sky, faintly, it seems that there are 100 or 1000 cold glows flashing past, and the severe and fast offensive is hard to see.

From the appearance of Wolf House to the end, it was just two short breaths. During this period, the black robed man who provoked him did not even respond, and those offensives failed without any effort. Body.

At this time, apart from the sound of wind and sand raging in the sky, there was silence.

A line of sight was full of awe and looked at the Wolf Tower. Those cannon fodder brought by the Holy Intermediate Powerhouse were extremely ugly.

The holy intermediate powerhouse is really not something that these holy juniors can compete with. Although it is only a short grade away, these fierce offensives let them know that even with their full strength, it is difficult to resist Come on.

Qin Yichen is still standing still, but from the perspective of everyone, he is already a corpse. The reason why he is still standing there is that the speed of the Wolf Tower is too fast, and there is no trace of injuries above him. appear.


Sure enough, under the gaze of a line of sight, as the wind passed, a path of cracks appeared on the black bucket, and then these cracks spread quickly. Finally, the black bucket was like a powder. Generally, it is scattered by the wind.

And on that silhouette, the black robe covering its body also appeared numerous cracks.

“hu ……”

As the wind blew, the black robe was turned into a powder, which rose up.

“Being able to defeat Li Dian so easily has already been considered a good existence among the holy juniors.”

“It’s a pity that it provokes people who can’t.”

“At a glance, I know that it’s a guy who just came out and can only blame himself for being too mad. Does he think this is his own race?”

With the black powder turning into black dust, the sound of a path of emotion also sounded quietly.


However, in the next moment, the words of many powerhouses were stagnant, and there was a strong surprise on each face.

With the drop of black powder, the bloody scene expected by everyone did not appear.

Immediately, the line of sight gradually became clear. Above the horizon, a slender silhouette gradually appeared in everyone’s line of sight.

It was a young man who looked about 2 eleven-twelve years old. He was wearing a strong suit. At this time, his delicate and pretty face was covered with cold colors.

“what happened?”

“This junior is the guy who was hiding in the black robe just now?”

“No way, how could he be all right?”

Looking at the young silhouette, a path of unbelievable exclamation sounded constantly.

And what most powerhouse cares about is that this young man ’s not at all logo and breath comes from which race, as if he is similar to the group of Human Races below!

“What a weird boy! Wolf Tower, where did you pull this guy from?”

Above the sky, a holy intermediate powerhouse can’t help being frowned, shouted.

“Bloody City …”

Wolf Tower was also covered with grave expression at this time, but he was still replied.

At this time, he was also full of doubts in his heart. The offensive just now, he believed that it was enough to tear a holy junior powerhouse into countless pieces. However, now this guy seems to be shredded except for the black robe covering the identity, Nothing at all?

Not even his tight-fitting outfit was broken!

“Bloody Blood? That could not be Human Race.”

“But what race is he from, and why is his figure so close to the rations?”

“It’s weird. As far as I know, even the Peak race can’t get this close?”

Upon hearing Wolf Tower’s answer, a whisper of whispers sounded on the sky.

Although Qin Yichen looks very similar to the Human Race, he can’t find the characteristics of other races at all, but for a time, there was no powerhouse to think of his identity to the Human Race.

Because, over a long history, even the Peak powerhouse in the Human Race Law Enforcement Group has never been mixed in which race of the 10000 ethnic continent.

“This guy, is it that I haven’t acted in too long, just to show mercy?”

Looking at the unscathed Qin Yichen, Wolf Tower couldn’t help whispering incredibly.

At this time, the Human Race law enforcement team below was also shocked. Above their faces, they also had some doubts.

Although Qin Yichen turned his back on them, making them unable to see their faces clearly, but somehow, from that silhouette, they have a very familiar feeling, that feeling is only for those who are also Human Race. Only then!

“The breath on my body is so close to that of Human Race. I am afraid this guy’s origin is out of the ordinary!”

“The point is that he is still so young, I’m afraid he’s the Peak race’s discipline of the Old Guy …”

“Wolf House, let’s just forget about this matter, get rid of those rations quickly, so that the guy won’t find out.”

After seeing Qin Yichen’s appearance, many of the holy middle-level powerhouses became dignified, and a path of persuasion also quietly sounded.

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