
Chapter 78 A month that disappeared

This red-haired beauty is exactly Gu Yali, whom I had a chance encounter with, the spiritual trainer who appeared in the spiritual training card. Although the Wolf King has used the wish fruit and has greatly improved his strength, he is definitely no match for this red-haired beauty.

But I was too late to stop him.

Facing the wolf king's earth-shattering attack, Gu Yali's delicate and beautiful face, which was like a sculpture, did not waver in the slightest. She pressed down with her hands, opened her slender fingers, and a colorless energy bomb immediately formed in the palm of her hand. She just It was launched very casually, and the Wolf King was inevitably hit.

The Wolf King's tall body, which was more than two meters tall, was completely blown away by the ball of energy. It smashed into the wall behind him in an awkward manner, and the whole body was so badly beaten that it was embedded in the wall.

Although I did the same thing to the Wolf King, how can the walls of the iron barracks be compared with reinforced concrete? Gu Yali's real strength is higher than I estimated. I can also condense such strong energy bombs, but that can only be achieved with the support of Max's amplifying magic spell. With such a little delay, my shot will definitely not be successful. Perhaps it is possible to achieve Gu Yali so quickly, so easily and naturally.

"Damn it, I have used the 1,200-year-old wish fruit, but it has not been used for any purpose. If I had known to use another wish, whether it was to transform into a rainbow dragon or a protector, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of this ferocious one now. woman."

After obtaining the title of Time and Space Orderer, the only ability I gained was to predict danger and trace the origin of danger back to the beginning. Just like when Jack wanted to kill me, I could immediately know from the moment he launched his murderous intention why he killed me and what method he would use, thus seeing through Jack's disguise as Yai Shinfu.

I admit that this ability is very useful, but at this time, I want to turn into a tyrannosaurus and ravage the red-haired witch Gu Yali.

With my mental power activated, I made a backhand move, and the Wolf King's huge body floated flatly into the air, landing safely on the ground without falling into disgrace. Yajing Zhenfu also recognized Gu Yali's identity, so the atmosphere became a little solid for a while. I coughed and said lightly: "Let's go!" and led the way out of the basement.

The Wolf King's body is really strong. Although he was thrown down, he didn't seem to have any serious injuries such as fractures. Although he walked with a limp, he was still very energetic.

"I thought that after so many battles, I could defeat this woman! I didn't expect that I would still lose so miserably."

I was slightly surprised and cursed: "You recognized Gu Yali's identity and you pounced on her. It seems that you can't change your habit of seeking beatings." The Wolf King chuckled and had no reaction to my scolding.

This base is in France. It looks like an ordinary military base. I am not interested in knowing the inside story of this mercenary organization. I quickly took the passport and air ticket that the Demon Sealing Mercenary Group had prepared for me and left here. .

As Julie said, the Demon Sealing Mercenary Group has a lot of female members. Whether it is Gu Yali or the female officer who helped me apply for a passport, they are all very outstanding beauties. It made me a little worried about Li Lisi, a French beauty. .

My purpose was to be in Canada. I didn’t even ask about the purpose of Wolf King and Yai Zhenfu. When I took a plane for dozens of hours and landed on the American continent that I had never been before, the first thing I did was to change my visa. , bought a ticket back to Hong Kong. Forget the title of Alcatraz Warrior, let those extremely cruel guys get it, I'll just treat myself as an ordinary person.

My whereabouts may be traceable from the airport, but I have enough ability to sneak back to Hong Kong. As long as I get on the train home, I believe no one in the world will be able to find me.

One of the functions of the Alcatraz bank card is that as long as you set foot on the land of any country, the cash in the card will automatically be converted into the currency of that country according to the international exchange rate. This function is very considerate, at least for me who does not understand English at all, I don’t have to go I went to the bank to exchange currency, and I really had the world in one card.

Although modern transportation is very convenient, it still took me more than fifty hours to get out of the crowded crowd at the train station of the city where I have lived for more than ten years.

"I'm home, I'm really home!"

Breathing the familiar air, as soon as I jumped up, my mood suddenly became liberated, and I no longer had any worries.

"I don't know what day it is today. How long have I been gone? Mom must be very anxious that I'm missing." I touched my body and found that although I had an Alcatraz bank card in my hand, I didn't have any cash. Even if I ran home, I wouldn't be tired. , but I still looked for the nearest bank.

I was very used to the prices in Alcatraz Island. When I was waiting in line at the window for service, I reported the withdrawal amount of 200,000 yuan. The lady at the bank, seeing my age, kindly reminded me: "My little classmate, your card Will there be so much money in it?"

This reminder came too timely. I suddenly realized that the amount of money in my Alcatraz bank card was absolutely shocking. I hurriedly exchanged it for the one I had won from Moz and whispered: "It's from here." Take it from the above table and the amount is correct."

The Alcatraz bank card is a first-class special card. It has some special functions that ordinary bank cards cannot match. It can freely transfer funds between two different Alcatraz bank cards without going through the banking system, and it also provides ordinary bank cards with the ability to transfer funds freely. When people look at it, it is just an ordinary credit card issued by the bank that draws the money.

If you use Alcatraz bank card and ordinary bank card to transfer money, you will have the convenience of online banking without any equipment support.

After getting my approval, the lady at the bank quickly handled the business for me. I took a thick stack of banknotes and stuffed them into my pocket casually, and strode out of the bank.

"What excuse should I make to explain to my parents and school that I have been missing for so long? Could it be that I am completely disappointed in society and cynical, so I ran away from home to seek spiritual comfort. After being tempered by the cruel reality, I finally realized that I So naive, I realized I had lost my way and returned home dejected..."

This thought made me feel chills and goosebumps all over my body, so I decided to choose that excuse to run away. Anyway, as long as it’s not the worst excuse, it’s fine.

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