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The smearing light was as fast as lightning, tearing the space apart and eventually falling on the back of Qin Yichen.


At this moment, the huge mountain seemed to be shaking with fiercely.

However, at the moment when the black light blew up, some eyes staring at this side suddenly shrank.

The black robed man’s original complexion also suddenly changed. His eyes stared at the dusty space, and his eyes were filled with an incredible color.

Halfway, the dust slowly dissipated, and a bottomless pit appeared in the sight of everyone.

At a certain moment, the eyes of countless people suddenly turned, and finally fell on the edge of the deep pit, where a slender silhouette stood up.

To everyone’s surprise, Qin Yichen, who should have been killed under the black light, did not know when to escape the terrifying attack.

“How can this be?!”

“Did that guy use teleportation again?”

Looking at the slightly embarrassing silhouette, countless people couldn’t help but exclaim.

The black robed man trembled, because he could clearly see that the latter did not use any teleportation at all, but avoided his fatal blow by speed!

“It’s impossible, I must have read it wrong. How can a holy junior junior have that speed!”

The black robed man trembled, looking at the embarrassing guy in front of him in disbelief at this time. At this time, the latter also slowly raised his head. There was a scarlet flame flashing in the black eyes.

“I must be dazzled, little beast, how can you escape!”

As shout out loudly, the black robed man danced with both hands, a path of dark beams tore open the space, and went from all directions to Qin Yichen strikes.

“Hang bang!”

Under the attack of the Saint-level advanced powerhouse, this mountain was trembling, and the entire peak was razed to the ground in a path of amazement.

Under these attacks, some sharp-eyed people seem to be able to see a red rays of light flashing in it.

When the dust dispersed, countless people’s complexion changed even more.

On that messy gravel, a slender silhouette stood up, his robe dancing with the breeze, without adding any scars to his body.

As if, the terrifying attack just now failed to touch him at all.

“What speed is this? Impossible, this is not true!”

The complexion of the black robed man greatly changed, and in his eyes, there was a sense of panic.

“Your pride, that’s it!”

Under the gaze of countless lines of sight, Qin Yichen slowly opened his mouth, the sound of word by word resounded in this piece of Heaven and Earth. In his voice, there was an inexplicable charm. As if the judgment of the oracle was ordinary, people could not doubt it.


Tone barely fell, Qin Yichen’s figure suddenly became illusory. His figure stepped out like a light smoke, and as his figure stepped out, there was a path of afterimage behind him. Appear.

Seeing this, the black robed man face changed, and his body turned up.

At the same time, his palms were pushed fiercely towards the bottom, a powerful True Origin offensive, directly tearing open the space, facing the suppression of that silhouette fiercely below.


However, it is astounding that this terrifying offensive is about to hit that silhouette, but the latter is a ghost like a sudden side, dodging away in a weird posture, and then he is not fast Min blasted away at the black robed man.

“It’s useless, even if you are fast, you can’t break through my Jennifer!”

“The gap between us cannot be bridged by this speed!”

The black robed man shouted loudly. The space twisted in his entire hunted zhang, as if forming an invisible barrier space.

Saint-level high-level powerhouse, has already cultivated his own sacred power to an extremely deep realm.

Although it is said that there is as different as heaven and earth with the top powerhouse, it is far from being comparable to the holy primary and intermediate powerhouse.

Perhaps there is a sacred junior powerhouse capable of beheading and killing a sacred junior powerhouse, but in the history of the 10000 continent, few sacred junior powerhouses can defeat the existence of the sacred senior.

Between these two, there is a gulf that is difficult to bridge!

Although I don’t know why Qin Yichen can soar in speed, but even so, in everyone’s view, Qin Yichen cannot beat the black robed man, because he can’t break through the field of Saint-Grand Powerhouse!


A red glow flashed past like a meteor. Everywhere it passed, the air made an explosion.

As Qin Yichen’s figure exploded, on top of his right hand, the superb 9-Layer magic power made the surrounding space ripples, a pure force storm, Shaped over its entire body.

At the same time, the golden power of Golden is spreading all over. Feeling this power, countless people ’s powerhouses are dazzling. Although Qin Yichen ’s speed is extremely fast, with this power, it is impossible to Break through the sacred field of sacred powerhouse.


And just as everyone looked at the silhouette rising from the blast, the mutation in the golden-yellow divine power suddenly emerged, and the rays of light of the scarlet flashed out.

But it is the work of two breaths, and the golden power of golden-yellow is full of red.

The crimson sacred power is generally only available to the sacred powerhouse of the Lord!

However, there is no ruthless aura of the slaughter in this crimson sacred power. On the contrary, there is a magnificent righteousness that is admirable!

Looking at the crimson sacred power, countless powerhouses turned out to have a kind of fear, that kind of fear, just like the oppression from Bloodline!


Qin Yichen’s body is as fast as lightning catching up with the black robed man, a punch, and under the gaze of countless lines of sight, he sturdyly blasted on the power of the black robed man.

A thrilling True Origin storm is sweeping across the sky at a terrifying speed at this moment.


The cold storm swept through, and a cold drink rang suddenly.


As soon as the applause fell, in the space in front of his fist, a path of cracks spread out, and then, in countless shocking eyes, the sacred power of the sacred advanced powerhouse considered to be unmatchable was directly Qin Yichen exploded in a rude gesture.

“Pu chi! ”

As Shengwei was broken, the face of the black robed man was instantly pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the black veil on the face of the black robed man also dropped.

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