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“What is this, even St. Wei can burn!”

“Be careful, this black flame is weird!”

Looking at the momentary effort, however, is the fall of the two holy powerhouses. The look of many holy powerhouses has changed dramatically.

The black flame was too overbearing. The sacred power they originally relied on was actually ignited by them. This means they were simply unheard-of.

“Oh, the burning flame magic?”

In the distance, a touch of wonder flashed in Fengrou’s beautiful eyes, and she couldn’t help whispering.

“Fengrou younger sister knows that thing?”

Hearing this strange thing, Qingxi asked with a little confusion.

“Seen on my ancient book.”

Feng Rou’s complexion was slightly stiff, and her lips were lightly said with a smile.

“Oh, there are so many records of your race. I have never seen this thing, but my brother has too many means. It is normal for him to take out this thing.”

Green 鸾 nodded, laughed like a non-understanding.

Feng Rou was also smiling, but in her eyes looked towards Qin Yichen, she was a little more suspicious.

Burning the magic of heaven is a kind of overbearing flame that can only be controlled by 9 days of fire sea Phoenix Clan!

A long time ago, its characteristics that could burn True Origin have become the dreaded existence of countless races.

Obviously, Feng Rou is also very puzzled, why Qin Yichen possesses this kind of flame, and, it seems, the burning flame magic has been driven by its control.

On the other side, the face of the wind 1000 snow is still not fluctuating. The pair of glazed eyes just quietly looked at the silhouette that continuously flickered in a sacred powerhouse sacred power. Even Fengrou could not guess. See what she was thinking.


“Run away, this kid is too weird, I can’t handle it!”

“Damn, you can’t fight, you can’t catch it, are all monsters from god-level races?”

On the sky above Zhu Quanfeng, Qin Yichen is like a wolf entering the flock. Wherever he goes, he brings a bloody wind. Under this slaughter, a path of screaming sounds constantly .

With the escape of the first holy powerhouse, those holy powerhouses surrounding Qin Yichen are in chaos.

However, the fellows of the Supreme Peak, like the demon incarnation, slaughtered the Holy Powerhouse frantically, and, with a heaven defying armor, he simply didn’t care about the scattered attacks of these Holy Powerhouses.

In the face of such guys, even if they are many, they can’t help but fear.

“It’s a bunch of waste!”

In this panic, a coldly snorted sound suddenly rang out of nowhere, making the body of countless powerhouses suddenly stiff.

Qin Yichen, who was blasting a holy powerhouse with one punch, also stagnated. His gaze also looked at the sky on the side.

I could only see above the horizon in that direction, and a silhouette did not know when it appeared there, watching him coldly.

That silhouette is covered in a black robe, showing only those twinkling eyes with cold glow.

Looking at that silhouette, Qin Yichen’s eyes were also a little froze, and his complexion became a little dignified.

From that silhouette, he didn’t notice any powerful breath fluctuations. Even from the latter, he didn’t even have a trace of True Origin. If he didn’t appear in sight, even Qin Yichen’s investigation could not find it. .

Moreover, being able to appear here, Qin Yichen does not regard it as an ordinary person. He did not feel the breath of the latter. Perhaps the latter’s strength is far superior to him!

When I saw this silhouette, the more than 1000 holy-level powerhouses who had been chaotically were all strangely quiet. Facing the black robed man’s scolding, they looked ugly, but none of them dared to speak. refute.

“Did you finally show up?”

Looking at that silhouette, Qin Yichen is also said with a sneer.

“Junior, you can hold on till now, you are really beyond my expectations.”

Facing the ridicule of Qin Yichen, the black robed man was not angry, and a whispered voice quietly resounded in the sky.

“Are you obediently surrender, or do you want me to do it myself?”

The next moment, the tone of the black robed man suddenly sank, a great pressure, and as the words fell, it spread across the sky.

Under this coercion, the look of a holy powerhouse was greatly changed, and an invisible force permeated and spread, making them unable to control their holy power.

Immediately, each and everyone’s holy powerhouse quickly put away his own sacred power, and his body couldn’t help but recede a bit.

They knew that this coercion was not deliberately aimed at them, but even so, the coercion was so powerful that it was obvious that they were not at all a grade with the black robed man!

This is also a good luck for many holy powerhouses. After all, at the beginning, many holy powerhouses were a little uncomfortable about the tone of this black robed man.

It seems that fortunately, they did not ask for trouble to do with each other, otherwise, I am afraid that their bones are now cold.

“Want to win me, I’m afraid you don’t have this ability!”

Between Heaven and Earth, the most terrifying place is the sky where Qin Yichen is located. However, for this kind of coercion enough to suppress the Holy Powerhouse, Qin Yichen seems to be unaffected by it at all.

With a coldly snorted, in a path of astonished eyes, his figure rose to the sky, and shot at the black robed man.


Qin Yichen’s speed is so fast that it is difficult to detect naked eyes, but it is the effort between two breaths, that is, a distance of 2 feet across the country, and the figure appears like a ghost in front of the black robed man.


With a vague wave, the black flames that made countless holy powerhouses horrified whistled out, as if turned into a sea of ​​fire, shrouded in front of the black robed man.

Looking at this scene, the eyes of countless holy powerhouses can’t help but squint slightly. For the kind of black flame, they left an indelible shadow in their hearts!

“such insignificant ability !”

In the face of the black flame that even the Holy Powerhouse was helpless, the blinking eyes of the black robed man cold glow did not have the slightest mood swing.

With the sound of coldly snorted, the black robed man’s sleeve robe waved, and an extremely powerful True Origin suddenly swept out of his sleeve robe.

“oh la la !”

True Origin The long river swept out. Below, those black flames that made countless holy powerhouses helpless, turned out to be like the fire that met the ice water, and quickly extinguished!

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