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God-level races, just such a name, are enough to make the 10000 clan jealous.

With this important identity, as long as it is not slaughtered like Qin Yichen, it has caused countless blood and deep hatred. Even a stupid person will not dare to offend easily.

This is not difficult to see from Mo Sheng’s attitude.

Looking at the beautiful shadow of this cricket beside him, Qingxi’s heart was lonely for a while.

In this short period of time, a love sinus has been buried in his heart. This seemingly hot Fengrou has already broken into his heart.

However, when he guessed the identity of the latter, he suddenly felt out of reach.

Even if he is the Young Patriarch of the Peak race, he is likely to be the backbone of the swallowing Azure Sable Clan in the future. However, in the face of the identity of the god race, he will inevitably have a sense of humiliation.

Although the Peak race, on the 10000-thousand-continent continent, is already the most Peak existence of the pyramid, but the higher their status, the more clearly they know the gap between the Peak race and the god-level race!

Even if it is the pursuit of Qin Yichen, among the 1000 holy powerhouses, those from the Peak race can be counted on one’s fingers, because they know what consequences will be caused if Qin Yichen is beheaded.

At this moment, under the words of wind and snow, Mo Sheng paused.

This area of ​​the 10000-family Battle Domain is not too secretive among the high-rises of the 10000-family continent.

The powerhouses in their status are aware that the 10000 ethnic Battle Domain has a great connection with a transcendent god-level race.

Therefore, even though countless races are extremely jealous of the resources in the 10000 family Battle Domain, no Peak race dares to occupy it.

Many Peak races are extremely tacit, and at most they are sent into the Holy Primary Powerhouse to occupy a piece of Secret Realm.

In addition to this time targeting Qin Yichen, the biggest movement in the Battle Domain of the 10000 family is the original action of the Thunder Monster family. In order to breathe out, the top powerhouse of the Thunder Monster family had torn open the space and sent in 100 The Holy Powerhouse enters the 10000 family Battle Domain.

That battle, of course, made the Thunder Demon family famous, but since then, the people of the Thunder Demon family have never entered the Battle Domain of the 10000 family.

For the reason, perhaps only the existence of the most Peak on the 10000 continent is known.

Because of this, the Thunder Monster family has been warned by a certain god-level race. Since then, the Thunder Monster family of the Peak race has restricted their own clansman from entering this area, only by controlling other races. Holy powerhouse to benefit from it.

For Mo Sheng, this top powerhouse, even the many Peak races, had to be polite to see him by 30%.

No one wants to provoke this kind of powerhouse that can be crazy at any time!

However, God-level races do not have such fears at all!

Even if Mo Sheng has violated the god-level race, I’m afraid he doesn’t have to wait until his arrival, he will die early!

Mo Sheng doesn’t plan to fall so fast, and he has a big plan himself, so when he realizes the identity of the wind 1000 snow 2 woman, he will be so frightened, not only does not care about the latter’s disrespect, Intend to leave directly.

“Hehe, good disciple, it seems that these two girls are here to come to you for something. Since they are such teachers, they will not bother.”

Half a moment, Mo Sheng took a deep breath, softly.

“However, those who dare to bully my disciples cannot bypass it so easily!”

The next moment, Mo Sheng’s tone suddenly became cold, and the coercion that made Heaven and Earth trembled suddenly.

Feeling this change, countless holy powerhouses are filled with panic.

The anger of top powerhouse, even if it is only Avatar, is far from what they can compete with.


Suddenly, between Heaven and Earth there was a touch of change. The crowd suddenly shrank. Looking at each other, they could only see that the black robed man who could almost kill Qin Yichen. At this time, there was a violent wave.

As if to know, in the presence of top powerhouse, even the existence of a holy senior can not compete with it, in order to prevent identity exposure, the black robed man turned out to want Self-destruction!

Above the sky, Mo Sheng’s eyebrows slightly frowned, and his sleeves shook slightly.

“hong long! ”

With his movement, the whole sky suddenly shook, and only a huge mountain peak appeared unexpectedly under his palm.

The mountain peak is colorful and the rays of light are dazzling. If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that the rock of this mountain peak is actually agglomerated from pure True Origin. The True Origin wave is strong and moving.


Immediately, the mountain peak slammed against the black robed man below, and the space around it seemed to freeze suddenly.

“Creation of Magical Powers …”

The black robed man looked up in horror and wanted Self-destruction, but he suddenly found out that he couldn’t even trigger the True Origin within the body.

And the mountain was suppressed down, as if the space around it was completely blocked, so that it could not move at all. In his horrified eyes, he could only watch the mountain screaming, and finally the heavy Suppressed on his own body.

“Pu chi! ”

At the moment when the mountain peak touched, the body of the black robed man seemed to be paralyzed and blood spurted, and his body was suppressed by fiercely on the earth as the mountain peak fell.

With the landing of this True Origin peak, a 10000-meter mountain suddenly became the tallest place in this area.

The black robed man was suppressed under this mountain, and he couldn’t even move a finger.

Seeing this scene, countless powerhouses couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air. It was the first time they saw a top powerhouse who shot it in person. The power revealed by raising their hands and feet was really desperate.

Under this existence, how can they have any hope of escape?

However, what is surprising is that after suppressing the black robed man, Mo Sheng did not attack them, and even his eyes did not look at them from beginning to end.

As if, more than 1000 holy juniors are enough to sweep the powerhouses of the 10000 family Battle Domain, and in his eyes, they are not as good as ants!

Mo Sheng slowly retracted his gaze, and as soon as he stroked, a dark Space Crack emerged.

Immediately, in a path of almost dull eyes, Mo Sheng glanced at Qin Yichen, and his body stepped directly into the Space Crack.

“Good disciple, when you come out, come directly to the 10000 monster city. There are not many days to be a teacher. It is time to deliver inheritance to you.”

As that silhouette dissipated, a sigh sounded in this space, and the sound was full of vicissitudes, just like the old man’s call.

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