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“But Brother Qin, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s complexion, Qin Fang smiled: “When I first walked out of the 10000-thousand continent and traveled to 10000-thousands, I didn’t know how many times I had been besieged and killed, and I survived.”

“This kind of thing is dangerous, but it may not be a bad thing for you.”

“And, as you are now, ordinary people wait, and dare not openly attack you.”

Qin Yichen’s eyelids jumped. Although no one dared to just and honorable hit him, but easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark, that is the poisonous snake hidden in the dark. The most deadly.

After receiving the worship service from Qin Yichen above the ceremony, Mo Sheng’s top powerhouse left here.

It was not until sunset that Qin Yichen knew most of the powerhouses who came to attend the teacher worship event under the guidance of Mo Yao Saint and Qing Ye.

“Yi Chen, Lord Mo Sheng asked you to meet him.”

At sunset, Mo Yaofang reminded Qin Yichen.

Subsequently, the ceremony ended with Qin Yichen’s departure.

10000 monster city, in a great hall of the City Lord Mansion.

Mo Sheng had his hands on his back and looked at a mural on the wall of the great hall.

And Qin Yichen, standing behind this top powerhouse, was also looking at that mural, only to see the mural depicting the ancient history of 10000 demon fields.

In the mural, there is a history of the growth of a neutral region famous for the 10000 ethnic continent.

In one mural, there is a bloody battle in which 10000 demon domains have established their reputation, and people can see their blood boiling and their irritability.

For a long time, if Mo Sheng came back to his senses from his memories, he slowly turned around.


In the face of this top powerhouse, Qin Yichen also converged his arrogance and slightly saluted.

“I have spent my entire life, and now I am too late to come, it is also our fate.”

Looking at Qin Yichen, Mo Sheng’s eyes had a touch of pride.

Even as a top powerhouse, it is a blessing to be able to receive a disciple from a god-level race.

“Thank you Master for being interested in me, Yichen is grateful.”

Qin Yichen respectfully saluted to Mo Sheng.

“Hehe, Yichen, you do n’t have many days as a teacher, and you know when you want to come.”

Mo Sheng sighed. At this moment, the spirit of his body disappeared, just like an ordinary twilight old man.

Even if it is as strong as top powerhouse, it can’t withstand years of washing.

In this regard, Qin Yichen just bowed his head and didn’t mention anything.

Compared with Mo Sheng, the limit of the owner of the Human Race is much shorter, which is one of Qin Yichen’s most worrying things.

“I don’t know if I can see you growing up in my lifetime.”

Mo Sheng sighed, his body was filled with the sadness of a hero’s twilight.

“Master’s magic power is superb. It is not difficult to come here.”

Qin Yichen said sincerely.

“I’m afraid I can’t wait that day …”

Mo Sheng shook the head, grinning bitterly.

“Your foundation is very solid, and the cultivation technique you have cultivated is not very weak. In fact, I can teach you not much.”

Mo Sheng’s eyes were looking towards Qin Yichen, and there was a touch of helplessness deep in his eyes.

A disciple from a divine race is certainly proud.

However, even the top powerhouse of God-level races is beyond reach.

They have their own cultivation technique and various methods, which are far beyond those of 10000 ethnic continents.

After all, they are descendants of the 10000 emperors who once dominated the 5 ethnic continent!

“However, I created a special cultivation technique that I can teach you.”

After paused, Mo Sheng once again said that there was a touch of pride in his eyes.

It seemed that he was moved by Mo Sheng’s behavior. Qin Yichen’s face became red, loudly said: “Disciple will not disappoint Master’s high hopes, and in the future, it will definitely maintain the security of the 10000 Demon Realm.”

Hearing this, Mo Sheng’s face also appeared a touch of relief, and laughed: “You have this heart, I am really comforted.”

“I am immersed in this cultivation technique for thousands of years, and now it is only a preliminary improvement. Later, there must be countless more profound mystery to continue studying, but unfortunately, I have not had much time and no energy Go back and study. “

“In the future, you will carry it forward.”

Mo Sheng said with a slight smile.

“Disciple will not be disgraceful!”

Qin Yichen seemed surprised and happy, saying excitedly.

“Cough cough, good apprentice, don’t worry, this cultivation technique is extremely dangerous. After you reach the holy level, you will practice as a teacher to guide you.”

Mo Sheng coughed and said.

“Master, the Disciple Realm is promoted a little too fast, lest the foundation be unstable.”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen’s eyes froze slightly, always feeling something strange in his heart.

“The inmate talent is outstanding, and the temperament is really reassuring for the teacher.”

Mo Sheng sighed and said with emotion.

Among the 10000 ethnic continents, who is not constantly thinking of ways to improve their strength, can really resist the temptation and calm down to stabilize the realm, it is very rare.

“However, you can rest assured, there is naturally a way for teachers to let you break through to the Holy Order in the shortest time to inherit my Legacy.”

Mo Sheng chuckled, his tone full of pride.

The holy divide that traps countless geniuses is extremely difficult to others, but in his eyes, it is no different. As long as he is willing, he can forcibly upgrade a honorable powerhouse to holy.

However, the repercussions of that method are too huge, and may even make the person stop in that realm for life.

Qin Yichen is his only disciple, and Mo Sheng will naturally not take such a stupid approach.

Cultivation base, or rely on their own hard work, is the most real.

“Holy …”

Qin Yichen frowned slightly.

Since Mo Sheng accepted him as an apprentice, naturally he would not do the behavior that ruins his future, but even if he is now a senior and wants to break through to the holy level in a short time, how hard is it?

“Have you heard of the 10000 Family Battle Domain?”

Looking at Qin Yichen’s complexion, Mo Sheng chuckled and asked.

“10000 Family Battle Domain ?!”

Hearing these four words, Qin Yichen’s pupils suddenly narrowed.

The 10000 family Battle Domain is a strange space.

According to rumors, it was because of an ancient catastrophe, the broken space, and there was a treasure trove in it, because there were countless ancient vestige residues in it.

If Good Fortune is a deep, better luck powerhouse, it is extremely normal to get some ancient treasures and inheritance in it.

And, there are no rules other than powerhouse is respected.

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