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If at ordinary times, some people dare to talk to Jin Mi like this, I am afraid that without Jin Mi’s own position, there will be countless powerhouses in order to please him and anger.

However, looking at the silhouette like Asura, whose body was soaked with plasma, no one dared to be the first bird of his kind.

What’s more, Qin Yichen’s words also changed a lot of the look of the powerhouse.

Indeed, the greed in their hearts made them a chess piece used by Jin Mi. In the previous hard battle, there were already more than 100 young geniuses, who paid the price for their lives.

However, Jin Mi didn’t show up until Qingye appeared. It is conceivable that if Qingye didn’t come, they didn’t know how many powerhouses they had to kill or wound before they could capture Qin Yichen.

And, in the end, the one who got the big head will definitely be Jin Mi!

As if feeling the change in the gaze of all around powerhouse because of this debunking sentence, Jin Mi’s complexion slowly became gloomy.

His gaze fell on Qin Yichen, and a strong, storm-like atmosphere suddenly burst out of his body, instantly covering the area.

Under this atmosphere, some of the powerhouses that surrounded Qin Yichen immediately crash-bang vacated a large circle. Many people looked towards Qin Yichen with a sense of sympathy.

This guy is really tired, I do n’t know that with the help of Qingying, leaving that place would be that’s all, even dare to challenge Jin Mi.

“Brother Qin …”

Qing Ye’s brow is also lightly frowned, and he is very puzzled about Qin Yichen’s behavior.

In his opinion, Qin Yichen should not be such a brainless pair. Why did he act in such a spirit at such times.

“Boy, don’t think that if you can persist to this point, you are qualified to compete with me!”

Cold light flickered in Jin Mi’s eyes, and a cold voice mixed with a fearful coercion resounded above the sky: “Remember in your next life that there are things that you are not entitled to have!”


Then, Jin Mi’s robe suddenly agitated. Immediately, he stepped under his feet, his appearance flashed out like a ghost, and the next moment, it was in front of Qin Yichen. It was enough to kill the Supreme Peak powerhouse. Fiercely fiercely blasted away at Qin Yichen.

As a young leader of the Jin Yan family, Jin Mi is admired by 10000 people everywhere he goes. No one has ever dared to treat him like this.

Moreover, the repeated failure has made Dejin Mi a little impatient. Right now, he is going to use thunderbolt to kill this arrogant kid and let everyone know that he dares to offend his end!


Almost in the blink of an eye, the thunderbolt-like offensive was the fiercely’s frontal bang on Qin Yichen’s chest. Suddenly, a terrifying wave raged and the silhouette of Qin Yichen was more like a cannonball, fierce. Shot below, sparking the dust.

Seeing this, many people’s eyes and pupils have shrunk. Previously, the siege of several hundred powerhouses had not bombarded Qin Yichen so embarrassingly. This shows how powerful Jin Mi is.

And while everyone was horrified by Jin Mi’s explosive power, among the billowing dust, a silhouette had slowly come out of it.

“that guy……”

“Nothing at all ?!”


Looking at the silhouette, everyone just felt a chill in their hearts.

Jin Mi, honored Peak’s powerhouse, and it is rumored that he was able to suppress True Origin only because of Mo Sheng’s top powerhouse’s admission, and he didn’t break through to the Holy Level.

In Jin Mi’s hands, it has many lives of holy powerhouse!

It can be said that among the ranks, Jin Mi is definitely the existence of Peak!

From the offensive just now, it is not difficult to see that the powerhouse of the ordinary Peak is probably not a combination of Jin Mi.

However, after spending so much, Qin Yichen fortified the attack, but it still looks like that, just like the previous offensive, which did not cause him any harm.

“This guy……”

Looking at that silhouette, even Qing Qing’s pupils shrank slightly.

He hasn’t seen the scene of several 100 powerhouses in the Qin Yichen battle, but he is very clear about Jin Mi’s strength. In the attack just now, if one is not careful, even he may be injured, but Qin Yichen But as if there was no injury at all.

“No wonder they can last so long under their siege. It seems that you really have a Supreme Supreme Treasure on you!”

Looking at the silhouette that came out of the dust, Jin Mi’s eyes were also a little stunned, and then said with a sneer: “But if you think that you can compete with me by virtue of this, is it too naive?”

“is it?”

Qin Yichen slightly smiled, with cold cold glow in his eyes.

“You will regret your arrogance. I will let you torture you and kill you, but it is too late to regret it now!”

Jin Mi’s indifferent voice sounded loudly, and then, with a grip on his palm, a whole-body flaming iron rod appeared in his hand.

This iron rod, with a path of scarlet around it, looks like a lava pillar, faintly exuding an extremely hot wave from it.

“That is the ghost shadow stick of the Jinyan tribe!”

“It is rumored that a holy powerhouse in the past few years was held by Jin Mi and killed by a stick!”

“His … Even if the kid has a defense treasure, I’m afraid he can’t compete with Jin Mi!”

Seeing the iron bars in Jin Mi’s hands, countless powerhouses have changed dramatically.

Obviously, this iron rod is a terrifying weapon. Under it, there must be countless powerhouses with hate falling!


With the start of the fire stick, Jin Mi stepped on his feet and violently shot out. The fire stick in his hand danced the fierce and hot stick figure of the debut, hiding the sky and covering the earth facing Qin Yichen. go with.

“Hmm! Hmm!”

The shadow of the stick is pervasive, and Qin Yichen’s body has not been touched. The fierce wind has shattered the ground as much as possible, and the sound is really terrifying.

However, in the face of Jin Mi’s fierce offensive, Qin Yichen’s face covered with dark red blood was not panic-stricken.

“That guy … is he courting death?”

“Even if he has a top grade defense treasure, he cannot offset the offensive ghost shadow stick attack!”

“Yeah, even after offsetting it, that kind of spare power is enough to shake the Supreme Peak powerhouse into a flesh!”

Looking at Qin Yichen at this time, there is no discoloration, many people are saying with a sneer.

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