
Chapter 528

One billion, although they can come up with this money, they will not be able to make subsequent offerings.

After all, those who leave are in the minority. One billion gold coins, many families or empires can still get it.

"Hauska, what's wrong with you?" Rocky Wesson, the patriarch of the Platinum Family, said with a smile: "You are not worthy of the reputation of the three major families on our Golden Coastline, two billion!"

Rocky Wesson was really impressive, and he doubled Hauska's bid in one go.

"Brother Rocky Wesson is right!" Ilson Kano, the patriarch of the Golden Family, also agreed: "Brother Hauska seems very conservative today, I will pay 2.5 billion!"

Hauska is not a fool. When he saw this situation, he immediately knew that the Platinum Family and the Gold Family should have reached an agreement... Although the three major families on the Gold Coast line advance and retreat together when facing external enemies, as long as there are no outsiders, internal fighting will If so... Hauska's face sank.

As the three major families on the coastline of the Eastern Golden Continent, Hauska knew that if Rocky Wesson and Ilcasino really united, he would have no chance of winning.

The three major families on the golden coastline of the Eastern Golden Continent are indeed one of the best forces on the Golden Continent. But just one person said a word, and the entire hall fell silent immediately.

Even the empire cannot come up with as much as 2.5 billion gold coins at once.

After looking around, I felt it was time, so I tapped Kou Yexue's arm twice.

Kou Yexue looked at me in astonishment, then understood what I meant, but seemed a little hesitant. Although the Kereza family has always been focused on business, there is still a certain gap between the Kereza family and the Tojin family. What's more, she also knows that once the Kereza family participates in the fight, these three major families will immediately form a temporary alliance...

However, Kou Yexue obediently did as I asked: "Kereza family, three billion."

After Kou Yexue made the offer, Hauska's expression changed immediately. Everyone knows about my existence, and they know even more clearly that the Kereza family is no longer the Kereza family before. Especially when I did not reveal my identity at all, but participated in the competition in the name of the Kereza family, I was almost declaring to the entire Golden Continent that the Kereza family belonged to me, Wang Lin!

"Young man, possessing a certain amount of force does not mean possessing huge wealth." Hauska looked at me pitifully and said.

I couldn't help but laugh. Do you really want to compete with me for wealth? Haha, it’s so interesting!

Looking at Hauska with great interest, I said with unabashed arrogance: "Wealth? Haha, this is really interesting. Then, I think it's better for you to see the wealth of the Kereza family now!"

Well, yes, last time I used the power of the God of Fertility to plant mountains of gold, silver, and mountains of gems... At that time, I seemed to have used the Diamond Temple as a reference for planting.

Even for the Gold and Gemstone Church, it took a full fifty-eight years to build the Diamond Temple, and the amount of money spent during this period was staggering. Such financial resources cannot be matched by the three major families that control the golden coastline in the Eastern Golden Continent.

However, I happen to have such wealth.

As long as I want, I can have more. This is the difference between gods and mortals. The Golden and Gemstone Church worked hard for fifty-eight years to build this Diamond Temple, but I just stepped lightly and in ten breaths, everything was there.

However, Kou Yexue didn't know. I just showed it to Princess Aibika. Seeing Kou Yexue trembling while making the quotation, Princess Aibika couldn't help but feel a little unbearable.

"Hey, why are you fighting with her? We are all just playthings..." Princess Aibika had such a clear understanding in her heart: "Yexue, you don't have to worry."

Kou Yexue quickly turned around: "What's wrong?"

Princess Aibika shook my arm coquettishly: "Wang Lin, look at how anxious Sister Ye Xue is!"

To be honest, I didn't really notice this. Kou Yexue thought that I wanted the Kereza family to compete for the right to enshrine the Diamond Temple, so he could only fight against all odds to participate in the competition. How did she know that I was just giving Kou Yexue a little more compensation.

Everything in this world basically has no meaning to me.

At this time, the price had climbed to a terrifying nine billion. After the three major families of the Golden Coast joined forces, they became indescribably powerful.

Kou Yexue had completely collapsed there.

Looking at the relieved looks of the patriarchs of the three major families, and looking at Kou Yexue's pale face because he didn't complete my instructions, I couldn't help but wonder: "Yexue, why don't you continue shouting?"

Kou Yexue's face turned pale: "The combined wealth of the Kereza family..."

Then I suddenly realized: "You didn't tell me earlier!"

Well, it looks a little bit naughty. I took out the space card and showed my trump card in front of everyone: "Priest Mureka, can you help us find a warehouse?"

High Priest Muleka was about to announce the winner of the right to enshrine the Diamond Temple this time, but he might have heard my words and couldn't help but frown.

However, he did not dare to object. As a senior member of the Golden Gem Church, he naturally knew that I led troops to the Quebec Imperial Palace and completely controlled it.

"Mr. Wang Lin, what do you want to do?" Muleka was a little embarrassed: "Now..."

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and activated the space card directly. Suddenly, countless gold, emeralds and gems appeared like flowing water, flowing out from the space card in my hand, and instantly covered the entire main hall. Everyone was covered up to their knees in this crazy amount of gold, jade and precious stones.

With such wealth, the expressions of Hauska and the other three people suddenly changed.

They must be wondering in their minds who I am. However, I had no intention of paying attention to their thoughts: "Yexue, you don't have to worry about money."

Kou Yexue glanced at me gratefully, and then continued to bid, with a clear and loud voice: "Kereza family, 15 billion!"

This little girl is really courageous. Kou Yexue's offer was carefully considered. No one knows how powerful the three major families are, but Kou Yexue can make some judgments through some clues. Although the three major families are strong, it does not mean that they can compete for the right to enshrine the Diamond Temple at any cost.

If the right to worship is obtained, but the family's capital chain is broken, then the family's business empire is not far from being destroyed.

Sure enough, Kou Yexue's offer made the heads of the three major families look extremely ugly.

With a quotation of 15 billion, the Kereza family successfully obtained the right to enshrine the Diamond Temple, which also means that the Kereza family will get another opportunity to take off. If what I brought to the Kereza family was a rise in force, then with the support of the Golden Gem Church, it would be a complete economic turnaround.

This 15 billion, thrown into the Kereza family's business kingdom, may have a great effect, but it will definitely not be as effective as the support of the Golden Gem Church. What the Golden Gemstone Church owns is not only the largest gold and gemstone veins, but also many monopoly industries...

In business, what is the most profitable? Almost all businessmen will tell you - monopoly.

The Kereza family will enter the monopoly industry and will naturally be rich in wealth.

Kou Yexue looked at me, his eyes filled with water.

"Okay, now that it's settled, should we go and have a rest?" I pinched Kou Yexue's cheek frivolously and whispered in her ear.

Kou Yexue didn't say anything, she just held my waist tightly and wouldn't let go.

After the auction, our treatment was immediately different - we were VIPs before, but now we are half-owners. The family that has obtained the right to worship is equivalent to half the owner of the Diamond Temple. In the original construction plan, the territory belongs to the worshipers.

The territory belonging to the Kereza family is a small courtyard. Different from the luxury of the temple, although the material is the same, this small courtyard looks particularly quiet.

Okay, I admit, it’s not the quietness of this damn little courtyard, but the person in my arms.

Guan Ling didn't know what she was thinking, and she glared at me clearly. But Li Lisi whispered something in her ear, and then she followed Li Lili with great energy.

To be honest, I have really ignored Guan Ling since I came to the Golden Continent. No wonder she is a little annoyed. can I be in the mood to care about her? No matter what Guan Ling is doing now or what her master is doing, I know that the battle at my current level is far beyond their ability to participate.

It's not that the gods can't help them, they just don't care.

The passion of a virgin is intoxicating. But I quickly woke up and asked Kou Yexue to leave without grace.

Because, my attention was completely attracted by the mountains and green mountains.

I entered the world of the jug with ease, and the wine was still fragrant. The female warrior of Dionysus could no longer pose a threat to me.

However, what surprised me was that I didn't get the divine rule. Although countless divine powers poured into my body, even the most useless divine rules were not there.

What exactly is going on? I can only stand silently in the void, waiting for the arrival of those two frog legs.

However, it still didn't appear.

I closed my eyes blankly. What's going on here? Could it be that... the supreme gods of the dark pantheon will no longer provide direction for the road below, and we can only explore it on our own?

My face darkened, because I knew that the hardest time had come.

When can I get all the eighteen wine bottles?

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