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“This child is absolutely extraordinary!”

Looking at Qin Yichen who did not change his face, everyone felt a burst of emotion in their hearts.

They all looked like this, and they barely exposed his arrogant lie, but Qin Yichen still achieved such calmness. How could an ordinary person do this?

What a thick face it takes!

“Wait … it seems wrong!”

Xiong Xiong and the others had a strange complexion.

It stands to reason that if Xiang Linzi was really injured and the elixir had no effect, then he would certainly not delay so much and aggravate his injury.

However, after spitting a stain of blood, Xiang Linzi still closed her eyes, not at all the same.

“His wound … is recovering!”

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded, and everyone’s eyes suddenly looked at the deeply visible wound on the arm of Xiang Linzi.

I can only see that there was still a wound exuding blood, and at this time, it was recovering at a speed visible by naked eyes!

Seeing this, many people are sucked in a cold breath.

As a leader of the young generation of the giant elephant family, Xiang Linzi’s body is naturally not weak and has a good ability to heal itself, but there is absolutely no such terrifying kind of self-healing!

If he can heal so quickly, I am afraid that the strength of the giant elephant family can be raised again.

“Is it the effect of that elixir?”

“How is that possible? Even if the elixir is useful to the giant elephant family, how can it recover so quickly?”

Seeing Xiang Linzi’s recovered wound, a path of amazement sounded from all around immediately.

In such doubts, everyone suddenly remembered that Lishan had been hit hard before, and there was no power to act, but there was a change in the short 5 minutes of time. Finally, Xiong Xiong’s intention was used to escape.

With this in mind, a path of wondering voices quietly disappeared, and a line of sight stared at Xiang Linzi closely.

At present, I am afraid that only the relevant elephant Lin Zi can explain!

It was just a moment of effort. The infiltrating wound on Lin Zi ’s hand had disappeared, leaving only a shallow blood crust.

When the scar on his hand recovered, Xiang Linzi’s closed eyes opened suddenly. At that moment, a terrible light flashed from his eyes.

“This breath … has he recovered?”

“How can this be?!”

When she noticed the fluctuations in Xiang Linzi, Xiong Xiong and the others with her eyes narrowed suddenly, and her heart was shocked.

Immediately, Xiong Xiong and the others did not hesitate, in a path of strange eyes, they shake themselves out of the injury, and then take the elixir in their hands.

After a moment of hard work, there was no accident, and the volatility of several of them recovered again.

Looking at this scene, the vast crowd in the whole Blood Rock Terrace is in a silence.

Lishan, Xianglinzi, Xiongxiong and the others, representing 5 of the races, took them all. Those elixir that looked the same didn’t make any difference, but they were cured at an amazing speed.

Is this elixir really universal for 10000 families?

Moreover, the horrible 3 effects and the rapid effect of medicine efficacy are simply the necessary medicine to travel the continent!

Imagine that if two deadly rivals of similar strengths meet together, when the fight is exhausted, one side takes this elixir suddenly …

There must be an overwhelming ending!

Which of the powerhouses walking on the 10000-thousand continent do not have 3 or 5 enemies? Who has never been in distress?

Moreover, if you can buy this elixir in large quantities, it will also be a big happy event for your race!

Thinking of this, everyone’s breathing was a little bit worse.

“Everyone, tomorrow, adults will sell these elixir in the 10000 Yaocheng Medicine City, and there are other types.”

“However, elixir is limited and I hope you will not miss it!”

At this time, the coquettish voice of Mei Leer also quietly sounded.

Under this voice, everyone who was in shock suddenly came back to his senses.

“The family must be notified quickly!”

As soon as Mei Leer’s voice fell, the silhouette of the vast crowd quickly moved up, a path of silhouette, all quickly leaving the Blood Rock Terrace, rushing towards all directions of the 10000 monster city.

Among them, there are some spies of the Peak force.

Qin Yichen’s elixir is really a little too amazing. Such news, no matter whether it is true or not, must be reported to his family quickly, and let those big shots make decisions!

After all, if this elixir is true, it will certainly be sought after by the 10000 people.

Even if your race does not get the medicine recipe of that elixir, it is absolutely impossible for your hostile race to get it, otherwise, it is a deadly threat!


10000 generic elixir with multiple functions!

The news was almost winged, spreading rapidly in the 10000 monster city.

Even the Peak forces in the Central Region of the 10000 Monster City were shaken.

However, the various reactions to this seem not as shocked as imagined.

In the middle of a 10000 monster city, in a majestic mansion.

A blonde young man sat in it. This young man had a kind of amazing fluctuations faintly spreading out. It was amazing that he even had golden eyes.

At this time, there was a spy kneeling in front of him, talking about the events in the Blood Rock Terrace.

“Stay back, I know.”

After listening to what the spy said, the young blonde Jintong brows tightly knit up, and after a little groaning, lightly saying.

“Elixir universal for the 10000 family? There are 3 more effects?”

“Hmph, isn’t it more exaggerated than the drug people?”

“It must be a conspiracy that’s all of Djinn Race.”

The blonde young man was sneaked, and there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

As the Peak race, they are extremely proud of themselves. Moreover, for the knowledge of the elixir, they have drawn some people from the clan to create a lot of elixir tailored for their race.

He didn’t believe this elixir that spreads the magic.

After all, if there is such a heavenly defying elixir in that many races, what is the cost of hiring the people of the medicine family?

After groaning for a long time, the young blond man waved his hand, and a silhouette flashed from the outside.

“Tomorrow you will go to the medicine market to explore the truth and tell me anything directly.”


In this scene, many resident sites of the 10000 monster city are staged at the same time, countless races are aware of this news, and almost all Peak races and those with profound heritage have not done much on the bright side.

Only those second-class races and some first-class races with poorer backgrounds can’t wait to find out the truth of the news in 2 places.

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