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“It’s really interesting. It seems that in just six months, the people in Bloodstained City have forgotten my Li Dian’s name.”

Hearing Qin Yichen’s words, Li Dian’s complexion suddenly gloomed, his breathing became very heavy, his eyes terrifying: “I really don’t know if you should say that you have courage, but it’s still too stupid, but you Since I’m asking for help, I naturally want to fulfill you! “

On Li Dian’s arm, the muscles squirmed, and a terrifying force was rapidly condensing.


The next moment, Li Dian stepped out, and Iron Fist took the power of terrifying and went to Qin Yichen strikes.


Under this fist, the air made an explosion, and countless powerhouses couldn’t help but eyelids twitched.

When Li Dian respected Peak, his physical strength was astounding. Now, he has broken through to the Holy level. Under this fist, I am afraid that the powerhouses at the same level have to take it seriously.

However, what is surprising is that in the face of such a fierce punch, Qin Yichen, wrapped in a black robe, has no intention of dodging, and even, there is no powerful wave emanating from him.

It looked as if he was frightened by such a fierce fist.

“It’s really boring.”

“At a glance, I knew it was a rookie who just came out of the training, and this posture scared him silly.”

“Che, go and try. Is Li Dian’s blow so good at hiding?”

Looking at Qin Yichen standing still, there was a sound of laughter all around.

Regarding his reaction, Li Dian flashed a cold glow in his eyes. He is not a kind-hearted person. If a punch can blast this guy into scum, maybe he will be able to accompany that middle age person for a long time. thigh.

Led by the Holy Intermediate Powerhouse, when the time comes, hunting for rations will have a little more security.

The “Wild” Human Race that plundered, and the harvest naturally made countless people jealous, but the danger was to change the color of countless 10000 powerhouses.

Because, outside the breeding ground of Human Race, there is the Human Race Law Enforcement Group!

The Human Race Law Enforcement Group gathers powerful Human Race powerhouses, and their whereabouts are also extremely weird. Such temporary powerhouses like Bloodstained City, if accidentally discovered, are very likely to be hunted Kill the object.

If it weren’t for the great benefit, few powerhouses would be willing to come here.

In a smirk of laughter, Li Dian’s fist was about to bang on Qin Yichen’s body. Many powerhouses seemed to have seen the scene of this black robed man exploding.

Just then, a slender palm suddenly protruded out of the black robe, and in a path of astonished eyes, it turned out to be grabbed directly into Li Dian’s fist.

“courting death !”

Seeing this, Li Dian was coldly snorted, a smirk evoked from the corner of his mouth, and cold glow became more intense in his eyes.

The next moment, his arm trembled, and he did not give the latter a chance to regret it. The speed was extremely fast, mixed with a terrifying punch, and fiercely strikers were on the palm that looked like a girl.


With the sound of a light sound, a strong wind swept away.

However, to the surprise of countless powerhouses, the flesh-and-blood scene they expected didn’t end there.


“This… how is this possible?!”

Looking at the source of the fierce wind, countless people’s eyes and pupils suddenly shrank, and immediately, a path of chilling sound sounded.

There, Li Dian, who had a smirk on his face, completely stiffened his face, looking so funny, and his Iron Fist was being grasped by a slender hand!

And following him this fist, the black robed man did not even retreat in half a step, so casually looks, let people know that he did not do his best.

“Did I accidentally put water in?”

Listening to a path of unbelievable exclaim, Li Dian came back to his senses. Immediately, his arm trembled, and a path of strength was rushing away towards the palm of his hand.

However, what surprised Li Dian was that no matter how much power he used, the palm of his hand was not shaken, and his power was like a sea of ​​mud and mud, without any response at all.

“I don’t know, can you prove it?”

In Li Dian’s horror, a faint voice sounded.

“It’s Limiao’s eyes!”

At this time, Li Dian, no matter how stupid, knew that he had incurred an intractable guy. Fortunately, he also knew to cherish his own life, and immediately greeted with a touch of compliment.

Seeing this sudden reversal, many powerhouses on the street were looked at each other in blank dismay.

Li Dian, among these powerhouses of the Loose Cultivator team, is already a very powerful class, but everyone didn’t expect, and his unrelenting punch failed to shake this person!

In the eyes of looked towards Qin Yichen, many powerhouses have a deep look of dreading in their eyes.


The middle-aged man next to the city wall stared at Qin Yichen with interest, and also evoked a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Okay, come with me.”

The middle-aged man smiled at Qin Yichen nodded.

Hearing this, Li Dian’s eyes flashed unwillingly.

This holy middle-level powerhouse, at a glance, knows that it is someone who has his own team. If he can accompany his team, the benefits will certainly be astounding, and Loose Cultivator like them, even if they are a team to plunder Human Race is not only extremely dangerous, but also often returns empty-handed, how can it be compared to it.

“Take this man with you, he’s not bad.”

And just when Li Dian was unwilling, the palm that held his fist like the iron clamp suddenly released, and at the same time, a faint voice came out from the black robe.

Hearing this voice, Li Dian’s eyes flashed with a thick surprise. Obviously, he didn’t expect that Qin Yichen would help him speak at this time.

However, the middle-aged man couldn’t help frowned, it seemed that Qin Yichen dared to ask him, and was a little displeased.

“Anyway, pull cannon fodder, this reckless man is a good choice.”

Qin Yichen continued as if he had not seen the expression on the middle-aged man’s face.

“You’re quite sensible, haha, let’s go together.”

Everyone thought that this middle-aged man would be angry about this. After a little groaning, the latter suddenly laughed heartily, tacitly nodded, and walked directly out of the city.

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