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“Qin Yichen ?!”

“Really he?”

After a long period of time, the powerhouse came back to his senses.

“Haha, he’s not dead!”

“It looks like God will give us hope for the rise of our race!”

“As long as he gets the medicine recipe from him, my clan will be protected by the Jinyan clan, and it will be only a matter of time to become First Rate Influence!”

After came back to his senses from that shock, many people’s eyes suddenly appeared various expressions, some eyes were stunned, and others had an ecstasy that could not be concealed.

As long as Qin Yichen gets the 10000 family medicine recipe with subversive multi-effect elixir, then the race behind them will definitely rise strongly!

“No, the breath on him …”

“His … how did he break through to the highest level ?!”

“What fortunuitous encounter did he get there?”

Suddenly, some people noticed that Qin Yichen’s soaring breath suddenly caused a sense of wonder.

In just half a month, I have been promoted from senior to junior to senior. This speed is more than terrifying?

The speed of such terrifying must be some rare treasure or the opportunity to have heaven defying!

If it is possible to find such treasures or opportunities from this kid …

Thinking of this, many people’s breathing has become a bit heavy.

“You guys, I don’t know how long has passed since the first test?”

At this point, Qin Yichen seemed to be completely unaware of the sorrow and sorrow in the eyes of the people below him, with a smile, and relied on the sound to change.

“Jié jié … It’s been half a month.”

“But you don’t need to worry about it, because … you are going to be buried here!”

Among the crowd, a silhouette sneered, and then the majestic True Origin of Supreme Peak erupted. That silhouette, like lightning, could not wait to burst out at Qin Yichen.

However, in the face of this powerful silhouette, Qin Yichen didn’t even take a look at it, his arm slightly for a while, and an inadvertent punch blasted at that silhouette.

“Kids, you are courting death!”

The powerhouse sneered of that distinguished Peak, the color of his face was even more tanned.

In the past, although Qin Yichen faced the cooperation of more than 100 powerhouses, they escaped by chance, and, in just half a month, broke through to the senior level.

However, anyone with a bit of common sense knows that this terrifying breakthrough speed can have great negative effects.

If he can’t control the soaring cultivation base, his strength will also decline!

“courting death?”

Facing him, Qin Yichen was just sneaked, his arm trembled suddenly, and a terrifying wave pulsated from his punch.


The terrifying wave suddenly came from the front, so that the powerhouse felt a threat of death. Immediately, his complexion became a little horrified. He did not expect that the strength of this guy was only in half a month. In fact, terrifying to this extent.

“It’s too bad!”

When they noticed the movement over there, the faces of the remaining ten powerhouses also changed abruptly. They can remember that this kid had killed many powerhouses under the besiege of more than 100 honorable powerhouses.

Immediately, they didn’t care about their fame and swarmed up, preparing to kill Qin Yichen realm while it was unstable.

“hmph! ”

For those powerhouses that came looting, Qin Yichen still didn’t look like he had to defensively, and that punch was still facing the powerhouse strikes of the respectable Peak below.


With the fist of his fist, he heard only a muffled sound. The powerhouse of the Peak, turned out to be blasted, flesh and blood flew!

Seeing this scene, the sound of anger and drink in the audience stopped, and there was silence in the audience!

All powerhouses, at this time, were stagnation, looking at the scene of flesh and blood flying, eyes full of horror.

A leader of Peak class was blasted into blood and flesh under the punch of Qin Yichen!

A line of sight, all staring at Qin Yichen, the young silhouette, under the background of the blood mist, is like Asura from the region, cold and horrible!

“Don’t you want to get something from me?”

Qin Yichen said with a smile to the sluggish powerhouses with a smile.

However, this smile really chills everyone.

“Since you don’t take the shot, I’ll send you a ride!”

Immediately after, Qin Yichen sneered disappeared from the sight of everyone.

This is a surface that is fast to a limit, even the naked eye of the top-level powerhouse cannot lock his silhouette!

“Come closer, don’t be crushed by him each and everyone!”

These powerhouses are obviously also long-time killers. At this time, they immediately adopted the most effective method.

Immediately, the more than ten powerhouses did not have any offensive gestures, but gathered together and looked at the four parties with vigilance.

“Isn’t that guy, Jin Mi’s running dog?”

“Well, are they fighting this guy with a medicine recipe?”

And the movement on this side soon attracted a lot of powerhouses, a path of silhouette, all watching from afar.

However, there is still one powerhouse of the Peak class. At this time, they are firmly in a group with more than ten powerhouses of the top level, as if they are trying to defend.

This scene suddenly surprised many people.

“bang! bang!”

However, the astonishment of the onlookers, as the blood mist continued to burst, gradually turned into a horror!

In their eyes, they only saw an afterglow that kept flashing out, and with every appearance of him, there would be a powerhouse’s body exploded into a blood mist!

But it’s tea work. The location of the more than ten silhouettes has been diffused by the blood mist. With the sound of a scream, even the last silhouette is bursting.

More than a dozen honorable powerhouses … have no power to fight back. In such a short time, they were all killed, not even a whole corpse!

These means are simply Asura from hell!

In the distance, a line of sight is full of horror and dreadful looking at the blood mist. From there, there is a slender silhouette, and slowly walks out of it.

In a brutal way, more than a dozen powerhouses were bombarded and killed in a row, that silhouette seemed as if there was nothing to consume, and he looked indifferently at the viewers in the distance and then left directly.

“Isn’t that guy Qin Yichen?”

“Isn’t he hunting down into the danger zone? How did he appear here?”

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